Lies and lying Liars

White House denies Trump called the justice system 'a joke' and 'a laughingstock' hours after he said it

  • Allan Smith

  • Trump discussed the man accused of speeding a rental truck into a bike lane in New York City on Tuesday and killing eight people.

    Police have identified the driver as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistanwho arrived in the US in 2010. They said on Wednesday that he left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the terrorist group ISIS.

    Trump, who said he would consider sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison, told reporters the US must "come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now."

    "They'll go through court for years," he said. "And at the end, they'll be — who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it's a laughingstock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place."

    Sanders was twice asked about that statement during Wednesday's press briefing. She first said Trump was "voicing his frustration with" the "lengthy process."

    She was pressed later by CNN's Jim Acosta.

    "Why did the president call the US justice system a joke and a laughingstock —" Acosta said before Sanders cut in and said, "That's not what he said."

    "He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock," Sanders said. "He's simply pointing out his frustration with how long that this process takes, how costly this process is — and particularly for someone to be a known terrorist, that process should move faster."

    SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies
so you put up a SLAM TRUMP headline and then in the story, back up nothing that was in said headline.

come on eddie. just *try* to treat the other side as you'd like to be treated. you only post the TRUMP SUCKS shit and like i keep saying, one day trump will likely warrant that type of attention but when you mock every single thing he says, people will just tune you out cause they've heard it all from you already.

try to see situations for what they really are - not only that it "justifies" your hate.

just can't imagine letting ANYONE IN THE WORLD that deep into my head.
It's only a fleeting thing ice It gives me a chance to get my "nasty" out and then treat everyone else well And how can I be mean all the time when I have 20K in AAPL?
ICE since you're in a laughing mood ,,I'm waiting for the open now and soon after will be heading for the beach here in Ft Lauderdale .... I see from my windows it's a beautiful sunny day
ya lost me - what is an "open now"?
White House denies Trump called the justice system 'a joke' and 'a laughingstock' hours after he said it

  • Allan Smith

  • Trump discussed the man accused of speeding a rental truck into a bike lane in New York City on Tuesday and killing eight people.

    Police have identified the driver as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistanwho arrived in the US in 2010. They said on Wednesday that he left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the terrorist group ISIS.

    Trump, who said he would consider sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison, told reporters the US must "come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now."

    "They'll go through court for years," he said. "And at the end, they'll be — who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it's a laughingstock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place."

    Sanders was twice asked about that statement during Wednesday's press briefing. She first said Trump was "voicing his frustration with" the "lengthy process."

    She was pressed later by CNN's Jim Acosta.

    "Why did the president call the US justice system a joke and a laughingstock —" Acosta said before Sanders cut in and said, "That's not what he said."

    "He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock," Sanders said. "He's simply pointing out his frustration with how long that this process takes, how costly this process is — and particularly for someone to be a known terrorist, that process should move faster."

    SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies

You idiots have no moral ground to stand on. You let 0bama slide on his lies for 8 years. Don't whine about lying now hypocrites.
First off Pred Trump has lied more in 10 months than Obama did in 8 years And you were silent about Obama those 8 years?? Really?? So now we should just shut up with this lying degenerate is in our WH ??

Bull shit. 0bama lied all the time for 8 years, Trump has a lot of lying to do to catch up. Maybe he's trying to break 0bama's record, I don't know. The lying degenerate is gone. Trump has replaced him.

BTW, is it the number of lies that you care about? Lies are OK if there is only 8 years worth, is that it? As I stated, you have no moral, or logical ground to stand on, hypocrite.

He already broke Obama's record, 6 months ago. The weirdest part is Trump lies about dumb shit that isn't even important. Then when called on with facts he rither doubles down or says it was the info he was given by someone else that was/is wrong.

A mans man that one is!

Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.
White House denies Trump called the justice system 'a joke' and 'a laughingstock' hours after he said it

  • Allan Smith

  • Trump discussed the man accused of speeding a rental truck into a bike lane in New York City on Tuesday and killing eight people.

