Libya Goes Islamic And We Helped Pave The Way


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama Akbar......

Thanks to the wisdom of Barrack Hussein Obama we can count another country to be added to the list of fledgling theocracies.

Democrats are worried about the GOP installing a theocratic government here, but Obama is helping install them all over the Middle East.

Pretty soon every country in that region will be an enemy of the U.S. and of Israel.

New Rulers In Libya Installing Sharia Law


The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks.

"This revolution was looked after by God to achieve victory," he told the crowd at the declaration ceremony in the eastern city of Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising against Gadhafi began. He thanked those who fell in the fight against Gadhafi's forces. "This revolution began peacefully to demand the minimum of legitimate rights, but it was met by excessive violence."
Libya's transitional leader declares liberation - Yahoo! News

To you liberals.......we told you so.:eusa_whistle:

You see victory yet we're losing the war on terror and paying for it with U.S. dollars.

You were supposed to wait til the BO Admin hung up the "Mission Accomplished" banner.

Oh well.. Sharia law IS their culture. Probably SHOULD be the backbone of their civil law. It's just the arrogance of Americans to EXPECT that something different would be their choice.

Now the test will be how INDEPENDENT they are from radical Islamic causes like the Brotherhood, or Hamas, or Hezbollah.. I don't care if they stone people rather than use lethal injection.. I DO care if they align with sworn enemies of my country..
All we've done in Libya is create future enemies that will stab us in the back, then sell their Oil to China. What the heck, Obama and his cronies gets to "feel" good for a few days, so it's all worth it.

Meanwhile Karzai from Afghanistan is claiming he'd back Pakistan in a war between Pakistan and the USA....One thing is clear - Obama's foreign policy is a mess.....

His domestic agenda is miserable failure too..... I guess it's time for the Dems to scream RACISM!!!!
What is the primary threat of a totally Islamic Middle East?

Aside from the obvious terrorist threats and the threats toward Israel this opens up the possibility of blackmail in OPEC.

I figure when they get ready to they'll just turn off the spigot and cut off our oil supply.

Then it'll be way to late to Drill Baby Drill.
islam isnt like aids....
Seriously i think you neo-cons have a problem with people having free will to choose.

The mass murderer had free will to commit the crimes.

You might try a different path. Maybe something along the lines.

The stoning s will cease once morale improves.
Same thing is happening in Tunisia. What did we expect, really? Afghanistan, Egypt, soon Syria and Iraq. Al Quaeda and the muslim brotherhood intend to create a huge muslim empire with them at the head. Then they can attack the west with some real firepower, like Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

I can believe obama is this stupid. I can't believe everyone throughout the government is this stupid. Does the left imagine that democracy really believes the same to muslims as it does to us? Really?

As Prince Bandar once said "Give our people democracy and they will vote to behead women in the streets".
islam isnt like aids....
Seriously i think you neo-cons have a problem with people having free will to choose.


What makes you think this was free????

i get it, you want control. its very clear through your posts you need to control things.

What are you babbling about????

I don't want to control anything, crotch-muncher.

I just don't want to pay $10 for a gallon of gas by next Summer.
Be careful what you wish for America. I see way too many Americans jumping for joy over Gaddafi's murder. Our puppets have a long history of misbehaving over time. Our new Libyan puppets might not turn out to be what many Americans think. I'm very pessimistic. Blow-Back is coming.
islam isnt like aids....
Seriously i think you neo-cons have a problem with people having free will to choose.

Did the people choose...or did a few choose for them??

show me a few choose and not the people of the revolution..

What you fail to understand is we set up our system to guard against the immediate passions of men.

In other words the tyranny of the majority.

Maybe it will dawn on you how that applies.
Goes Islamic

? :eusa_eh:

It's been Islamic for a long time. :)

It is not going to go Christian or Jewish :)

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