Life long democrat & feminist tells democrats to pull their heads out of their rears

Nonetheless, lemmings like you will still support them. Sheesh.
And yet, I'm more than happy to point out disagreements I have with them on virtually every issue.

Unlike rubes like you and your obedient fealty to the Orange Buffoon.

Wanna challenge me on that, Trumpster? Wanna list out a few issues?

And yet, I'm more than happy to point out disagreements I have with them on virtually every issue.

Unlike rubes like you and your obedient fealty to the Orange Buffoon.

Wanna challenge me on that, Trumpster? Wanna list out a few issues?


I'd rather stay on topic outta respect for the OP instead of wandering into a TDS wasteland of your own imagination.
Thats just your idea of plausible deniability

Because you vote for them anyway
Yeah, that must be it. No one just honestly says what they're thinking.

You sheep are a hoot. You automatically assume everyone is like you.
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This beyond abject panic for the Dems. They are looking at more than 40 years of wandering in the political desert and have no idea how to fix it other than "win back working class".

Right. Good luck with that. They inculcated their people with what amounts to religious beliefs and now want to call it all back. Uh huh
Several Democrats honestly believe that the reason they were drubbed in recent elections was because they hadn't been able to pass most of the agenda they were pushing. They seem to have no clue that the voters thought they were going too far in the first place. So, they believe that what they have to do is make sure they pass the far left socialist programs they were pushing. And, the funny part is, they also honestly believe that their BBB will decrease inflation. What a joke.

Nah, they just have to find a new way to cheat.... and the next time the GOP loses an golly...that means they would have found it!

I love that the GOP has lost every popular vote since 1990 for President (except 2004) but somehow the DNC is the one with a messaging problem. Wow.

That being said, the DNC is tone-deaf in more ways than one when it comes to joe lunchbucket. Two things come to mind.

I was listening to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me a few years back. For those of you who don't know, it is a game show on NPR where they have listeners call in and play games. One of the games is called "bluff the listener" where their 3 panelists tell a story from this week's news...but only one of the three stories is true. If the listener picks the right story, they get a prize. Well, the set up for this game was interesting vacation offerings (I promise I'm getting to the point) for those on a budget. The host is not playing the game. He's making a statement. On this segment, he sets up the game by stating the following--paraphrasing--"As most of us know, $4,000 isn't going to go very far on a vacation...." and the 3 panelists each told a story of someone offering a unique vacation for $4K. I don't know about you guys but for $4K...I can have a fucking incredible vacation. Maybe I'm just a savvy traveler...

At about the same time, another show I listened to--a news podcast--has these commentators. The host can bring up topics that they discuss for 10-15 minutes and at the end they each get about 3 minutes to talk about whatever they want. The host brought up the fire at Notre Dame and these three commentators (I think you could call them all left or center-left safely) sat around and whined about losing this cathedral for a good 15 minutes citing the "many times" they were over there. Again, I don't know about you guys but Notre Dame catching fire didn't make me sad. I wish it hadn't burned of course but did this really shake the timbers of someone's life so much that it warranted this sort of attention? I would imagine many just kind of rolled their eyes at this caterwauling. What's next...are they going to interrupt regular programing to announce that Zabar's is closing their upper west side location? The horror...the horror.

I'm sure there are many others that are out there--examples of left wing tone deafness but these stick out, to me, as very good examples because it isn't really a matter of a liberal saying to a conservative... "Can you believe _____________"? to where the conservative is thinking....duh. But this was liberals talking to other liberals--it's not secret that one usually seeks the entertainment that aligns with their values-- and saying "Can you believe ______________" and myself and I think a lot of other wage earning lefties who were listening are thinking..."What in the hell are you talking about?" and "Get over it" respectively.

As for losing Virginia...Macullife isn't exactly an uber popular guy so I'm not too devastated by this loss. The midterms are usually a blood bath for whomever holds the Oval and 2022 will be no different. If Biden is a one-term can probably start writing the first draft of the current makeup of the DNC's eulogy. Clinton's triangulation strategies are clearly gone in favor of gender confusion and a political machine that looks like it's herding cats.

Sorry for the tangent. LOL
Yeah, that must be it. No one just honestly says what they're thinking.
My comment is about the democrats you vote for

After you put them in office getting snippy about their policy is just words that are meaningless
The hardcore Left remains bound and determined to leverage PC and Identity Politics to render themselves as annoying as possible to as many voters as possible.

Great job. Great timing. Sheesh.
my sentiment exactly.
To go where? To a party that wants to control their body? I dont see that happening, dumbass.
Many women are not doing a good job of controlling their own bodies. The fact is raising a child is a responsibility. You get children from sex. And abortions come from that. Abortions are like going to a candy store at a million of them a year.
And yet, I'm more than happy to point out disagreements I have with them on virtually every issue.
What B. Kidd is pointing out is that you put the dems and their wacko sexual policy in power

Having done that, politely mumbling that you dont agree with their actions impresses no one
One data point proves nothing. Especially when thousands of women see misogyny daily.

And men see the reverse from women as well. Piss off a woman all she has to do is make an accusation and the man is toast without even the need for proof.

Get a divorce? You're fucked as the woman will rake you over the coals and take all your shit. Even if you don't have kids with her there is a good chance you'll be giving her money for a long time.

The hard, dangerous, disgusting, high stress jobs? Almost entirely all men. Women don't do that shit.

The assumption is almost always "the man did it" anytime there is an issue between men and women it's almost always assumed the man did it, automatically.

It's expected even on dates they do all the work and pay for it and in general women do all the receiving. Valentine's day, sweetest day, mother's day, plus the regular holidays, only day men get is father's day and even that no one really cares. We're supposed to hold the doors and cater to them. A woman can hit a man but a man can't hit a woman. Etc.

Our society is much more unfair towards men in the men vs woman arena than the other way around.
And men see the reverse from women as well. Piss off a woman all she has to do is make an accusation and the man is toast without even the need for proof.

Get a divorce? You're fucked as the woman will rake you over the coals and take all your shit. Even if you don't have kids with her there is a good chance you'll be giving her money for a long time.

The hard, dangerous, disgusting, high stress jobs? Almost entirely all men. Women don't do that shit.

The assumption is almost always "the man did it" anytime there is an issue between men and women it's almost always assumed the man did it, automatically.

It's expected even on dates they do all the work and pay for it and in general women do all the receiving. Valentine's day, sweetest day, mother's day, plus the regular holidays, only day men get is father's day and even that no one really cares. We're supposed to hold the doors and cater to them. A woman can hit a man but a man can't hit a woman. Etc.

Our society is much more unfair towards men in the men vs woman arena than the other way around.
Seems you are both misogynistic and someone who you've married or dated are smart enough to see through you.
There are a whole lot of people that are concerned about a lot more than just that one issue.
Agreed. 99% of people dont care about this gender stuff and will not take it into consideration when voting. Only you culture warriors seemingly give a shit about it.
Please, you Democrats. Don't pay any attention to the post above. Keep your heads up your asses, by all means, ok? :04:

Shhhh. No! You Lefties keep listening to your guru, Nancy! You know you wanna be a transsexual! Do it!

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