Life is but a stage and we are just puppets

That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

For the umpteenth time, hell and eternal punishment were not part of the original form of Judaism. Satan was not even invented (yes invented) until around the time of the Babylonian exile. Hell was invented (yes again invented) far later. Christians and especially Christian leaders really jumped on the hell concept as a means to terrify people into behaving the way the Church wanted them to behave. God does not create imperfect beings and then punishes them for their imperfections. That is shit the Church came up with to control the behaviors of society.
And back the the church was the government. But to day it's the hidden social network a hidden government with out a leader amoral society that choose for people and forces their will upon people with out knowing both sides of the story in doing that it is built in lies deception murder rape bearing false witnesses will destroy family and good humans

The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages certainly did all you say and more. Thank God for the Reformation. As long as humans are involved in anything there will an element of corruption, however, it is far from what it used to be.'s a good thing. Use it. Learn it. Live it.

Here, this will help.

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You only have the illusion of free will to prosper be innovative if we did not have the illusion of choice then we would still be in the first heaven the first And the last dimensional reality That reality where the angels reside Eden a place of no pleasure no pain

If we're just puppets, that seems to negate free will and make eternal punishment an outrageous notion, bolstering my feeling that it doesn't make sense for a just God to create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.
you are perfect in GODs sight. But BUT GOD will punish it's self to keep it self in check only the wicked (those who choose bad things to happen to others) should be punished to hold GOD ACCOUNTABLE for the evil it wills.

Why do you think we have an "illusion" of free will?
Do you believe God created us to "suffer" and thus, is a sadist?
Please read all material I've written if you care too
Oh . I forgot - but as an excuse with the complete text now:

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch

uchschiewutzen otrabrei

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch
You only have the illusion of free will to prosper be innovative if we did not have the illusion of choice then we would still be in the first heaven the first And the last dimensional reality That reality where the angels reside Eden a place of no pleasure no pain

If we're just puppets, that seems to negate free will and make eternal punishment an outrageous notion, bolstering my feeling that it doesn't make sense for a just God to create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect.
you are perfect in GODs sight. But BUT GOD will punish it's self to keep it self in check only the wicked (those who choose bad things to happen to others) should be punished to hold GOD ACCOUNTABLE for the evil it wills.

Why do you think we have an "illusion" of free will?
Do you believe God created us to "suffer" and thus, is a sadist?
Please read all material I've written if you care too

Eh.... I read it but guess I'm a little "dim"...:)
Oh . I forgot - but as an excuse with the complete text now:

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch

uchschiewutzen otrabrei

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch

Quatschkopf! Benehm Dich gefälligst!
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

For the umpteenth time, hell and eternal punishment were not part of the original form of Judaism. Satan was not even invented (yes invented) until around the time of the Babylonian exile. Hell was invented (yes again invented) far later. Christians and especially Christian leaders really jumped on the hell concept as a means to terrify people into behaving the way the Church wanted them to behave. God does not create imperfect beings and then punishes them for their imperfections. That is shit the Church came up with to control the behaviors of society.
And back the the church was the government. But to day it's the hidden social network a hidden government with out a leader amoral society that choose for people and forces their will upon people with out knowing both sides of the story in doing that it is built in lies deception murder rape bearing false witnesses will destroy family and good humans

Another question: do you have a gun permit?
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

For the umpteenth time, hell and eternal punishment were not part of the original form of Judaism. Satan was not even invented (yes invented) until around the time of the Babylonian exile. Hell was invented (yes again invented) far later. Christians and especially Christian leaders really jumped on the hell concept as a means to terrify people into behaving the way the Church wanted them to behave. God does not create imperfect beings and then punishes them for their imperfections. That is shit the Church came up with to control the behaviors of society.
So the Church also made up Jesus and His divinity is what you are saying, correct?

What do you think happens to us when we die, I am just curious?
You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.
You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............
forces their will upon people

I have yet to have someone give me an example of a Christian group "forcing their will" on anyone!
Since when did professing your faith = force???

in another thread, he wrote than women force him to beat them up, beat up kids, cheat, yadda yadda so I have no doubt that what he says is true - that some christian "group" forced their will on him.
You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.
forces their will upon people

I have yet to have someone give me an example of a Christian group "forcing their will" on anyone!
Since when did professing your faith = force???

in another thread, he wrote than women force him to beat them up, beat up kids, cheat, yadda yadda so I have no doubt that what he says is true - that some christian "group" forced their will on him.

Well I doubt that are TRUE Christian's............... only self professing........
You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.

He's prefect. In capable of error.
We had a choice, we chose wrong.
We do it all the time.
Until we learn life is not about US, it will continue.
You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.

He's prefect. In capable of error.
We had a choice, we chose wrong.
We do it all the time.
Until we learn life is not about US, it will continue.

An imaginary sky fairy can't be "prefect" [sic] or be "in capable" [sic] of error.

I believe that's nothing less than silly and delusional.

Speak for yourself. Seriously, you're very welcome to think you "chose wrong" but I know I did not.
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That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.

He's prefect. In capable of error.
We had a choice, we chose wrong.
We do it all the time.
Until we learn life is not about US, it will continue.

An imaginary sky fairy can't be "prefect" [sic] or be "in capable" [sic] error.

I believe that's nothing less than silly and delusional.

Speak for yourself. Seriously, you're very welcome to think you "chose wrong" but I know I did not.

I am speaking for myself.
Who else did you think I was speaking for?
Because I think it is true for everyone, people have the choice to reject God and the truth.......
Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.

He's prefect. In capable of error.
We had a choice, we chose wrong.
We do it all the time.
Until we learn life is not about US, it will continue.

An imaginary sky fairy can't be "prefect" [sic] or be "in capable" [sic] error.

I believe that's nothing less than silly and delusional.

Speak for yourself. Seriously, you're very welcome to think you "chose wrong" but I know I did not.

I am speaking for myself.
Who else did you think I was speaking for?
Because I think it is true for everyone, people have the choice to reject God and the truth.......

Oh sorry. I misunderstood. Since you used the word "we" four times and since you preached that "we" do it all the time, I thought you meant "we".
Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............

I don't believe its either Adam's or Eve's fault.

Its god's fault for putting really good food in the garden and then throwing one of his tantrums when they ate it. Pretty typical of god's passive aggressive, celestial dictator thing.

He's prefect. In capable of error.
We had a choice, we chose wrong.
We do it all the time.
Until we learn life is not about US, it will continue.

An imaginary sky fairy can't be "prefect" [sic] or be "in capable" [sic] error.

I believe that's nothing less than silly and delusional.

Speak for yourself. Seriously, you're very welcome to think you "chose wrong" but I know I did not.

I am speaking for myself.
Who else did you think I was speaking for?
Because I think it is true for everyone, people have the choice to reject God and the truth.......

Oh sorry. I misunderstood. Since you used the word "we" four times and since you preached that "we" do it all the time, I thought you meant "we".

We meaning the human race and yes, I believe we all sin and think more highly of ourselves than God.
But, you have a choice to disagree with my "we" statements.
But I'm not speaking for you. There IS a difference.

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