Life long democrat & feminist tells democrats to pull their heads out of their rears

As long as the dems are in power they will continue on with what they are currently doing. They ain't stopping for s**t.....The only way to stop them is to wrest their power away from them at the polls.

That takes participation and that means leaving the pushcart of stolen election narratives on the side of the road and getting busy.....I get it, I was all down in the mouth about the cheating too till my state was up for grabs and then I just pushed those thoughts aside, rolled-up my sleeves, and pitched in....Non-participants don't win, it's really as simple as that.

Is it easy, heck no, here in Virginia had it not been for the education "gift" that Fast Terry handed Youngkin, and along with the fact that Youngkin had the good sense to run with it (contrary to the RPV norm) I think Youngkin would have lost by five points or better.....Remember, he did not win a single NOtVA county, he just narrowed the margin of loss enough for a win when combined with the huge turnout in the deep red counties.....It took a total effort.
The hardcore Left remains bound and determined to leverage PC and Identity Politics to render themselves as annoying as possible to as many voters as possible.

Great job. Great timing. Sheesh.
As long as the dems are in power they will continue on with what they are currently doing. They ain't stopping for s**t.....The only way to stop them is to wrest their power away from them at the polls.

That takes participation and that means leaving the pushcart of stolen election narratives on the side of the road and getting busy.....I get it, I was all down in the mouth about the cheating too till my state was up for grabs and then I just pushed those thoughts aside, rolled-up my sleeves, and pitched in....Non-participants don't win, it's really as simple as that.

Is it easy, heck no, here in Virginia had it not been for the education "gift" that Fast Terry handed Youngkin, and along with the fact that Youngkin had the good sense to run with it (contrary to the RPV norm) I think Youngkin would have lost by five points or better.....Remember, he did not win a single NOtVA county, he just narrowed the margin of loss enough for a win when combined with the huge turnout in the deep red counties.....It took a total effort.
Several Democrats honestly believe that the reason they were drubbed in recent elections was because they hadn't been able to pass most of the agenda they were pushing. They seem to have no clue that the voters thought they were going too far in the first place. So, they believe that what they have to do is make sure they pass the far left socialist programs they were pushing. And, the funny part is, they also honestly believe that their BBB will decrease inflation. What a joke.

I hope her prediction of women fleeing the corrupt & immoral democrat party proves to be accurate

She's part of this group

WoLF was founded by Lierre Keith, who currently serves as its chair.[10] As of 2020, WoLF had around 1,000 members across the United States.[11]

The Women's Liberation Front's activism finds its source in second-wave feminist tendencies, such as those of Mary Daly and Janice Raymond, which consider transgender identities invalid and say that women are defined by biology rather than gender identity.[4] While considered a fringe group by the feminist mainstream,[4] who suggest the group conceals an essentially discriminatory right-wing ideology under the guise of feminism,[4] the organization has found influence through collaboration with conservative groups on shared legislative views.[4][12]
She's part of this group

WoLF was founded by Lierre Keith, who currently serves as its chair.[10] As of 2020, WoLF had around 1,000 members across the United States.[11]

The Women's Liberation Front's activism finds its source in second-wave feminist tendencies, such as those of Mary Daly and Janice Raymond, which consider transgender identities invalid and say that women are defined by biology rather than gender identity.[4] While considered a fringe group by the feminist mainstream,[4] who suggest the group conceals an essentially discriminatory right-wing ideology under the guise of feminism,[4] the organization has found influence through collaboration with conservative groups on shared legislative views.[4][12]
Am I supposed to care? Her message in the op is spot on. Ignore it at your own peril
To go where? To a party that wants to control their body? I dont see that happening, dumbass.
Young males will see them get molested and maimed and killed slowly as they deserve. And that will happen in a poorer economy.
Am I supposed to care? Her message in the op is spot on. Ignore it at your own peril
You ONLY care because she's attacking Dems.

She's a nobody who has made a career out of partnering with "conservatives" and attacking Dems.
The hardcore Left remains bound and determined to leverage PC and Identity Politics to render themselves as annoying as possible to as many voters as possible.

Great job. Great timing. Sheesh.

Nonetheless, lemmings like you will still support them. Sheesh.

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