We should get rid of welfare all together.
What will white people do if they get rid of welfare? It was created for them.
The Lily whites can get jobs.
Why havent they done that before now? No one seriously believes they will get jobs.
You are correct. I'd like to know why also. And I seriously believe that they have no intention of getting jobs either.

Luckily for me I am gainfully employed with the knowledge that some have no intention of becoming employed and will continuously rely on the rest of us.
I think the main two reasons are laziness and lack of skills to make a decent living.
We should get rid of welfare all together.
What will white people do if they get rid of welfare? It was created for them.
The Lily whites can get jobs.
Why havent they done that before now? No one seriously believes they will get jobs.
You are correct. I'd like to know why also. And I seriously believe that they have no intention of getting jobs either.

Luckily for me I am gainfully employed with the knowledge that some have no intention of becoming employed and will continuously rely on the rest of us.
I know of a woman who was making $350 a week. She lost her job, went on the dole and her welfare and other benes is worth $35,000 a year. Think she'll look for a job? :laugh:
We should get rid of welfare all together.
What will white people do if they get rid of welfare? It was created for them.
The Lily whites can get jobs.
Why havent they done that before now? No one seriously believes they will get jobs.
You are correct. I'd like to know why also. And I seriously believe that they have no intention of getting jobs either.

Luckily for me I am gainfully employed with the knowledge that some have no intention of becoming employed and will continuously rely on the rest of us.
I know of a woman who was making $350 a week. She lost her job, went on the dole and her welfare and other benes is worth $35,000 a year. Think she'll look for a job? :laugh:
How does one live on that?
NEW REPORT: The States Doling Out The Most Welfare Are Lily-Assed White
June 1, 2016Dylan Hock Politics

If you have trouble understanding systemic racism, take note—this is one of many forms it can take. According to research in Disciplining the Poor, by Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording and Sanford F. Schram, states where a majority of citizens on welfare are white offer better assistance, longer, than in states where a majority of citizens on welfare are black or people of color.

Featured in The Atlantic, researchers in the book also claim “the political party in charge of the state legislature has a big influence on how generous that state is with welfare benefits.” States with higher average incomes lean toward offering those in need a better handle on the next rung up on the ladder to success: “states that have the highest percentage of white people on welfare are the most reluctant to cut people off.” If you’re black in a poor staterun by Republicans, however, for example—good luck to you.

Fun Fact
Take Oregon, for example, where whites make up 87 percent of the state’s population. There, they also make up 64 percent of folks on Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF). If you’re hard-up in Oregon, you can expect to receive benefits for as many as 60 months. After that, if you’re still struggling, your kids can continue to receive benefits at the very least. “[Forty-six] out of every 100 families with children in poverty are on TANF, one of the highest ratios in the country. Compare that to Louisiana, as The Atlantic did, where strapped families receive only 24 months of assistance, and when you’re cut off in Louisiana, you’re cut off. Benefits do not continue for your children just because you are poor. In fact, Louisiana comes in entirely last. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) claims only 4.2 families out of every 100 receive assistance in Louisiana. Over in Vermont, however, “where 95 percent of the people and 95 percent of TANF recipients are white, 78.4 percent of families with children in poverty are getting benefits.”

Starting to see the picture?

In the wake of Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill back in 1996, states were given stronger control over welfare management. Many states chose to gut their programs, which comes as no surprise, but states such as Oregon decided to “fill in the holes.” Where the lines have been drawn since, and how, is quite revealing of the systemic racism so prevalent in the U.S., and let’s face it, the results of the research in Disciplining the Poor are, sadly, anything but surprising.
White has nothing to do with it fuck nuts. It has to do with liberal attitudes...and how they are manipulated by the likes of Obama and Clinton...and a host of other democrat morons.
Well according to my sources, Jet black asses out number the lilly whites. And I actually see more blacks living in poverty than any other group such a hateful and counter intuitive thread amounts to liberal hot air.
Well according to my sources, Jet black asses out number the lilly whites. And I actually see more blacks living in poverty than any other group such a hateful and counter intuitive thread amounts to liberal hot air.
Our Regressive Lefty friends are just trying to make folks angry.

