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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

His promise of amnesty has caused an increase in crossing and deaths.

Deaths During Illegal Border Crossings Increase

Medical Examiners Sort Through Remains For Identification
Elizabeth Erwin
Reporter, KPHO.com
POSTED: 4:55 pm MST June 30, 2010
UPDATED: 11:12 am MST July 1, 2010

PIMA COUNTY, Ariz. -- Lockers inside the Pima County Medical Examiner's building are full of the personal belongings of those who died trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
Deaths During Illegal Border Crossings Increase - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix

Got any evidence to support that you old fraud?

The only thing the article said:

The number of those dying, he said, is growing every year. "So far this year we're up to about 94 people for the county here since Jan. 1," said Parks. He said the total number from last year was 160.​

The article only says there is an increase in deaths (over an unspecified number of years) and says nothing about an increase in "crossings".

The Obama administration has only just started tackling the immigration hot-potato, so any talk about possible "amnesty" is quite recent.

Look at his history and he promised it during his campaign. duh?

POLL: AMNESTY WILL INCREASE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Oct 19, 2009 ... After the last amnesty bill in 1986, the United States did indeed see a flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border. ...

30 million more since 1986

Red herrings.

The article says nothing about an increase in illegal immigration numbers - only deaths.

Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation.
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i'm not going to blame Obama for someone choosing to violate our borders and causing their own deaths

With his promise of amnesty, crossings has increased and deaths have increased with crossings. He is partially to blame. If he had not been elected, we may have someone who would enforce our immigration laws and they would not come here.
that still doesn't excuse the individuals responsibility
they CHOOSE to break the law

•In Los Angeles, 95% of some 1,500 outstanding warrants for homicides are for illegal aliens. About 67% of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens.
•There are currently over 400,000 unaccounted for illegal alien criminals with outstanding deportation orders. At least one fourth of these are hard core criminals.
•80,000 to 100,000 illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes are walking the streets. Based on studies they will commit an average of 13 serious crimes per perpetrator.
•Illegal aliens are involved in criminal activities at a rate that is 2-5 times their representative proportion of the population.
•In 1980, our Federal and state facilities held fewer than 9,000 criminal aliens but at the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities at a cost of about $6.8 billion per year.
•At least 4.5 million pounds of cocaine with a street value of at least $72 billion is smuggled across the southern border every year. ..
•56% of illegal aliens charged with a reentry offense had previously been convicted on at least 5 prior occasions.
•Illegal aliens charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive criminal histories. 90% had been previously arrested. Of those with a prior arrest, 50% had been arrested for violent or drug-related felonies.
•Illegal aliens commit between 700,000 to 1,289,000 or more crimes per year.
•Illegal aliens commit at least 2,158 murders each year – a number that represents three times greater participation than their proportion of the population.
•Illegal alien sexual predators commit an estimated 130,909 sexual crimes each year.
•There may be as many as 240,000 illegal alien sex offenders circulating throughout America. Based on studies, they will commit an average of 8 sex crimes per perpetrator before being caught.
•Nearly 63% of illegal alien sex offenders had been deported on another offense prior to committing the sex crime.
•Only 2% of the illegal alien sex offenders in one study had no history of criminal behavior, beyond crossing the border illegally.
•In Operation Predator, ICE arrested and deported 6,085 illegal alien pedophiles. Some studies suggest each pedophile molests average of 148 children. If so, that could be as many as 900,580 victims.
•Nobody knows how big the Sex Slave problem is but it is enormous.
•The very brutal MS-13 gang has over 15,000 members and associates in at least 115 different cliques in 33 states.
•The overall financial impact of illegal alien crimes is estimated at between $14.4 and $81 billion or more per year. Factor in the crime as a result of the cocaine and other drugs being smuggled in and the number may reach $150 billion per year.

