Lifelong Conservative and writer Mona Charen booed and heckled at CPAC, escorted out by Security

Far-right French nationalist to speak at CPAC

CPAC Speaker Lambasts GOP 'Hypocrites' Over Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

Going Rogue at CPAC: Mona Charen Slams Sexist Hypocrisy and Racism at CPAC; Calls invitation of Le Pen a 'Disgrace'

The moderator had just asked which immoral excess of modern feminism makes her blood boil. And Charen went rogue.

“This is the party that endorsed the Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama, even though he was a credibly-accused child molester,” she said. “You cannot claim that you stand for women and be all right with that.”

At this statement, two young men thunderously applauded, while many more booed and shouted, “Not true! Not true!”

“Speaking of bad guys,” she said, “there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Why was she here?”
“She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is that she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.” Here, a smattering of applause swelled to battle the boos, and Charen strained to talk over them. “The fact is she stands for him. The fact that CPAC invited her was a disgrace.”




A conservative at CPAC called out a pedophile and child molester and got booed.

Then she had the nerve and the sheer gall to ask why a Nazi was invited there to speak and the right wingers became dangerous.

She had to be escorted out by a group of security for her safety.

Remember when Republicans complained they weren't allowed to promote racism and Nazism at Colleges and Universities? Now look at them. One of their own. Her entire life a conservative and they turned on her so she needed protection just to leave.
Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.”
and that makes her one?

My grandfather was a farmer.

Does that make me one?

and haven't you been spanked enough over calling Moore a pedophile?
Moore is a pedophile.
If you molest children, then you are a pedophile.

Maybe you just don't know what a pedophile is. Do you think it's like a religion or something?

Were you with Moore when the alleged molesting took place? Has Moore Been charged or convicted?

It looks like you don’t understand the innocent until proven guilty concept.

Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in elections. Also worth noting that several of the accusers told someone else after it happened. You are going to tell me that they knew Moore would run for the Senate decades later. Even many of his supporters admitted he did it.

I hope that you gave Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.

Bill Clinton committed perjury, I never cared that he had an affair. I long ago thought when asked Bill should have said it is no of your business instead of lying.

And rdean is claiming he is guilty, he mentioned nothing about the election and neither did I. He claims Moore is a pedophile, so please spare me you BS.
Mona Charen was 100% right. What we saw was a hatefast. Hatred of anyone you can think of. It was a convention of narrow minded looney tunes. Le Penn is a racist and was backed by Putin in the French elections. Her opponent had e-mails hacked and released publicly. Sound familiar?

The fact that Charen had to be escorted by security says a lot about Trump supporters. Ted Cruz's wife had to be escorted off the floor of the Republican Convention for fear of her safety.
Far-right French nationalist to speak at CPAC

CPAC Speaker Lambasts GOP 'Hypocrites' Over Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

Going Rogue at CPAC: Mona Charen Slams Sexist Hypocrisy and Racism at CPAC; Calls invitation of Le Pen a 'Disgrace'

The moderator had just asked which immoral excess of modern feminism makes her blood boil. And Charen went rogue.

“This is the party that endorsed the Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama, even though he was a credibly-accused child molester,” she said. “You cannot claim that you stand for women and be all right with that.”

At this statement, two young men thunderously applauded, while many more booed and shouted, “Not true! Not true!”

“Speaking of bad guys,” she said, “there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Why was she here?”
“She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is that she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.” Here, a smattering of applause swelled to battle the boos, and Charen strained to talk over them. “The fact is she stands for him. The fact that CPAC invited her was a disgrace.”




A conservative at CPAC called out a pedophile and child molester and got booed.

Then she had the nerve and the sheer gall to ask why a Nazi was invited there to speak and the right wingers became dangerous.

She had to be escorted out by a group of security for her safety.

Remember when Republicans complained they weren't allowed to promote racism and Nazism at Colleges and Universities? Now look at them. One of their own. Her entire life a conservative and they turned on her so she needed protection just to leave.
Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.”
and that makes her one?

My grandfather was a farmer.

Does that make me one?

and haven't you been spanked enough over calling Moore a pedophile?
Moore is a pedophile.
If you molest children, then you are a pedophile.

Maybe you just don't know what a pedophile is. Do you think it's like a religion or something?

Were you with Moore when the alleged molesting took place? Has Moore Been charged or convicted?

It looks like you don’t understand the innocent until proven guilty concept.

Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in elections. Also worth noting that several of the accusers told someone else after it happened. You are going to tell me that they knew Moore would run for the Senate decades later. Even many of his supporters admitted he did it.