    Police have identified the driver as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistanwho arrived in the US in 2010. They said on Wednesday that he left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the terrorist group ISIS.

    Trump, who said he would consider sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison, told reporters the US must "come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now."

    "They'll go through court for years," he said. "And at the end, they'll be — who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it's a laughingstock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place."

    Sanders was twice asked about that statement during Wednesday's press briefing. She first said Trump was "voicing his frustration with" the "lengthy process."

    She was pressed later by CNN's Jim Acosta.

    "Why did the president call the US justice system a joke and a laughingstock —" Acosta said before Sanders cut in and said, "That's not what he said."

    "He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock," Sanders said. "He's simply pointing out his frustration with how long that this process takes, how costly this process is — and particularly for someone to be a known terrorist, that process should move faster."

    SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies

You idiots have no moral ground to stand on. You let 0bama slide on his lies for 8 years. Don't whine about lying now hypocrites.
First off Pred Trump has lied more in 10 months than Obama did in 8 years And you were silent about Obama those 8 years?? Really?? So now we should just shut up with this lying degenerate is in our WH ??

Bull shit. 0bama lied all the time for 8 years, Trump has a lot of lying to do to catch up. Maybe he's trying to break 0bama's record, I don't know. The lying degenerate is gone. Trump has replaced him.

BTW, is it the number of lies that you care about? Lies are OK if there is only 8 years worth, is that it? As I stated, you have no moral, or logical ground to stand on, hypocrite.
Pred there are small lies big lies and damned lies Trump is a DAMNED liar

Not at all true. Trump didn’t lie to the faces of people who lost loved ones because of his bungling. That is a DAMNED LIE.
Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.

No the point is how many. Dustin Hoffman was accused of inappropriate behavior once, Harvey Weinstein of hundreds and hundreds of times.

Same with Obama and Trump. The sheer difference in quantity is the difference.
White House denies Trump called the justice system 'a joke' and 'a laughingstock' hours after he said it

  • Allan Smith

  • Trump discussed the man accused of speeding a rental truck into a bike lane in New York City on Tuesday and killing eight people.

    Police have identified the driver as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistanwho arrived in the US in 2010. They said on Wednesday that he left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the terrorist group ISIS.

    Trump, who said he would consider sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison, told reporters the US must "come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now."

    "They'll go through court for years," he said. "And at the end, they'll be — who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it's a laughingstock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place."

    Sanders was twice asked about that statement during Wednesday's press briefing. She first said Trump was "voicing his frustration with" the "lengthy process."

    She was pressed later by CNN's Jim Acosta.

    "Why did the president call the US justice system a joke and a laughingstock —" Acosta said before Sanders cut in and said, "That's not what he said."

    "He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock," Sanders said. "He's simply pointing out his frustration with how long that this process takes, how costly this process is — and particularly for someone to be a known terrorist, that process should move faster."

    SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies
so you put up a SLAM TRUMP headline and then in the story, back up nothing that was in said headline.

come on eddie. just *try* to treat the other side as you'd like to be treated. you only post the TRUMP SUCKS shit and like i keep saying, one day trump will likely warrant that type of attention but when you mock every single thing he says, people will just tune you out cause they've heard it all from you already.

try to see situations for what they really are - not only that it "justifies" your hate.

just can't imagine letting ANYONE IN THE WORLD that deep into my head.
It's only a fleeting thing ice It gives me a chance to get my "nasty" out and then treat everyone else well And how can I be mean all the time when I have 20K in AAPL?
ICE since you're in a laughing mood ,,I'm waiting for the open now and soon after will be heading for the beach here in Ft Lauderdale .... I see from my windows it's a beautiful sunny day
ya lost me - what is an "open now"?
the stock market opens at 9;30 and as I'm heavily invested in this great Trump market I have to look in from time to time The ocean calling ,,Back later
Not at all true. Trump didn’t lie to the faces of people who lost loved ones because of his bungling. That is a DAMNED LIE.

Yes he did. He said that Mrs. Khan didn't say anything because she as prohibited from speaking.