“They want stop me” say the fat a** white man of the ED SHOW today speaking about SB1070. Yes they will. If you run a stop sign, officers anywhere will stop you and ask for your documents, driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance. And if you cannot produce, you fat white a** may go to jail. Arizona officer stop anyone who violates a traffic law. If you cannot produce and is Hispanic looking, that is “reasonable suspicion” to ask your citizen status and 9 time out of 10 he or she is illegal. Officer will call in and if he cannot get info on the Hispanic? Reasonable suspicion. If he call in on the fat a** white man and get a verification, he will cite him and let him go. 9 times out of 10 he is not an illegal alien.

Farm workers?challenge: You can have our jobs - Business - U.S. business - msnbc.com

20 million illegal aliens are not picking lettuce in California and apples in Washington. Arturo Rodriquez of come TakeOurJobs say illegal aliens are doing jobs Americans will not do. He invited Americans to pick lettuce and he only got three. “According to the Labor Department, three out of four farm workers were born abroad, and more than half are illegal immigrants.” He lied. I’d like to know how many illegals he asked working in the inner cities doing jobs Americans will do and how many he got?
I have no problem with 20 million illegals in this country picking lettuce and apples. But I do with them taking jobs Americans will do. Illegal aliens do not want to pick lettuce and apples either. Illegal aliens rather leave and go back to Mexico then work in the California fields.

And he said he would be stopped if he was in Arizona and he was born here. If he violated a traffic law, he would be stopped anywhere in this country. And if he did not have drivers license which takes a birth certificate to get, the officer would call in and verify that he did have one and cite him to appear in court with the driver license and he would be on his way. But if an illegal alien were stopped running a stop sign and did not have a drivers license and officer could not verify he had one, that is reasonable suspicion that he is in the county illegally. If he did not drive he would need an DMV identification card. Any citizen in this county should have a drivers’ license or DMV identification and a valid social security card. If he do not he is 9 times out of 10 an illegal alien.


After Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Obama will secure the border. He will crack down on employers that hire illegal aliens. After CIR there will not be any illegal aliens to speak of. They will all be legal.
What happens to an illegal aliens after CIR if he commit’s a crime? Stripped of his or here legal status and deported? In most states, an illegal aliens has to commit a crime before his status in this country is questioned.
After CIR and 20 million are legalized, we start all over again because they will still be crossing illegally. Unless CIR wipes out the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act and crossing the border will no longer be illegal.
NAFTA is largely responsible for the acceleration of illegals coming into this nation, folks.

NAFTA put more Mexicans out of work (from small farms) than it put Mexicans into (formerly American) factory jobs.
I guess Arturo has never watched “Dirty Jobs.” All Americans are not sitting in cushy climate control office in suits and ties and high hilled shoes. All across this country they are doing dirty and dangerous jobs in extreme heat and cold and they don’t complain. How many illegal aliens could you get to work in coal and salt mines?

Our immigration enforcement laws target illegal aliens. Duh? Isn’t that what it is supposed to do? Our immigration enforcement laws are not broken. If works well if it is enforced. If it’s not enforced, it does not work. And that is what the Obamanites want. Change the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act if our government don’t want to recognize it and enforce it.
Things like SB1070 happens when the Feds don’t do their job.We must secure our border and we must secure inside our borders. Security does not end AT the border, it begins at the border. Our southern border has moved 80 miles inland because the border has not been secured.

80 Miles Of Arizona / Mexico Border Under Mexican Drug Cartel Control
80 Miles Of Arizona / Mexico Border Under Mexican Drug Cartel Control Pobept's World View
ICE Raids Go Silent
ICE Raids Go Silent | Newsroom News

The federal government has changed its approach to immigration raids at factories and farms. Instead of busting their way into workplaces, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are now scouring employment records that then can result in the firing of undocumented workers. —JCL

Napolitano orders review of raid at Wash. plant
By MANUEL VALDES – 1 hour ago
http://immigrationmexicanamerican.blogs ... didnt.html

SEATTLE (AP) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has ordered a review of a raid at a Washington manufacturing plant that ended with the arrests of 28 illegal immigrants. Homeland Security spokesman Sean Smith says Napolitano wants to know why Tuesday's raid occurred and what led up to it.
She asked ICE to send her details about it today so she could review why it was carried out. In her testimony, she said enforcement should target employers and felonious criminals versus targeting workers
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By Frosty Wooldridge
April 9, 2007

Did you see O'Reilly's neck-veins bursting? His eyes bulging? His fingers pointing like daggers? Did you witness his unbridled rage— exploding as he hammered the truth back at Geraldo Rivera on Fox News last week: THE O'REILLY FACTOR ?

