Libya is not ours

My uncle worked with the resistance in the Warsaw ghetto. Not all Jews just climbed on board cattle cars. The Nazi propaganda was so strong in the early years they believed they would be relocated and they were not put on cattle cars but transported by train in better conditions.
There was a lot of Jewish resistance. Your code and someone being rude to you has nothing to do with what my uncle saw. We have pictures of the shoes, hair, teeth, possessions stacked 2 stories high. Bodies stacked like chord wood: women and childrenand elderly.
No excuses or cry babies. Someone was rude to you?:(
Ignore them and move on. Jewish people have legally accomplished more in America than any other group of people.
Their persecution, stereotyping and mischaracterzation, as evidenced here, lives to this day.

I am not a denier of the Holocaust. I do understand that the NAZIS had a tight grip on what the media was allowed to tell. I also know that when soldiers with rifles break down your front door and drag you and your family away in front of all of your neighbors that they are not taking you to a picnic.

We could go on and on. My experiences with the Jews specifically the one's on our East Coast is all I needed to see. You can insult me all you want. I saw and heard what I saw and heard and if you don't like it ...tough. You not liking my observations does not make them a better people.

Didn't mean to insult you there Huggy but saw many insults you hurl at Jews in your post.
What is it? Can dish it out and not take it?

Naw ...It's not like that. I can take it like water off a ducks back. I'm just enjoying the Jews self implode when confronted with the truth as I see it. They have the whole world feeling sorry for them and I am not having it. THAT drives them crazy. I'm not telling them anything they don't know already. Doncha know it is almost illegal to speak badly of the Jews? :lol: :lol: :lol: Because I am such a coward I guess I just don't know any better. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Go fuck yourself too sweetheart. I've never read any NAZI literature. The NAZIs were punk ass bitches. If ya ask me they were all queers in their stupid militaryleather outfits.

Yes of course I think they did it willingly...because they made a choice on their own front steps to be cowards. I didn't read that somewhere...I know what happened. I've read many accounts by Jews. I just don't see them as victims..I see them as cowards. We all gotta die sometime...let it be standing up for something...not groveling for NOTHING!

You just don't get it do you losers. That is because you can't see yourselves doing anything but what the Jews did..which was NOTHING! I guarantee you that this pilgrim would not have and never will go out that way. The only way the Jews will crawl out of their cockroach nest is to own up to the cowardice of their ancestors. They need to stop blaming the NAZIS and take a hard look at what they did not do but should have.

As far as my experiences on the East Coast ...Jews just have developed ways of relating to themselves and others in ways I find offensive. I have seen them together and they are just as rude among themselves. They are similar to the street blacks in that regard. They don't call their women bitches and Ho's but they have their own style of disrespecting each other. My offense to the way Jews treat other people can be blamed on my up bringing. We were not allowed to be rude to one another EVER. My whole family was like that. Once I said something nasty to my sister in front of my grandfather and his backhand came so swift and hard it lifted me off my feet and I landed across the room on the wall. He didn't even say anything. He turned and walked away. Aside from my physical injury my biggest injury was letting my grandfather down with my rude mouth.

You people wouldn't understand the code I was brought up under. You don't know what it means to respect EVERYONE until they give you reason not to. Then... GIVE THEM NOTHING!

what were you saying about being rude.'re an anti-semitic loon. you can twist, lie, make up stuff, and spin.

the things you say are inexcusable.... not just because you're full of hatred, but because you're a disgusting liar.

Ya I must be a liar..because if I was telling the truth you wouldn't have anything to defend.

Hitler must have thought the Jews were a real good people also...the trains just all got lost on the way to the picnic.

Weren't you the one that claimed that you were once a drug smuggler White boy, doing regular runs across the Mexican border?

I think the liar characterization fits you rather well!
Since you crybabies cannot defend yourselves...let's bring it full circle back on topic and suggest that the Lybian rebels are worth helping unlike the ungrateful assholes I have been talkng about on this thread. ..Ya..the ones whose very existence would be non existence if we had not stepped into a war that was not our fight.

What a partisan hack you are. You scream night and day about Bush's unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet you back a liberals unjust war in Libya!

Lighten up Francis. I couldn't care less one way or the other about Lybia... There is a bit of karmic justice though seeing Gudaffi get his ass kicked after that stunt he pulled with the Pan Am downing over Scotland.
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Go fuck yourself too sweetheart. I've never read any NAZI literature. The NAZIs were punk ass bitches. If ya ask me they were all queers in their stupid militaryleather outfits.

Yes of course I think they did it willingly...because they made a choice on their own front steps to be cowards. I didn't read that somewhere...I know what happened. I've read many accounts by Jews. I just don't see them as victims..I see them as cowards. We all gotta die sometime...let it be standing up for something...not groveling for NOTHING!

