Lifelong Conservative and writer Mona Charen booed and heckled at CPAC, escorted out by Security

Far-right French nationalist to speak at CPAC

CPAC Speaker Lambasts GOP 'Hypocrites' Over Trump Sexual Harassment Allegations

Going Rogue at CPAC: Mona Charen Slams Sexist Hypocrisy and Racism at CPAC; Calls invitation of Le Pen a 'Disgrace'

The moderator had just asked which immoral excess of modern feminism makes her blood boil. And Charen went rogue.

“This is the party that endorsed the Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama, even though he was a credibly-accused child molester,” she said. “You cannot claim that you stand for women and be all right with that.”

At this statement, two young men thunderously applauded, while many more booed and shouted, “Not true! Not true!”

“Speaking of bad guys,” she said, “there was quite an interesting person who was on this stage the other day. Her name is Marion Le Pen. Why was she here?”
“She’s a young, no-longer-in-office politician from France. I think the only reason she was here is that she’s named Le Pen. And the Le Pen name is a disgrace. Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.” Here, a smattering of applause swelled to battle the boos, and Charen strained to talk over them. “The fact is she stands for him. The fact that CPAC invited her was a disgrace.”




A conservative at CPAC called out a pedophile and child molester and got booed.

Then she had the nerve and the sheer gall to ask why a Nazi was invited there to speak and the right wingers became dangerous.

She had to be escorted out by a group of security for her safety.

Remember when Republicans complained they weren't allowed to promote racism and Nazism at Colleges and Universities? Now look at them. One of their own. Her entire life a conservative and they turned on her so she needed protection just to leave.
Her grandfather is a racist and a Nazi.”
and that makes her one?

My grandfather was a farmer.

Does that make me one?

and haven't you been spanked enough over calling Moore a pedophile?
Moore is a pedophile.
If you molest children, then you are a pedophile.

Maybe you just don't know what a pedophile is. Do you think it's like a religion or something?

He has never been accused of molesting children

A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent children.

Which, again, no one has claimed for moore
Who? Seriously who is this person?
She's a throwback from the 80's. Showed up on the McLaughlin Group a few times. She hasn't been relevant in years. Probably looking to resurrect her career that ended a long time ago.
Who the hell is Mona Charen?
Mona Charen - Wikipedia

Don't worry, she's one of your kind. Read the link.

Nah she doesn't interest me in the least.
If you aren't interested in learning something,
It's a wonder you bothered to comment.

To point out conservatives don't care.

Don't you worry about what I comment on, Derp. It's absolutely none of your business
It's rare that I actually interact with someone not interested in learning. So naturally I'm fascinated meeting someone who chose to be ignorant.

You would be fascinated with yourself. Get over yourself and learn something
Charen's conservative views aren't at issue and she didn't mention them. This was all about the me too flu. She was complaining that the convention wasn't all about women and their decades old and resurrected pain. For that she was rightly booed. Then she grandstanded by asking for security.

Poor her, just a little woman unable to defend herself.
Who the hell is Mona Charen?

Relatively speaking, she's a sane conservative. No wonder you've never heard of her.


"Sane Conservative"?

Sane because her views fall more in line with yours?

People don't need to agree with you in order to be sane.

Sane because she can get the insane to boo her for not being sufficiently sympathetic to Nazism.

Nazism? WTF??
To point out conservatives don't care.

Don't you worry about what I comment on, Derp. It's absolutely none of your business
It's rare that I actually interact with someone not interested in learning. So naturally I'm fascinated meeting someone who chose to be ignorant.

Derp, you're sort of the forum clown. There is nothing you'll ever teach me, mainly because I do indeed consider you a clown.

There lies your problem
Ah, mon cher, therein lies the agreement. I suggested you are someone not interested in learning and you said, "There is nothing you'll ever teach me". We seem to be in complete agreement.

It is what it is, Derpy. I consider you and your beliefs as anti American and quite possibly Communistic in nature. At the very least you're a clueless clown spewing what you've been instructed to spew from left loon sites
We just have a different set of values.

I feel that we should feed poor children, you believe they are on their own.

I believe in women's rights. You believe in fetus first.

I believe children should be nurtured. You believe they are good for target practice.

We have a different opinion on many different things.

Look at Nazi's. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.

You believe you are a fine person.

And you believing in lying as evidence by posts like this and we have a brain and see through nonsense
It's rare that I actually interact with someone not interested in learning. So naturally I'm fascinated meeting someone who chose to be ignorant.

Derp, you're sort of the forum clown. There is nothing you'll ever teach me, mainly because I do indeed consider you a clown.

There lies your problem
Ah, mon cher, therein lies the agreement. I suggested you are someone not interested in learning and you said, "There is nothing you'll ever teach me". We seem to be in complete agreement.

It is what it is, Derpy. I consider you and your beliefs as anti American and quite possibly Communistic in nature. At the very least you're a clueless clown spewing what you've been instructed to spew from left loon sites
We just have a different set of values.

I feel that we should feed poor children, you believe they are on their own.

I believe in women's rights. You believe in fetus first.

I believe children should be nurtured. You believe they are good for target practice.