I hope that you gave Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.

Bill Clinton committed perjury, I never cared that he had an affair. I long ago thought when asked Bill should have said it is no of your business instead of lying.

And rdean is claiming he is guilty, he mentioned nothing about the election and neither did I. He claims Moore is a pedophile, so please spare me you BS.

You are the BS artist. He has every right to say he was guilty. That is what you perverts were arguing about during the election. I believe that Clinton, Trump and Moore are guilty.
and that makes her one?

My grandfather was a farmer.

Does that make me one?

and haven't you been spanked enough over calling Moore a pedophile?
Moore is a pedophile.
If you molest children, then you are a pedophile.

Maybe you just don't know what a pedophile is. Do you think it's like a religion or something?

Were you with Moore when the alleged molesting took place? Has Moore Been charged or convicted?

It looks like you don’t understand the innocent until proven guilty concept.

Innocent until proven guilty does not apply in elections. Also worth noting that several of the accusers told someone else after it happened. You are going to tell me that they knew Moore would run for the Senate decades later. Even many of his supporters admitted he did it.

I hope that you gave Bill Clinton the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.

Bill Clinton committed perjury, I never cared that he had an affair. I long ago thought when asked Bill should have said it is no of your business instead of lying.

And rdean is claiming he is guilty, he mentioned nothing about the election and neither did I. He claims Moore is a pedophile, so please spare me you BS.

You are the BS artist. He has every right to say he was guilty. That is what you perverts were arguing about during the election. I believe that Clinton, Trump and Moore are guilty.

Yeah, just make up shit that seems to be your idea. He wasn’t proven guilty and sure he can lie and say he was guilty and I can call him on his BS. That is what I did and then you come along and pile on election BS which we weren’t even talking about. So, who the hell cares that you can’t follow a simple conversation. It’s nothing new.
Who the hell is Mona Charen?

Relatively speaking, she's a sane conservative. No wonder you've never heard of her.


"Sane Conservative"?

Sane because her views fall more in line with yours?

People don't need to agree with you in order to be sane.

Her conservative credentials seem pretty solid...not in the least liberal.
See, that's the thing. I never said she was. But for a leftist like Carbine to refer to any conservative as quote a "Sane conservative", it can only lead one to surmise that this woman has views that Carbine, one of the more staunch liberals on this board, deems acceptable.

But nevermind the rest of conservatism, the rest of them are "insane." I find that to be a highly bigoted attitude.
It is what it is, Derpy. I consider you and your beliefs as anti American and quite possibly Communistic in nature. At the very least you're a clueless clown spewing what you've been instructed to spew from left loon sites
We just have a different set of values.

I feel that we should feed poor children, you believe they are on their own.

I believe in women's rights. You believe in fetus first.

I believe children should be nurtured. You believe they are good for target practice.

We have a different opinion on many different things.

Look at Nazi's. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.

You believe you are a fine person.
. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.
How about Antifa?

are there 'really fine' people in Antifa?

ANIFTA is a bunch of "anti Nazi" morons acting all Fascist
See, you proved my point. Only your kind thinks that being anti Nazi means you are a moron.

Why haven't you answered my question, dean?

are there good folks in Antifa?
Are anti Fascists "good folks"?

Hmm, they could be. If they are anti fascist.

What we do know for sure is that all Nazi's are bad people.

Who the hell is Mona Charen?

A CNN commentator pretending to not be one of the old style neo-liberals. Their day is she now knows.
Yea, a CNN commentator that writes books like:

Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First

Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of Us)

Gawd, these white wingers are such know nothing idiots. Seriously. They don't know anything and can't even recognize their own kind.
"Lifelong Conservative"

Like Jake Fakey, the Bush Family or David Brooks?

I love how bed wetters get to insist who the conservatives are, and who the "extremists" are.

Who are the extremist bed wetters? Stalin?
No, Stalin is a middle-of-the-road moderate in the world of snowflakes.
Gawd, these white wingers are such know nothing idiots. Seriously. They don't know anything and can't even recognize their own kind.

Woo-hoo! She has been promoted from “lifelong conservative” to “right winger”!
Tell me what to do Mona Charen!
Who the hell is Mona Charen?

Relatively speaking, she's a sane conservative. No wonder you've never heard of her.


"Sane Conservative"?

Sane because her views fall more in line with yours?

People don't need to agree with you in order to be sane.