Evidently it makes them feel a little better for a while.
The reason it seems strange that white people are the majority of welfare recipients is that the left including bigots who use the term "lilly white" have consistently portrayed black people as being incapable of living without government assistance and encouraged them to think that minimum wage and welfare is the best that they can do. Welfare is the secret to the democrat party voting base. Democrats and the left wing rabble even get away with profound insults to black people by claiming that they aren't capable of obtaining something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Frankly I'm surprised that there any black people left today who would rather be on the democrat party plantation than in the middle class.
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NEW REPORT: The States Doling Out The Most Welfare Are Lily-Assed White
June 1, 2016Dylan Hock Politics

If you have trouble understanding systemic racism, take note—this is one of many forms it can take. According to research in Disciplining the Poor, by Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording and Sanford F. Schram, states where a majority of citizens on welfare are white offer better assistance, longer, than in states where a majority of citizens on welfare are black or people of color.

Featured in The Atlantic, researchers in the book also claim “the political party in charge of the state legislature has a big influence on how generous that state is with welfare benefits.” States with higher average incomes lean toward offering those in need a better handle on the next rung up on the ladder to success: “states that have the highest percentage of white people on welfare are the most reluctant to cut people off.” If you’re black in a poor staterun by Republicans, however, for example—good luck to you.

Fun Fact
Take Oregon, for example, where whites make up 87 percent of the state’s population. There, they also make up 64 percent of folks on Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF). If you’re hard-up in Oregon, you can expect to receive benefits for as many as 60 months. After that, if you’re still struggling, your kids can continue to receive benefits at the very least. “[Forty-six] out of every 100 families with children in poverty are on TANF, one of the highest ratios in the country. Compare that to Louisiana, as The Atlantic did, where strapped families receive only 24 months of assistance, and when you’re cut off in Louisiana, you’re cut off. Benefits do not continue for your children just because you are poor. In fact, Louisiana comes in entirely last. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) claims only 4.2 families out of every 100 receive assistance in Louisiana. Over in Vermont, however, “where 95 percent of the people and 95 percent of TANF recipients are white, 78.4 percent of families with children in poverty are getting benefits.”

Starting to see the picture?

In the wake of Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill back in 1996, states were given stronger control over welfare management. Many states chose to gut their programs, which comes as no surprise, but states such as Oregon decided to “fill in the holes.” Where the lines have been drawn since, and how, is quite revealing of the systemic racism so prevalent in the U.S., and let’s face it, the results of the research in Disciplining the Poor are, sadly, anything but surprising.

Oh incompetent one--------------> States rights mean they get to decide. Now if you said--------> they give whitey all dat mulla, and den wen black folk get on da dole dey cuts dem off, then you are correct, that is RACISM. But that is NOT what is happening. Nobody is discriminating against anybody, the state sets the limit, and the recipients get it. If black folk want in, get on a Greyhound Bus and go there.

You want to make EVERYTHING about race. Look here, I have NEVER been a slave owner, and I do not know anyone who was ever a slave. I don't owe anybody a damn thing, and anybody who whines about the opposite color race must be out to screw them, has to point at the PERSON that has power to do it, and that would be Barack, Hussien, Obysmal.
The reason it seems strange that white people are the majority of welfare recipients is that the left has portrayed black people as incapable of living without government assistance or democrat party programs for the last half century.. Democrats and the left wing rabble even get away with profound insults to black people by claiming that they aren't capable of obtaining something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. Frankly I'm surprised that there any black people left today who would rather be on the democrat party plantation than in the middle class.
Its not the left that came up with the term "welfare queen". Righties did that in an attempt to anger poor whites that wanted more welfare money and middle class people that support people on welfare. No sane Black person is going to vote for a party full of old white men that can barely contain their racist attitudes.
Yes, because there almost 600 thousand whites and around 6 thousand are black. What is the percentage of each race on welfare? They don't match your apples and oranges statistics.

Come on, man. You know full well that the only reason you have common sense is because of white privilege.

You even indulged in it when you used numbers on him. Numbers are the sign of the white devil if I ever saw it!
You made this long winded post but failed the test. There are more whites on welfare than Blacks. Sorry but those are the facts.

There are more whites than blacks not on welfare as well.
What does that have to do with the ones that are on welfare?

You missed those math classes back in the third grade when you were taught percentages, eh?

Try something that surprises me next time.
Obviously you missed the classes on reading comprehension. No one said anything about percentages. I said more white people are on welfare than any other demographic. That has nothing to do with percentages.
Yes, because there almost 600 thousand whites and around 6 thousand are black. What is the percentage of each race on welfare? They don't match your apples and oranges statistics.

Come on, man. You know full well that the only reason you have common sense is because of white privilege.

You even indulged in it when you used numbers on him. Numbers are the sign of the white devil if I ever saw it!
What will white people do if they get rid of welfare? It was created for them.
The Lily whites can get jobs.
Why havent they done that before now? No one seriously believes they will get jobs.
You are correct. I'd like to know why also. And I seriously believe that they have no intention of getting jobs either.

