Like It Or Not....Obama Is Partly Reponsible For Parkland Shooting


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The left uses gun violence as a club to beat over our heads periodically, but they refuse to directly address the problem in a workable manner. Now it is clear that if not for an Obama policy which ignores the law, the attack most likely never would have happened in the first place.

"The Promise Program was created on a firm foundation of ongoing compromise on the law, since a series of misdemeanors committed by students were, per official policy, not to be reported. The implementation of that policy, agreed to by Runcie, the members of the School Board, the Broward sheriff, police chiefs, the state attorney, and other elected and appointed officials, required the ongoing commission of various crimes by those bureaucrats and others who collaborated to perpetuate the lawless policy, such as but not limited to culpable negligence, breach of duty, suppression of evidence, official misconduct, and being an accessory after the fact to crimes committed by minors.

The semi-official pretext for implementing and perpetuating the Promise Program was to give students who fell into trouble with the law a second chance. But the fact is that chances given were so many per perpetrator per school year that a clear message was being sent that crime pays, that you can make your own rules, that respect for rule of law is optional or irrelevant, that adults do not keep the oath of office, and that hypocrisy is a way of life.

The message was clearly sent and clearly received by one and all, resulting in a breakdown in classroom order, teachers losing control, and having no real disciplinary recourse, since administrators refused to discipline unruly students. Teachers were assaulted, battered, or threatened, and fear began to rule their school days. School security was certainly compromised. Not even violent misdemeanors were being reported."

Obama people were in place when the Parkland shooting took place. It was set up either intentionally or thru incompetence, but it served its purpose.....

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Some of you don't think that these people are capable of setting up the murder of school children to prove a point.....but trust me, they are.

Now they're staging attacks and giving them wall to wall coverage to encourage copy-cat attacks.
It's not that Obama puzzles me, it's the millions of IDIOTS that put him in the office that do.
The day after the shooting in Parkland, Gun stocks went through the roof. Gunmakers like Winchester, Smith & Wesson, Sturm Ruger & Co, and others had their stocks up. Investors were having a field day buying gun stocks.

Goes to show you that every time Obama opened up his big mouth about gun violence, gun stocks would soar rapidly.

Gun investors love Obama

3 words....Fast and Furious....a scheme to allow Mexican nationals to buy guns in American gun stores so they will use those guns in Mexico....then Obama and Holder could point to the carnage and try and change American minds on private gun sales and gun stores in our nation....Obama was all about chipping away at the 1st and 2nd amendment until the people called for opening up the constitution so he could make it a document libs could live with....scary evil shit...
When school officials do not abide by a program I choose to point the finger at those that willfully choose to circumvent the program rather than the program itself.
Obama people were in place when the Parkland shooting took place. It was set up either intentionally or thru incompetence, but it served its purpose.....
If the left blames Trump for the mass shootings that took place while he is in office, they must logically also blame Obama for the mass shootings that took place while he was in office.
Key word being "logically".
The left uses gun violence as a club to beat over our heads periodically, but they refuse to directly address the problem in a workable manner. Now it is clear that if not for an Obama policy which ignores the law, the attack most likely never would have happened in the first place.

"The Promise Program was created on a firm foundation of ongoing compromise on the law, since a series of misdemeanors committed by students were, per official policy, not to be reported. The implementation of that policy, agreed to by Runcie, the members of the School Board, the Broward sheriff, police chiefs, the state attorney, and other elected and appointed officials, required the ongoing commission of various crimes by those bureaucrats and others who collaborated to perpetuate the lawless policy, such as but not limited to culpable negligence, breach of duty, suppression of evidence, official misconduct, and being an accessory after the fact to crimes committed by minors.

The semi-official pretext for implementing and perpetuating the Promise Program was to give students who fell into trouble with the law a second chance. But the fact is that chances given were so many per perpetrator per school year that a clear message was being sent that crime pays, that you can make your own rules, that respect for rule of law is optional or irrelevant, that adults do not keep the oath of office, and that hypocrisy is a way of life.

The message was clearly sent and clearly received by one and all, resulting in a breakdown in classroom order, teachers losing control, and having no real disciplinary recourse, since administrators refused to discipline unruly students. Teachers were assaulted, battered, or threatened, and fear began to rule their school days. School security was certainly compromised. Not even violent misdemeanors were being reported."

Obama people were in place when the Parkland shooting took place. It was set up either intentionally or thru incompetence, but it served its purpose.....


The Lefties here could not argue against this

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