We have a different opinion on many different things.

Look at Nazi's. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.

You believe you are a fine person.

I believe children are good for target practice?

You're one stupid son of bitch, Derp You're such a beta male

Not sure he is a male of any kind. Though I definitely wouldn’t insult women by associating him with them. More like neutered gender
Mona is a true conservative.

The fact she was escorted out by armed security demonstrates CPAC is no longer a conservative group.
Who? Seriously who is this person?
Imo, one of the most annoying neocons on the planet. But, her gripe with the pussy grabber doesn't have anything to do with his policy of letting Israel build whatever it wants wherever it wants.
Derp, you're sort of the forum clown. There is nothing you'll ever teach me, mainly because I do indeed consider you a clown.

There lies your problem
Ah, mon cher, therein lies the agreement. I suggested you are someone not interested in learning and you said, "There is nothing you'll ever teach me". We seem to be in complete agreement.

It is what it is, Derpy. I consider you and your beliefs as anti American and quite possibly Communistic in nature. At the very least you're a clueless clown spewing what you've been instructed to spew from left loon sites
We just have a different set of values.

I feel that we should feed poor children, you believe they are on their own.

I believe in women's rights. You believe in fetus first.

I believe children should be nurtured. You believe they are good for target practice.

We have a different opinion on many different things.

Look at Nazi's. I believe that no Nazi alive is a "really, fine" people.

You believe you are a fine person.

Another full of shit post from the lefty liar. I know when you are lying, it is everytime you post.

Then you talk values? You have no values, not one, you are again lying.
Hilarious. Typical right winger that thinks feeding poor children, nurturing children, helping disabled children and sick children shows a lack of values.

You can't argue with these people. Their values come from the wolves they were raised by.

Except you don’t do any of this. You just demand others do it
Charen's conservative views aren't at issue and she didn't mention them. This was all about the me too flu. She was complaining that the convention wasn't all about women and their decades old and resurrected pain. For that she was rightly booed. Then she grandstanded by asking for security.

Poor her, just a little woman unable to defend herself.
Partially true. She was asking how the gop can support a man who has bragged about grabbing women by their genetalia, and has been accused of harassing over 15 women, not to mention Moore and his predilection for teenage girls.
The fact that Charen had to be escorted by security says a lot about Trump supporters. Ted Cruz's wife had to be escorted off the floor of the Republican Convention for fear of her safety.

Then maybe hey should have been home, in front of the washing machine, where they belong.
Who the hell is Mona Charen?

Relatively speaking, she's a sane conservative. No wonder you've never heard of her.


"Sane Conservative"?

Sane because her views fall more in line with yours?

People don't need to agree with you in order to be sane.

Sane because she can get the insane to boo her for not being sufficiently sympathetic to Nazism.
Wow, so the deep end wasn't enough for you? You have to take a fucking dive down to the Marianas Trench.

Sympathetic to Nazism? Just who are you including in that broad statement?
Who? Seriously who is this person?
Imo, one of the most annoying neocons on the planet. But, her gripe with the pussy grabber doesn't have anything to do with his policy of letting Israel build whatever it wants wherever it wants.

Evidently CPAC wasn't interested in her feminist fantasy. She did not need to be escorted out. No one was threatening her. It wasn't a collection of liberals. She was grandstanding. She was making herself into a victim. Like MOST women making themselves a victim it was in her head. A fever dream suffered by the me too flu.
Who? Seriously who is this person?
Imo, one of the most annoying neocons on the planet. But, her gripe with the pussy grabber doesn't have anything to do with his policy of letting Israel build whatever it wants wherever it wants.

Evidently CPAC wasn't interested in her feminist fantasy. She did not need to be escorted out. No one was threatening her. It wasn't a collection of liberals. She was grandstanding. She was making herself into a victim. Like MOST women making themselves a victim it was in her head. A fever dream suffered by the me too flu.
The gop has a fever dream, that I agree with. But yeah, she went there intending to deliver an inconvenient message.
I guess Mona Charen missed all the revelations that indicated that the women who were accusing Moore of the most serious misconduct were lying through their teeth.

Mona Charen has taken selective shots at a number of fine conservatives. A while ago she came out in favor of legalizing pot.
Who the hell is Mona Charen?

Relatively speaking, she's a sane conservative. No wonder you've never heard of her.

She can't be too important. If you've heard of her I doubt she's a true conservative given you're as close to a communist as there is on this forum.
Exclusive Mona Charen image uncovered...

I guess Mona Charen missed all the revelations that indicated that the women who were accusing Moore of the most serious misconduct were lying through their teeth.

Mona Charen has taken selective shots at a number of fine conservatives. A while ago she came out in favor of legalizing pot.

There you go. That makes her a REAL conservative, the founder of the conservative movement, William Buckley, was a staunch advocate for eliminating drug laws, especially those concerning pot.
I guess Mona Charen missed all the revelations that indicated that the women who were accusing Moore of the most serious misconduct were lying through their teeth.

Mona Charen has taken selective shots at a number of fine conservatives. A while ago she came out in favor of legalizing pot.
Your comment reveals your alt right philosophy.

Mona is true conservative; you are not.

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