Her conservative credentials seem pretty solid...not in the least liberal.
See, that's the thing. I never said she was. But for a leftist like Carbine to refer to any conservative as quote a "Sane conservative", it can only lead one to surmise that this woman has views that Carbine, one of the more staunch liberals on this board, deems acceptable.

But nevermind the rest of conservatism, the rest of them are "insane." I find that to be a highly bigoted attitude.

I used the word 'relatively' for a reason.
We just have a different set of values.

I feel that we should feed poor children, you believe they are on their own.

I believe in women's rights. You believe in fetus first.

I believe children should be nurtured. You believe they are good for target practice.

We have a different opinion on many different things.

Look at Nazi's. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.

You believe you are a fine person.
. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.
How about Antifa?

are there 'really fine' people in Antifa?

ANIFTA is a bunch of "anti Nazi" morons acting all Fascist
See, you proved my point. Only your kind thinks that being anti Nazi means you are a moron.

Why haven't you answered my question, dean?

are there good folks in Antifa?
Are anti Fascists "good folks"?

Hmm, they could be. If they are anti fascist.

What we do know for sure is that all Nazi's are bad people.

Sorry bud...

But there were more than Nazis on one side, and antifa on the other at that gathering.

and there were good people on both sides.

But keep sticking your foot in your mouth.
Far-right French nationalist to speak at CPAC

CPAC Speaker Lambasts GOP 'Hypocrites' Over Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

Going Rogue at CPAC: Mona Charen Slams Sexist Hypocrisy and Racism at CPAC; Calls invitation of Le Pen a 'Disgrace'

The moderator had just asked which immoral excess of modern feminism makes her blood boil. And Charen went rogue.

“This is the party that endorsed the Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama, even though he was a credibly-accused child molester,” she said. “You cannot claim that you stand for women and be all right with that.”

At this statement, two young men thunderously applauded, while many more booed and shouted, “Not true! Not true!”

“Speaking of bad guys,” she said, “there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Why was she here?”
“She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is that she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.” Here, a smattering of applause swelled to battle the boos, and Charen strained to talk over them. “The fact is she stands for him. The fact that CPAC invited her was a disgrace.”




A conservative at CPAC called out a pedophile and child molester and got booed.

Then she had the nerve and the sheer gall to ask why a Nazi was invited there to speak and the right wingers became dangerous.

She had to be escorted out by a group of security for her safety.

Remember when Republicans complained they weren't allowed to promote racism and Nazism at Colleges and Universities? Now look at them. One of their own. Her entire life a conservative and they turned on her so she needed protection just to leave.
Mona Charon is not a conservative, she is a neocon. That means she puts Israel's interests over America's interests. She's just the sort of twisted elitist Republicans should boot out of the party.

Her attack on Le Pen is completely unhinged. Since when are people condemned because of the views of their grandfathers? Le Pen's grandfather wasn't a Nazi or racist by the way.
Far-right French nationalist to speak at CPAC

CPAC Speaker Lambasts GOP 'Hypocrites' Over Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

Going Rogue at CPAC: Mona Charen Slams Sexist Hypocrisy and Racism at CPAC; Calls invitation of Le Pen a 'Disgrace'

The moderator had just asked which immoral excess of modern feminism makes her blood boil. And Charen went rogue.

“This is the party that endorsed the Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama, even though he was a credibly-accused child molester,” she said. “You cannot claim that you stand for women and be all right with that.”

At this statement, two young men thunderously applauded, while many more booed and shouted, “Not true! Not true!”

“Speaking of bad guys,” she said, “there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Why was she here?”
“She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is that she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.” Here, a smattering of applause swelled to battle the boos, and Charen strained to talk over them. “The fact is she stands for him. The fact that CPAC invited her was a disgrace.”




A conservative at CPAC called out a pedophile and child molester and got booed.

Then she had the nerve and the sheer gall to ask why a Nazi was invited there to speak and the right wingers became dangerous.

She had to be escorted out by a group of security for her safety.

Remember when Republicans complained they weren't allowed to promote racism and Nazism at Colleges and Universities? Now look at them. One of their own. Her entire life a conservative and they turned on her so she needed protection just to leave.
Mona Charon is not a conservative, she is a neocon. That means she puts Israel's interests over America's interests. She's just the sort of twisted elitist Republicans should boot out of the party.

Her attack on Le Pen is completely unhinged. Since when are people condemned because of the views of their grandfathers? Le Pen's grandfather wasn't a Nazi or racist by the way.

It's not like Trump is dumping the Zionists.

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