They were a gold star family who lost a loved one, and Trump lied about them to their faces.

Trump: 'Don't remember much' about Papadopoulos meeting
Source: The Hill

BY JORDAN FABIAN - 11/03/17 09:32 AM EDT

President Trump said Friday he does not “remember much” about a March 2016 meeting with George Papadopoulos, a campaign aide who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contact with Russians.

“I don’t remember much about that meeting, it was an unimportant meeting,” Trump said at the White House. “Took place a long time — don’t remember much about it.”

Papadopoulos’ admission was unsealed this week by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election. The plea agreement contained the clearest evidence yet of a connection with the Kremlin’s election-meddling effort and the Trump campaign.

Trump repeated his assertion his campaign did not collude with Russia to tip the election in his favor. “All I can tell you is this: there was no collusion, there was no nothing,” he told reporters.

Read more: Trump: 'Don't remember much' about Papadopoulos meeting
White House denies Trump called the justice system 'a joke' and 'a laughingstock' hours after he said it

  • Allan Smith

  • Trump discussed the man accused of speeding a rental truck into a bike lane in New York City on Tuesday and killing eight people.

    Police have identified the driver as Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old immigrant from Uzbekistanwho arrived in the US in 2010. They said on Wednesday that he left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the terrorist group ISIS.

    Trump, who said he would consider sending Saipov to the Guantanamo Bay military prison, told reporters the US must "come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now."

    "They'll go through court for years," he said. "And at the end, they'll be — who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. Because what we have right now is a joke, and it's a laughingstock. And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place."

    Sanders was twice asked about that statement during Wednesday's press briefing. She first said Trump was "voicing his frustration with" the "lengthy process."

    She was pressed later by CNN's Jim Acosta.

    "Why did the president call the US justice system a joke and a laughingstock —" Acosta said before Sanders cut in and said, "That's not what he said."

    "He said the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock," Sanders said. "He's simply pointing out his frustration with how long that this process takes, how costly this process is — and particularly for someone to be a known terrorist, that process should move faster."

    SEE ALSO: Trump is reportedly souring on Jared Kushner in the White House as Mueller's Russia probe intensifies

You idiots have no moral ground to stand on. You let 0bama slide on his lies for 8 years. Don't whine about lying now hypocrites.
First off Pred Trump has lied more in 10 months than Obama did in 8 years And you were silent about Obama those 8 years?? Really?? So now we should just shut up with this lying degenerate is in our WH ??

Bull shit. 0bama lied all the time for 8 years, Trump has a lot of lying to do to catch up. Maybe he's trying to break 0bama's record, I don't know. The lying degenerate is gone. Trump has replaced him.

BTW, is it the number of lies that you care about? Lies are OK if there is only 8 years worth, is that it? As I stated, you have no moral, or logical ground to stand on, hypocrite.

He already broke Obama's record, 6 months ago. The weirdest part is Trump lies about dumb shit that isn't even important. Then when called on with facts he rither doubles down or says it was the info he was given by someone else that was/is wrong.

A mans man that one is!

Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.

You are right it is not even close, Rump has blown every proceeding President out of the water combined. And you lie because it is not ok with me. But Rump's lying fine with you, bbbbbut Hillary.
Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.

No the point is how many. Dustin Hoffman was accused of inappropriate behavior once, Harvey Weinstein of hundreds and hundreds of times.

Same with Obama and Trump. The sheer difference in quantity is the difference.

No, MY point, which you responded to, was that you are all hypocrites and have no logical or moral stand to be pissed about Trump's lies when you tolerated 0bama's. How many each had is irrelevant.
Not at all true. Trump didn’t lie to the faces of people who lost loved ones because of his bungling. That is a DAMNED LIE.

Yes he did. He said that Mrs. Khan didn't say anything because she as prohibited from speaking.

They were a gold star family who lost a loved one, and Trump lied about them to their faces.

