Lies and lying Liars

Here’s a vid I think you’ll really like, eddiew37 ....
Why do you all keep obsessing about Hillary? It's not about Hillary or the Clintons anymore. It's about the current president and current administration. Nothing else. It is seen on a daily basis that Trump lies. There isn't any doubt about it.

Its called "Changing the subject"
He didn’t say what you think.

Why do you accept news from the D party? You would never accept it from the Rs.

You have been duped by the D party.
Hillary is a criminal and the above prolific cut and paste poster, voted for her.
He didn’t say what you think.

Why do you accept news from the D party? You would never accept it from the Rs.

You have been duped by the D party.
Jim Acosta @AcostatFmr Trump camp nat sec official JD Gordon confirms Trump listened to Papadopolous Putin meeting pitch at March '16 mtg: "He heard him out."

10:09 PM - Nov 2, 2017
Clearly Trump was referring to trying terrorists as if they were your typical criminal.

Trump is a blowhard but stupid leftists duped by the DNC media, criticize him for stupid things.

Can't fix stupid.
Hillary is a criminal and the above prolific cut and paste poster, voted for her.
Donald Trump is a criminal committing both Financial and sexual crimes and the Trump turd eating asshole I quote above is a stealth blow hard Trump booster
Hillary is a criminal and the above prolific cut and paste poster, voted for her.
Donald Trump is a criminal committing both Financial and sexual crimes and the Trump turd eating asshole I quote above is a stealth blow hard Trump booster
You should really seek mental health...because I fear you are CRAZY.
I am crazy ? LOl you are the one in full throated defense of Donald fucking Trump are mental dude LOL
Trump calls continued House, Senate Russia probes a 'disgrace'
Democrats have been losing for a reason, eddiew37. Just saying.

they certainly could've run better campaigns but between the lies about hillary drummed into rpub heads daily and Russian help she was in big trouble...Meanwhile trump patting his back about markets and he's done nothing

You're still trying to pretend Hillary isn't one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history?

The campaign is over. No reason to defend her crappy record or her lies anymore. She isn't going to be president.

And we are better off for it

She is/was horrible, but we r not better off. We've got Trump, a deranged psychopath, so no we are not better off. Death by gun or death by knife, dead is dead.
I just love how the defense of Trump's lying is "well Hillary lied more" because in the mind of the Trump devotee, that makes his lying all good.
After a terrorist attack by an immigrant ISIS terrorist leaving 8 dead and about 15 injured the crazy left is concerned whether President Trump called the justice system a joke? WTF? Since the FBI dropped the case yet again maybe the president should have referred to the intelligence system as a joke.

Yeah, FBI has been batting a thousand since that anthrax thing. FBI needs an enema in the leadership area. How the fuck hat collagin spined mealy mouth cock sucker Sessions still gets to pretend he runs the FBI is beyond me. The FBI is a laughingstock.
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Hillary is a criminal and the above prolific cut and paste poster, voted for her.
Here suck on this bone for a lil bit and little boy you support Trump yes you do ...own it ...admit it

The Most Corrupt Administration In History?
November 3, 2017
Newsweek: “According to the presidential historian Robert Dallek, no American leader has acted with more unadulterated self-interest as Trump. Dallek says that in terms of outright corruption, Trump is worse than both Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding, presidents who oversaw the most flagrant instances of graft in American political history.”

Said Dallek: “What makes this different is that the president can’t seem to speak the truth about a host of things.”

Trump isn’t just allowing corruption, in Dallek’s view, but encouraging it:
“The fish rots from the head.”
I just love how the defense of Trump's lying is "well Hillary lied more" because in the mind of the Trump devotee, that makes his lying all good.

Na, it's just pointing out a double standard. Trump president till 2020. Deal with it .

It seems there is a double standard on both sides. You ignore Trump's lying and focus on that of Hillary. The other side ignores Hillary's lying and focus on Trump's.

I have "dealt" with Bush II and then Obama and now Trump. Close to two decades of dealing with morons and liars in the White House. It is a national embarrassment this is the best we can do.

It was a national embarrassment we were stuck choosing between two immoral liars and cheats from the major parties this past election.
I just love how the defense of Trump's lying is "well Hillary lied more" because in the mind of the Trump devotee, that makes his lying all good.

Na, it's just pointing out a double standard. Trump president till 2020. Deal with it .

It seems there is a double standard on both sides. You ignore Trump's lying and focus on that of Hillary. The other side ignores Hillary's lying and focus on Trump's.

I have "dealt" with Bush II and then Obama and now Trump. Close to two decades of dealing with morons and liars in the White House. It is a national embarrassment this is the best we can do.

It was a national embarrassment we were stuck choosing between two immoral liars and cheats from the major parties this past election.

Yeah, yeah, you just did it right there, "Yeah Hillary lied, but Trumps lying now". To fuckng stupid, to fucking childish. So what do you do, cry ? Come on then, what to do ? Voters got what they deserve just like with Obama. You will continue to deal with retards in the whitehouse. And you will like it.
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My liar is cool because last year your liars lied to! Guys, this is why politicians are thought so lowly of. They are liars. If Bernie were here you really think we would have free collage ? Vote smarter if you don't like it.
I just love how the defense of Trump's lying is "well Hillary lied more" because in the mind of the Trump devotee, that makes his lying all good.
That's the Republican way ,,they go back into their bad history books and come up with a Dem who lied or who had problems Then they say he or she did it too And that justifies the scum they put in office

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