Likely Presidential (P/VP) Tickets?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. Trump/Rubio?

2. Cruz/Fiorina?

3. Bush/Carson?

4. Clinton/Clinton?

Any others?


Does not matter they are all the same and all interchangeable..

No one else really has my interest. Maybe Rand Paul I suppose.


No one else really has my interest. Maybe Rand Paul I suppose.

I like Rand. He seemed pretty inconsistent for a while but he seems to have quit that bullshit.

I liked him more when he was verbally slapping bed wetter "journalists". The libturds pissed and moaned he was being mean to women so he toned it down, I think he should have ramped it up a notch and kept his name in the headlines.

Any GOP Candidate/Kasich. Why? Because the GOP is going to carry Florida easily this time for political reasons, so if Kasich is the VP nominee and they carry Ohio because of it; throw dirt on the Democrats burial site-)

I don't like him, but since the VP is useless, if he gives one of our outsiders the Whitehouse, I am for it!

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