You just don't get it do you losers. That is because you can't see yourselves doing anything but what the Jews did..which was NOTHING! I guarantee you that this pilgrim would not have and never will go out that way. The only way the Jews will crawl out of their cockroach nest is to own up to the cowardice of their ancestors. They need to stop blaming the NAZIS and take a hard look at what they did not do but should have.

As far as my experiences on the East Coast ...Jews just have developed ways of relating to themselves and others in ways I find offensive. I have seen them together and they are just as rude among themselves. They are similar to the street blacks in that regard. They don't call their women bitches and Ho's but they have their own style of disrespecting each other. My offense to the way Jews treat other people can be blamed on my up bringing. We were not allowed to be rude to one another EVER. My whole family was like that. Once I said something nasty to my sister in front of my grandfather and his backhand came so swift and hard it lifted me off my feet and I landed across the room on the wall. He didn't even say anything. He turned and walked away. Aside from my physical injury my biggest injury was letting my grandfather down with my rude mouth.

You people wouldn't understand the code I was brought up under. You don't know what it means to respect EVERYONE until they give you reason not to. Then... GIVE THEM NOTHING!

I think wacking it in front of sis deserves a few knocks upside the head.

It could explain your dementia btw.

My offense was that I called my sister "a stupid bitch". She was...but I deserved the slap.

You could use some discipline.

My mom used slap me around for being a smart-ass.

I'd hate to think what using an expletive would have gotten me.
what were you saying about being rude.'re an anti-semitic loon. you can twist, lie, make up stuff, and spin.

the things you say are inexcusable.... not just because you're full of hatred, but because you're a disgusting liar.

Ya I must be a liar..because if I was telling the truth you wouldn't have anything to defend.

Hitler must have thought the Jews were a real good people also...the trains just all got lost on the way to the picnic.

Weren't you the one that claimed that you were once a drug smuggler White boy, doing regular runs across the Mexican border?

I think the liar characterization fits you rather well!

Nope...I was once the White Boy airplane pilot smuggling drugs in from Colombia via the Bahamas and Virginia.

You must be thinking of some other White Boy smuggler.
If you take the name after a product that babies shit in (diapers, for you slow folks), do you really have to question whether or not he is full of shit? :lol:

Personally for my kids I prefer Pampers, but Huggies is fine for others!

Go fuck yourself too sweetheart. I've never read any NAZI literature. The NAZIs were punk ass bitches. If ya ask me they were all queers in their stupid militaryleather outfits.

Yes of course I think they did it willingly...because they made a choice on their own front steps to be cowards. I didn't read that somewhere...I know what happened. I've read many accounts by Jews. I just don't see them as victims..I see them as cowards. We all gotta die sometime...let it be standing up for something...not groveling for NOTHING!

You just don't get it do you losers. That is because you can't see yourselves doing anything but what the Jews did..which was NOTHING! I guarantee you that this pilgrim would not have and never will go out that way. The only way the Jews will crawl out of their cockroach nest is to own up to the cowardice of their ancestors. They need to stop blaming the NAZIS and take a hard look at what they did not do but should have.

As far as my experiences on the East Coast ...Jews just have developed ways of relating to themselves and others in ways I find offensive. I have seen them together and they are just as rude among themselves. They are similar to the street blacks in that regard. They don't call their women bitches and Ho's but they have their own style of disrespecting each other. My offense to the way Jews treat other people can be blamed on my up bringing. We were not allowed to be rude to one another EVER. My whole family was like that. Once I said something nasty to my sister in front of my grandfather and his backhand came so swift and hard it lifted me off my feet and I landed across the room on the wall. He didn't even say anything. He turned and walked away. Aside from my physical injury my biggest injury was letting my grandfather down with my rude mouth.

You people wouldn't understand the code I was brought up under. You don't know what it means to respect EVERYONE until they give you reason not to. Then... GIVE THEM NOTHING!

what were you saying about being rude.'re an anti-semitic loon. you can twist, lie, make up stuff, and spin.

the things you say are inexcusable.... not just because you're full of hatred, but because you're a disgusting liar.
I am not a denier of the Holocaust. I do understand that the NAZIS had a tight grip on what the media was allowed to tell. I also know that when soldiers with rifles break down your front door and drag you and your family away in front of all of your neighbors that they are not taking you to a picnic.

We could go on and on. My experiences with the Jews specifically the one's on our East Coast is all I needed to see. You can insult me all you want. I saw and heard what I saw and heard and if you don't like it ...tough. You not liking my observations does not make them a better people.

Didn't mean to insult you there Huggy but saw many insults you hurl at Jews in your post.
What is it? Can dish it out and not take it?