"HE IS AN ILLEGAL ALIEN!" screamed Bill O'Reilly. "He had a D.U.I and should have been deported! These Americans wouldn't have died if the government deported illegals!"
One-of five crimes in the U.S. is committed by a member of an illegal alien family.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Bill O'Reilly rages: Illegal aliens commit heinous crimes

How do you go after illegal alien criminals if you cannot go after illegal aliens? If there were no illegal aliens in this country, there would be no illegal aliens criminals.


"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
"We suffer methodical killings, rapes, displacement and overruning by illegal aliens—from Mexico. As many as 8 percent of the almost 20-28 million illegal aliens here now run amok— killing, raping and maiming our wives, husbands, daughters, sons and grand parents. A member of an illegal alien family commits one–of-five crimes in the United States today.

Geraldo brazenly minimized this carnage, and tried to justify the actions of the illegal aliens.

More than twenty times as many deaths and injuries to Americans occur from rampant behaviors by illegal aliens than all the U.S. combat deaths and injuries in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Where is YOUR rage?

When was the last time you heard that "news" from NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CSPAN, or any media outlet— anywhere ?

Bill O'Reilly reminded us— Fox News also needs a Lou Dobbs on its staff! In fact, every media outlet in our nation needs to take a hard look in the mirror, get rid of the slants and bias, and restore balance to their reporting.

Rampant criminal behaviors by members of illegal alien families continues unabated. "

So true
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Yes, they're obviously coming over to steal shit from you, rape your wife, and probably kill you. They're inately subhuman after all! :rolleyes:
I'll take a crazy Mexican running rampant over a polished boldfaced lying politician any day.

Far less harmful...
E.J. Montini is a columnist for The Arizona Republic
.Racial profiling legal says AZ prof

One of the go-to experts in the SB 1070 debate has been Professor Gabriel Chin at the University of Arizona.

In Tuesday’s Washington Post, Chin and University of California Davis Professor Kevin Johnson argue that the U.S. Supreme Court and the Arizona State Supreme Court have allowed racial profiling when it comes to immigration enforcement. (Read their essay here.)
azcentral.com blogs - E.J. Montini's Columns & Blog - EJMontini - Racial profiling legal says AZ prof
"Until white canadians, french, english, dutch, ukrainians etc are detained on reasonable suspicion that they are in the country illegally then SB1070 will persist as a conservative republican fraud. This law might as well be called "If you're brown get out of town," because let us be honest; we dont care about non mexican immigrants"

when was the last time, other than Hispanic, one of the others have committed a crime in your city? Never in Reno. Every week a Mexican is involved in a shooting, stabbing, mugging, robbery, car jacking, drug dealing, etc.; I had all but forgotten about the "others" Who is causing most of the problems in this country?
What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?
What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?

The vast majority of illegal immigrants in the United States have come for the purpose of having a better life, providing for their families, and escaping from poverty. These are good goals and motivations. However, it is not biblical to violate a law to achieve something "good." Caring for the poor, orphans, and widows is something the Bible commands us to do (Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; 2:2-15). However, the biblical fact that we are to care for the misfortunate does not mean we should violate the law in doing so. Supporting, enabling, and/or encouraging illegal immigration is, therefore, also a violation of God's Word. Those seeking to immigrate to another country should always obey the immigration laws of that country. While this may cause delays and frustrations, these reasons do not give a person the right to violate a law.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

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