Luckily for me I am gainfully employed with the knowledge that some have no intention of becoming employed and will continuously rely on the rest of us.
I know of a woman who was making $350 a week. She lost her job, went on the dole and her welfare and other benes is worth $35,000 a year. Think she'll look for a job? :laugh:
How does one live on that?
NEW REPORT: The States Doling Out The Most Welfare Are Lily-Assed White
June 1, 2016Dylan Hock Politics

If you have trouble understanding systemic racism, take note—this is one of many forms it can take. According to research in Disciplining the Poor, by Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording and Sanford F. Schram, states where a majority of citizens on welfare are white offer better assistance, longer, than in states where a majority of citizens on welfare are black or people of color.

Featured in The Atlantic, researchers in the book also claim “the political party in charge of the state legislature has a big influence on how generous that state is with welfare benefits.” States with higher average incomes lean toward offering those in need a better handle on the next rung up on the ladder to success: “states that have the highest percentage of white people on welfare are the most reluctant to cut people off.” If you’re black in a poor staterun by Republicans, however, for example—good luck to you.

Fun Fact
Take Oregon, for example, where whites make up 87 percent of the state’s population. There, they also make up 64 percent of folks on Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF). If you’re hard-up in Oregon, you can expect to receive benefits for as many as 60 months. After that, if you’re still struggling, your kids can continue to receive benefits at the very least. “[Forty-six] out of every 100 families with children in poverty are on TANF, one of the highest ratios in the country. Compare that to Louisiana, as The Atlantic did, where strapped families receive only 24 months of assistance, and when you’re cut off in Louisiana, you’re cut off. Benefits do not continue for your children just because you are poor. In fact, Louisiana comes in entirely last. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) claims only 4.2 families out of every 100 receive assistance in Louisiana. Over in Vermont, however, “where 95 percent of the people and 95 percent of TANF recipients are white, 78.4 percent of families with children in poverty are getting benefits.”

Starting to see the picture?

In the wake of Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill back in 1996, states were given stronger control over welfare management. Many states chose to gut their programs, which comes as no surprise, but states such as Oregon decided to “fill in the holes.” Where the lines have been drawn since, and how, is quite revealing of the systemic racism so prevalent in the U.S., and let’s face it, the results of the research in Disciplining the Poor are, sadly, anything but surprising.

The congressional district in my state that is getting the most welfare by far has a shit brown majority. They make the rest of the state look bad.
NEW REPORT: The States Doling Out The Most Welfare Are Lily-Assed White
June 1, 2016Dylan Hock Politics

If you have trouble understanding systemic racism, take note—this is one of many forms it can take. According to research in Disciplining the Poor, by Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording and Sanford F. Schram, states where a majority of citizens on welfare are white offer better assistance, longer, than in states where a majority of citizens on welfare are black or people of color.

Featured in The Atlantic, researchers in the book also claim “the political party in charge of the state legislature has a big influence on how generous that state is with welfare benefits.” States with higher average incomes lean toward offering those in need a better handle on the next rung up on the ladder to success: “states that have the highest percentage of white people on welfare are the most reluctant to cut people off.” If you’re black in a poor staterun by Republicans, however, for example—good luck to you.

Fun Fact
Take Oregon, for example, where whites make up 87 percent of the state’s population. There, they also make up 64 percent of folks on Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF). If you’re hard-up in Oregon, you can expect to receive benefits for as many as 60 months. After that, if you’re still struggling, your kids can continue to receive benefits at the very least. “[Forty-six] out of every 100 families with children in poverty are on TANF, one of the highest ratios in the country. Compare that to Louisiana, as The Atlantic did, where strapped families receive only 24 months of assistance, and when you’re cut off in Louisiana, you’re cut off. Benefits do not continue for your children just because you are poor. In fact, Louisiana comes in entirely last. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) claims only 4.2 families out of every 100 receive assistance in Louisiana. Over in Vermont, however, “where 95 percent of the people and 95 percent of TANF recipients are white, 78.4 percent of families with children in poverty are getting benefits.”

Starting to see the picture?

In the wake of Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill back in 1996, states were given stronger control over welfare management. Many states chose to gut their programs, which comes as no surprise, but states such as Oregon decided to “fill in the holes.” Where the lines have been drawn since, and how, is quite revealing of the systemic racism so prevalent in the U.S., and let’s face it, the results of the research in Disciplining the Poor are, sadly, anything but surprising.
Mostly progressives

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