Life is but a stage and we are just puppets

You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
What would be an example of proof to you?
A clear and commanding voice coming from a burning bush that is not consumed by the fire would work for me.

As long as it was reported on FOX and CNN :thup:
History are not stories. That's only a medium of history. History are facts. Nevertheless stories like the stories from Wolfram von Eschenbach (1160/80-1220) are very fascinating. Not so the stories of George W. Bush for example. One problem of history is it that the most people don't understand what they don't understand. The people in former times were not less intelligent than we are today. That's why it's difficult to be sure about the motivations - specially if the people today think might and money were the only motivations in history.

I have to disagree with your first sentence...

A chain of causes leaded to your existance. This causes are facts and not ideas. You are the answer on everything what had happened before you. And now you have to decide the way of the future.

History is the collective stories from our past, both the accurate and the melodramatic.

The stories my father told me about history were mostly funny - sometimes with a little tragedy.

This is why ISIS destroying historic artifacts in the ME is such a tragedy - it's not the things which intrigue us... it's the story of past Monkey life that are told.

The only thing the terrororganisation "islamic state" loves is hate - so they hate god, hate his rules, hate history, hate life itselve. And this hate will destroy everyone who comes in contact with them including themselve. This organisation is by the way also an effect of the wrong politics of George W. Bush. The helplessness against the strange USA and the defense against the USA made them mighty. It's a very modern movement of people who like to redefine what Islam is. In Syria for example this warriots destroyed a monastery from the year 400 AD. Since Muslims existed never someone destroyed this monastery although lots of conquerers came and left this area of the world. I don't know what to do with the members of this organisation but what they are doing is an ultramodern revolution. Their cruelness has maybe something to do with the modern ego-shooters and things like to be teached to use a killer instinct in economics. They are children of our pseudodarwinistic time. If we take a look at them then we see our time and not history.

As I said, deep is the responsibility that each Monkey has to decide in the privacy of their own mind the plausibility of any given story.

If you had a machine gun and the warriots of the IS came and would be an armed threat for you and your family then you would start to shoot and never end until the last of this warriots is dead, isn't it? Whatever someone of them would try to say to you would be uninteresting for you.

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!
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A clear and commanding voice coming from a burning bush that is not consumed by the fire would work for me.

As long as it was reported on FOX and CNN :thup:

Could be good for you to go some miles barefoot on holy ground.

You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
What would be an example of proof to you?
Something real and tangible. Like a press conference on the White House lawn where such a god would prove himself to everyone with whatever a god would need to show to convince everyone. Oh yeah, one more thing, this god would have to confirm that the bible is crap, and that Mormons aren't its fault. :D
You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
What would be an example of proof to you?
Something real and tangible. Like a press conference on the White House lawn where such a god would prove himself to everyone with whatever a god would need to show to convince everyone. Oh yeah, one more thing, this god would have to confirm that the bible is crap, and that Mormons aren't its fault. :D
Is the world is the world not proof enough is the existence of life and you know it not proof enough that God not him but IT pronoun for describing things everything is God you can look at my other forms call me crazy delusional whatever you want to but him as a God cannot be God because God knows every thing it is knowledge of everything so as long as you believe in him you were worshipping the first creation you're believing in the first creation to MorningStar I being as a God is not God but a deity great one deity deity of thought It thought of God we think to God to figure out the answers to solve the mysteries of life

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You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
What would be an example of proof to you?
Something real and tangible. Like a press conference on the White House lawn where such a god would prove himself to everyone with whatever a god would need to show to convince everyone. Oh yeah, one more thing, this god would have to confirm that the bible is crap, and that Mormons aren't its fault. :D
In the Bible isn't crap and it's history it's so morality book it's a prophecy book it's a guidebook. But there are many religions out there with many books.
So mine is the simplest religion I believe in God the thought my doctrine. Doing to others as you would have them do unto you with your family and your friends do the right thing. Right the wrongs that you've done by atoning to the person who you've done them to. Tithe to the poor feed the hungry give homes to the homeless care for the children they're in pain starving. If we could do this you can fix the world

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You may be right by this definition....

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings

So, I may not have ever been agnostic, because, I'm not sure I ever thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to know....

Even as a Christian, I believe there are things about God IMPOSSIBLE to know.......... maybe I'm a Christian Agnostic? LOL! :)
I'm agnostic and I define it as there is no proof yet either way for or against the possibility of a god. An atheist would think that it's impossible to know anything about god (because he denies that one could exist). If someone proves to me for real the existence of a god, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.
What would be an example of proof to you?
Something real and tangible. Like a press conference on the White House lawn where such a god would prove himself to everyone with whatever a god would need to show to convince everyone. Oh yeah, one more thing, this god would have to confirm that the bible is crap, and that Mormons aren't its fault. :D
I know Mormons aren't the Bible's fault their gods con made that religion for a reason

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