Life is but a stage and we are just puppets

I would argue that the plethora of ideas and ideals that Monkeys have applied to the concept of 'God' through out history is evidence of a Deity who is, at the very least, unconcerned with life and death on planet Earth.

Of course I would also argue that the followers of the real God can be distinguished from the common population not by the location of the pew that they warm up on Sunday mornings, but by how lucky they are in life.

Do you feel 'lucky'? ;)
Oh . I forgot - but as an excuse with the complete text now:

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch

uchschiewutzen otrabrei

quatsch lie rums
lupps dat schwimms
girrrksel esch
durrpssawiedel oma quatsch
iesch rumratsch laffsensel bullbog
schmarrrn texann dogoldu ditsch

Quatschkopf! Benehm Dich gefälligst!

Why should I go on my own my free will in your concentration while I prefer to live in dadaistic freedom? "Benehm" is by the way the wrong german expression - although everyone is able to understand it. In this case it is "Benimm" because it is an order to do so. But if you prefer to hear some important words - listen to this girl:

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Of course I would also argue that the followers of the real God can be distinguished from the common population not by the location of the pew that they warm up on Sunday morninings, but in how lucky they are in life

I'm not sure if this is what you were getting at here - I agree that you can distinguish a "real" Christian - - and it has nothing to do with whether or not they go to Church etc. HOWEVER, "real" Christians ARE lucky in that they are saved, but, lucky in "secular life"? Not necessarily.

The apostles were beaten, thrown in jail etc., and many Christian's today die for their beliefs (not in the US, not YET anyway) - so no, you can't distinguish a Christian by how lucky they are in life......
I didn't say anything about distinguishing Christians from the common population - I wondered out loud if the people who are in tune with, for lack of a better word, 'God' are noteworthy because of their luck.

Take me for example...

Ass-u-me-ing God is, and, ass-u-me-ing He put all His eggs in to the basket of an ancient Arab named Abe, with my knowledge of the ancient stories starring that Middle Eastern family, and my public disdain of their collective modern theologies, there's a very special place waiting for me in Hell, and I know it.

Yet here I sit, one of the luckiest little bastards to have lived a Monkey life. Ass-u-me-ing God is, I think God likes me in spite of my dissent for organized religion based on the stories of Abraham. For All I know, God may like me because of my dissent for organized religion.

That doesn't mean that there aren't any lucky Christians, I personally know many... It also doesn't mean that luck cannot be found among Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Mormons, Wiccans, Pagans, etc. It means that, assuming God is, organized religion is just more examples of irrelevant Monkey social clubs.
I didn't say anything about distinguishing Christians from the common population - I wondered out loud if the people who are in tune with, for lack of a better word, 'God' are noteworthy because of their luck.

Take me for example...

Ass-u-me-ing God is, and, ass-u-me-ing He put all His eggs in to the basket of an ancient Arab named Abe, with my knowledge of the ancient stories starring that Middle Eastern family, and my public disdain of their collective modern theologies, there's a very special place waiting for me in Hell, and I know it.

Yet here I sit, one of the luckiest little bastards to have lived a Monkey life. Ass-u-me-ing God is, I think God likes me in spite of my dissent for organized religion based on the stories of Abraham. For All I know, God may like me because of my dissent for organized religion.

That doesn't mean that there aren't any lucky Christians, I personally know many... It also doesn't mean that luck cannot be found among Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Mormons, Wiccans, Pagans, etc. It means that even assuming God is, organized religion is just more examples of irrelevant Monkey social clubs.

There are many happy non-Christian's
God doesn't promise a happy life.
A happy life doesn't mean God is happy with you.
In fact, people that are satisfied with Earthly pleasures are people that will not likely turn to God, because they feel "fulfilled" and the only thing unanswered is this.....

What happens after I die?

Most people who reject God (or, if you rather, the notion of God) - assume we live and we die.
OR - if they want to believe they will live forever, that there is "something" but not the way it is being taught in society. Some idealistic image of God we have for ourselves (relativity).....