Wrong, and not even close to the same thing. yet, you thought his lie about Benghazi was fine but Trump's alleged lie to those parents was wrong. As I have been saying, you are a hypocrite.
You idiots have no moral ground to stand on. You let 0bama slide on his lies for 8 years. Don't whine about lying now hypocrites.
First off Pred Trump has lied more in 10 months than Obama did in 8 years And you were silent about Obama those 8 years?? Really?? So now we should just shut up with this lying degenerate is in our WH ??

Bull shit. 0bama lied all the time for 8 years, Trump has a lot of lying to do to catch up. Maybe he's trying to break 0bama's record, I don't know. The lying degenerate is gone. Trump has replaced him.

BTW, is it the number of lies that you care about? Lies are OK if there is only 8 years worth, is that it? As I stated, you have no moral, or logical ground to stand on, hypocrite.

He already broke Obama's record, 6 months ago. The weirdest part is Trump lies about dumb shit that isn't even important. Then when called on with facts he rither doubles down or says it was the info he was given by someone else that was/is wrong.

A mans man that one is!

Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.

You are right it is not even close, Rump has blown every proceeding President out of the water combined. And you lie because it is not ok with me. But Rump's lying fine with you, bbbbbut Hillary.

I guess that explains why you are ok with 0bama's lies, because you are also a liar.
We can just keep battling each other, nothing makes both sides happier, while we fight they just pick over our bones to line there & there owners pockets.
First off Pred Trump has lied more in 10 months than Obama did in 8 years And you were silent about Obama those 8 years?? Really?? So now we should just shut up with this lying degenerate is in our WH ??

Bull shit. 0bama lied all the time for 8 years, Trump has a lot of lying to do to catch up. Maybe he's trying to break 0bama's record, I don't know. The lying degenerate is gone. Trump has replaced him.

BTW, is it the number of lies that you care about? Lies are OK if there is only 8 years worth, is that it? As I stated, you have no moral, or logical ground to stand on, hypocrite.

He already broke Obama's record, 6 months ago. The weirdest part is Trump lies about dumb shit that isn't even important. Then when called on with facts he rither doubles down or says it was the info he was given by someone else that was/is wrong.

A mans man that one is!

Not even close, but the point isn’t how many, the point is that it was ok with you hypocrites then.

You are right it is not even close, Rump has blown every proceeding President out of the water combined. And you lie because it is not ok with me. But Rump's lying fine with you, bbbbbut Hillary.

I guess that explains why you are ok with 0bama's lies, because you are also a liar.

Do you just lie for the sake of your liar and chief or because it is who and what you are?
No, MY point, which you responded to, was that you are all hypocrites and have no logical or moral stand to be pissed about Trump's lies when you tolerated 0bama's. How many each had is irrelevant.

If lies were diarrhea under Obama we suffered a coiuple of times a year. Under Trump we're on the bowl several times a day, every day, every week, every month straight. 1,500 lies in 300 days has to be record even for David Leisure.
You're still trying to pretend Hillary isn't one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history?

The campaign is over. No reason to defend her crappy record or her lies anymore. She isn't going to be president.

Trump has become the Liar in Chief. Surrounding himself with people who catch Trump fever and start lying their asses off. Trump even infected a Marine General to attack a congresswoman claiming things the opposite of what was on the video of the FBI building dedication. So it wasn't he said, she said, it was he said, the VIDEO showed John Kelly lied his ass off.

This is precisely the problem. You don't have a problem with lies or lying or liars. The outrage is completely phoney.

You're just outraged that the other guys are lying.

Crazy idea. Stop defending lying on your side while being outraged over life or perceived lies the other guys make.

Especially when the campaign is over.

The American people had a choice between a liar who spent her life enriching herself seeking out the people and a liar who enriched himself providing services to people and who set forth policies that might actually help people.

Yeah he probably lied about a bit. He is doing more than I expected. But she was a known quantity.

Until you actually are annoyed with lying on both sides od the aisle like I am, I don't want to hear about how awful it is when your opponents lie.

Stop being hypocrites and pull the damn beam from your eye before you start whining about your neighbors mote.

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