Naw ...It's not like that. I can take it like water off a ducks back. I'm just enjoying the Jews self implode when confronted with the truth as I see it. They have the whole world feeling sorry for them and I am not having it. THAT drives them crazy. I'm not telling them anything they don't know already. Doncha know it is almost illegal to speak badly of the Jews? :lol: :lol: :lol: Because I am such a coward I guess I just don't know any better. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Them Jews have the right to exist. Some of the people you so willingly support don't seem to think so.
If you take the name after a product that babies shit in (diapers, for you slow folks), do you really have to question whether or not he is full of shit? :lol:

Personally for my kids I prefer Pampers, but Huggies is fine for others!

Go fuck yourself too sweetheart. I've never read any NAZI literature. The NAZIs were punk ass bitches. If ya ask me they were all queers in their stupid militaryleather outfits.

Yes of course I think they did it willingly...because they made a choice on their own front steps to be cowards. I didn't read that somewhere...I know what happened. I've read many accounts by Jews. I just don't see them as victims..I see them as cowards. We all gotta die sometime...let it be standing up for something...not groveling for NOTHING!

You just don't get it do you losers. That is because you can't see yourselves doing anything but what the Jews did..which was NOTHING! I guarantee you that this pilgrim would not have and never will go out that way. The only way the Jews will crawl out of their cockroach nest is to own up to the cowardice of their ancestors. They need to stop blaming the NAZIS and take a hard look at what they did not do but should have.

As far as my experiences on the East Coast ...Jews just have developed ways of relating to themselves and others in ways I find offensive. I have seen them together and they are just as rude among themselves. They are similar to the street blacks in that regard. They don't call their women bitches and Ho's but they have their own style of disrespecting each other. My offense to the way Jews treat other people can be blamed on my up bringing. We were not allowed to be rude to one another EVER. My whole family was like that. Once I said something nasty to my sister in front of my grandfather and his backhand came so swift and hard it lifted me off my feet and I landed across the room on the wall. He didn't even say anything. He turned and walked away. Aside from my physical injury my biggest injury was letting my grandfather down with my rude mouth.

You people wouldn't understand the code I was brought up under. You don't know what it means to respect EVERYONE until they give you reason not to. Then... GIVE THEM NOTHING!

what were you saying about being rude.'re an anti-semitic loon. you can twist, lie, make up stuff, and spin.

the things you say are inexcusable.... not just because you're full of hatred, but because you're a disgusting liar.

That really hurts. :eek:

Take it back...PUUULLLEEEZZ!!!! I beg you...I can't stand it!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ya I must be a liar..because if I was telling the truth you wouldn't have anything to defend.

Hitler must have thought the Jews were a real good people also...the trains just all got lost on the way to the picnic.

Weren't you the one that claimed that you were once a drug smuggler White boy, doing regular runs across the Mexican border?

I think the liar characterization fits you rather well!

Nope...I was once the White Boy airplane pilot smuggling drugs in from Colombia via the Bahamas and Virginia.

You must be thinking of some other White Boy smuggler.

I stand corrected, because that is a much more believable story! :cuckoo: :lol:

Care on with your bad self!

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Didn't mean to insult you there Huggy but saw many insults you hurl at Jews in your post.
What is it? Can dish it out and not take it?

Naw ...It's not like that. I can take it like water off a ducks back. I'm just enjoying the Jews self implode when confronted with the truth as I see it. They have the whole world feeling sorry for them and I am not having it. THAT drives them crazy. I'm not telling them anything they don't know already. Doncha know it is almost illegal to speak badly of the Jews? :lol: :lol: :lol: Because I am such a coward I guess I just don't know any better. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Them Jews have the right to exist. Some of the people you so willingly support don't seem to think so.

I never once said that the Jews don't have the right to exist.....Funny they didn't think of that when the NAZIS were breaking down their doors.

They just want the rest of the world to fight for them and defend their sorry weak asses.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Weren't you the one that claimed that you were once a drug smuggler White boy, doing regular runs across the Mexican border?

I think the liar characterization fits you rather well!

Nope...I was once the White Boy airplane pilot smuggling drugs in from Colombia via the Bahamas and Virginia.

You must be thinking of some other White Boy smuggler.

I stand corrected, because that is a much more believable story! :cuckoo: :lol:

Care on with your bad self!

Damn!!! Caught me in another lie!! Curses!!!! You are right again?...I couldn't have possibly done that because I'm a Jew hatin coward!!! and closet NAZI I might add...

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I am not a denier of the Holocaust. I do understand that the NAZIS had a tight grip on what the media was allowed to tell. I also know that when soldiers with rifles break down your front door and drag you and your family away in front of all of your neighbors that they are not taking you to a picnic.

We could go on and on. My experiences with the Jews specifically the one's on our East Coast is all I needed to see. You can insult me all you want. I saw and heard what I saw and heard and if you don't like it ...tough. You not liking my observations does not make them a better people.