I used to be agnostic/atheist - I believed we just lived then died. End of story.

I didn't turn to God because I was afraid of death or Hell.

I did it because I was led to - it was a heart change -- something you can tell someone about, but, unless they are totally in an open-heart and open-mind state, it will sound like nonsense.
I can appreciate that. My past contains a similar experience. My intellect and I walked away from Jesus after 15 years or so. For a while I was quite atheist... vehemently anti-God. That attitude has recently given way to a hope in the possibility of God.

I still think that the ancient Arab stories of the family of Abraham are dramatized history at best and bullshit theologically..... My hope is for humanity to bury The God of Abraham with Abraham and to celebrate The God of (insert your name here).
I still think that the ancient Arab stories of the family of Abraham are dramatized history at best...

I just want to touch on that specific point. You are probably right, but we have to take care to recognize that it's very difficult to establish something like that historically. Frankly, it's difficult to establish much of anything historically in such a way that is concrete and indisputable except for the most general things. We have to rely on degrees of probability and the more specific the topic, the less the degree of probability.

Abraham is probably a myth, but we have to remember that for decades most scholars thought King David was a legend as well because there was no physical evidence of his existence. Suddenly we find the Tel Dan Stele and well.....the jury is still out, but there is certainly a lot more historical credibility regarding his existence.

The point is that I am not sure that establishing certain things as historical is possible or even relevant. What is important is the concepts they represent.
History is what it is. Stories. Credibility and believably are separate subjects.

Deep is the responsibility that each Monkey has to decide in the privacy of their own mind the plausibility of any given story.

History is what it is. Stories. Credibility and believably are separate subjects.

Deep is the responsibility that each Monkey has to decide in the privacy of their own mind the plausibility of any given story.

History are not stories. That's only a medium of history. History are facts. Nevertheless stories like the stories from Wolfram von Eschenbach (1160/80-1220) are very fascinating. Not so the stories of George W. Bush for example. One problem of history is it that the most people don't understand what they don't understand. The people in former times were not less intelligent than we are today. That's why it's difficult to be sure about the motivations - specially if the people today think might and money were the only motivations in history.

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That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

For the umpteenth time, hell and eternal punishment were not part of the original form of Judaism. Satan was not even invented (yes invented) until around the time of the Babylonian exile. Hell was invented (yes again invented) far later. Christians and especially Christian leaders really jumped on the hell concept as a means to terrify people into behaving the way the Church wanted them to behave. God does not create imperfect beings and then punishes them for their imperfections. That is shit the Church came up with to control the behaviors of society.
And back the the church was the government. But to day it's the hidden social network a hidden government with out a leader amoral society that choose for people and forces their will upon people with out knowing both sides of the story in doing that it is built in lies deception murder rape bearing false witnesses will destroy family and good humans

The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages certainly did all you say and more. Thank God for the Reformation. As long as humans are involved in anything there will an element of corruption, however, it is far from what it used to be.'s a good thing. Use it. Learn it. Live it.

Here, this will help.

Why Moses didn't why should I
OH that's why puts a whole different meaning to to things
Instead of I am just that
It's I am that thing IT pronoun for everything. The universe.


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... I used to be agnostic/atheist - I believed we just lived then died. End of story. ...

What you say here is atheism - not agnosticism. Agnosticism is not a belief - agnosticism shows only that atheism is a belief too.

You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............
You can look at this in many ways different realities.
A. GOD tricked Lilith/Eve into thinking she had a choice (the first an only sin) and that she would not die but become like GOD.
B. Adam willed Eve to eat of the fruit just to see if she would die thinking that GOD would give him another since Eve was the second after all.
C. The snake was Adam's cock and he was asking for a bj.
D. E. F. And so on an on
Point is that the tree of knowledge is GOD, and one thing that we can not do is choose we only have the illusion of choice to progress and procreate to multiply more Angels souls and multiple realities, multiverses, worlds, hevens dimensions(only five of those) other wise we would still be Stuck in the first and last dimension being slaves with out pain or pleasure.
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time; written WORD.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth Edon first of the physical multi dimensional hevens (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.


