Life is precious and doctors do not have all the answers


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Every time I hear someone is ready to give up hope or says something is hopeless I just cannot believe them. I then recall how I was told by experts that if my young son (under two, this was 36 years ago) did by chance lived he would be a total vegetable unable to think or feed himself or anything. With God all things are possible and humankind, science or whatever does not always have the anwers. True love overcomes all things. This video I came across today is an example of that.

It is so true. The doctors work miracles and are such a blessing in so many ways, but at the end of the day, they simply do not know what the destiny of any of us is intended to be, and things simply don't always go as they they expect.

I once accompanied a pastor to a hospital bedside where the patient's vital signs were so feeble that the family had been called to advise that for all practical purposes she was gone and there was nothing the doctors could do. Her last conscious request however, was to be baptized as she had never been. So even though she was unconscious and never expected to awake, the pastor of a denomination who baptizes only by immersion did the 'sprinkling' thing and baptized her according to her request and all life support was discontinued. Because the doctors advised that she would not awaken and it could be some time before her heart stopped beating, the family urged the pastor to go on home. He would be needed in the morning to comfort the family still to arrive and help with the planning for the funeral, etc.

He arrived at the hospital early the next morning to find the patient sitting up in bed sipping broth and asking for something more substantial. That lady lived another 18 years.

They don't always know.

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