Didn't mean to insult you there Huggy but saw many insults you hurl at Jews in your post.
What is it? Can dish it out and not take it?

Naw ...It's not like that. I can take it like water off a ducks back. I'm just enjoying the Jews self implode when confronted with the truth as I see it. They have the whole world feeling sorry for them and I am not having it. THAT drives them crazy. I'm not telling them anything they don't know already. Doncha know it is almost illegal to speak badly of the Jews? :lol: :lol: :lol: Because I am such a coward I guess I just don't know any better. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Never said you were a coward and I am not Jewish.
Zen Baptist. :lol:
Huggy, I am a private detective by trade for 30 years. I have worked with Israelis many times and with former Mossad officers.
They are not wimps. The Israeli military is the finest in the world. Their intelligence operation is also the finest, makes the CIA look like the Boy Scouts.
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Man,at least with Iraq and Hussein you could argue he did gas his own People and invade other nations in the Region. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but they made more sense than this Libyan War does. This is a Libyan Civil War and Gaddafi has never been hostile to his neighbors in the Region. And there is absolutely no evidence of Genocide either. Seriously,if there was ever a 'War for Oil',this Libyan War is it. It's actually pretty obvious.

Are you suggesting the world should have waited until AFTER he massacred his people as he promised them he would?
Man,at least with Iraq and Hussein you could argue he did gas his own People and invade other nations in the Region. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but they made more sense than this Libyan War does. This is a Libyan Civil War and Gaddafi has never been hostile to his neighbors in the Region. And there is absolutely no evidence of Genocide either. Seriously,if there was ever a 'War for Oil',this Libyan War is it. It's actually pretty obvious.

Are you suggesting the world should have waited until AFTER he massacred his people as he promised them he would?

I don't subscribe to Bomber's Propaganda. It's a Civil War. We had no business interfering and bombing. There are no valid justifications for bombing & killing any Libyans. Unless you consider Oil a valid justification?
Huggy, I am a private detective by trade for 30 years. I have worked with Israelis many times and with former Mossad officers.
They are not wimps. The Israeli military is the finest in the world. Their intelligence operation is also the finest, makes the CIA look like the Boy Scouts.

Look at Israel on the map, they are holding their own in one of the most volatile parts of the world where everyone wants them dead. If the Israelis were wimps, the country would not be on the map right now.
Man,at least with Iraq and Hussein you could argue he did gas his own People and invade other nations in the Region. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but they made more sense than this Libyan War does. This is a Libyan Civil War and Gaddafi has never been hostile to his neighbors in the Region. And there is absolutely no evidence of Genocide either. Seriously,if there was ever a 'War for Oil',this Libyan War is it. It's actually pretty obvious.

Are you suggesting the world should have waited until AFTER he massacred his people as he promised them he would?

How about we finish the other 2 wars we are involved in before we start bombing someone else?:cuckoo:
Man,at least with Iraq and Hussein you could argue he did gas his own People and invade other nations in the Region. I'm not defending the Iraq Wars but they made more sense than this Libyan War does. This is a Libyan Civil War and Gaddafi has never been hostile to his neighbors in the Region. And there is absolutely no evidence of Genocide either. Seriously,if there was ever a 'War for Oil',this Libyan War is it. It's actually pretty obvious.

Are you suggesting the world should have waited until AFTER he massacred his people as he promised them he would?

How about we finish the other 2 wars we are involved in before we start bombing someone else?:cuckoo:

Yea that would be nice. How bout it?
Huggy, I am a private detective by trade for 30 years. I have worked with Israelis many times and with former Mossad officers.
They are not wimps. The Israeli military is the finest in the world. Their intelligence operation is also the finest, makes the CIA look like the Boy Scouts.

I'm sure they have some top notch guys in uniform and in their intelligence. I'm equally sure that our best guys are better than their best guys.

There are so-so's in every organization. I have personally known some CIA..One was one of my dad's best friends....Boy scouts?...Not. A CIA spook is an awesome killing machine. Had some work with DEA..NOW there are some first class punks! :lol: :lol: FBI? Clowns..almost to a man. Well trained ass kissers.

Me? I'm just a goofball that is lucky he is still alive for all the dust I stirred up. :lol: :lol:

I've got a bad habit of telling it like I see it in ANY situation. I wouldn't have done very well in uniform.
Are you suggesting the world should have waited until AFTER he massacred his people as he promised them he would?

How about we finish the other 2 wars we are involved in before we start bombing someone else?:cuckoo:

Yea that would be nice. How bout it?

Let that asswipe Bush come out of retirement and finish HIS two wars. Obama hasn't gotten any Americans killed in this one..I kinda like his style on that count.

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