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You were born into this world and you need to be born again of the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh and has a sin nature. What is born of the Spirit is spirit and gives you the power to overcome the sin nature and walk in the Spirit. If you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You must be born again to do this. You cannot do it on your own! No one can!
Jesus came and died on the cross at Calvary shedding His Blood for you and I so that we could - by believing on Him - on His death and that God raised Him on the 3rd day - and receiving Him as LORD -confessing with our mouths and believing in our hearts Jesus Christ is LORD we shall be saved. Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
Salvation is a free gift. Christ came to earth to redeem us - not to condemn us. We can receive a full pardon for our sins and receive Him as our LORD and Savior and walk as He did in the power of His resurrection - we can receive His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - being baptized not only by water but by His Holy Spirit and be endued with Power to live this life. That is the choice God offers us. We have the freedom to choose life in Christ or death apart from Him. It is our choice.
That doesn't answer the question of why God would create imperfect beings and then punish them eternally for being imperfect. I don't believe we're puppets, but then I also don't believe we can be held responsible eternally for things essentially out of our control.

Its Adam's fault for listening to the magic talking snake and eating that apple - or something like that.

But yes, that's exactly what god does.

Actually it's Adam's fault for listening to Eve (or rather, not standing up to her and being a man).....
Some things never change............
You can look at this in many ways different realities.
A. GOD tricked Lilith/Eve into thinking she had a choice (the first an only sin) and that she would not die but become like GOD.
B. Adam willed Eve to eat of the fruit just to see if she would die thinking that GOD would give him another since Eve was the second after all.
C. The snake was Adam's cock and he was asking for a bj.
D. E. F. And so on an on
Point is that the tree of knowledge is GOD, and one thing that we can not do is choose we only have the illusion of choice to progress and procreate to multiply more Angels souls and multiple realities, multiverses, worlds, hevens dimensions(only five of those) other wise we would still be Stuck in the first and last dimension being slaves with out pain or pleasure.
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time; written WORD.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth Edon first of the physical multi dimensional hevens (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.

So, you think we are like puppets here for someone else's (God's?) amusement in THIS life?
... I used to be agnostic/atheist - I believed we just lived then died. End of story. ...

What you say here is atheism - not agnosticism. Agnosticism is not a belief - agnosticism shows only that atheism is a belief too.

I was both. I wasn't sure what I believed, they, I believed you just were born and died and man made up God to keep people "in line" and/or so people didn't freak out.....
... I used to be agnostic/atheist - I believed we just lived then died. End of story. ...

What you say here is atheism - not agnosticism. Agnosticism is not a belief - agnosticism shows only that atheism is a belief too.

I was both. I wasn't sure what I believed, they, I believed you just were born and died and man made up God to keep people "in line" and/or so people didn't freak out.....

What you say here is sarcastic nonsense - not agnosticism.

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You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
Knows anyone in the english speaking world what he is speaking about? I am for example agnostic and a catholic. I know very well what science says about the creation of the world and I believe god created the heavens and the worlds. I don't have any idea why the english speaking world propagates a state religion atheism and uses physics and darwinism as kinds of new religions.

PS. I changed the text after Bonzi created the statement "informative". Was not my intention to do so.
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History are not stories. That's only a medium of history. History are facts. Nevertheless stories like the stories from Wolfram von Eschenbach (1160/80-1220) are very fascinating. Not so the stories of George W. Bush for example. One problem of history is it that the most people don't understand what they don't understand. The people in former times were not less intelligent than we are today. That's why it's difficult to be sure about the motivations - specially if the people today think might and money were the only motivations in history.

I have to disagree with your first sentence... History is the collective stories from our past, both the accurate and the melodramatic.

This is why ISIS destroying historic artifacts in the ME is such a tragedy - it's not the things which intrigue us... it's the story of past Monkey life that are told.

As I said, deep is the responsibility that each Monkey has to decide in the privacy of their own mind the plausibility of any given story.

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