Limbaugh Admits Special Benghazi Fundraiser Has Nothing To Do With Getting Answers!


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already "knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.
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Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.

What "fundraiser" are you talking about?

Yes, Gowdy does know the answers to all the questions. However, the public doesn't know it, so he needs to pound the answers into their skulls.
Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.

What "fundraiser" are you talking about?

Yes, Gowdy does know the answers to all the questions. However, the public doesn't know it, so he needs to pound the answers into their skulls.

nice one, reversal beatdown. We all know the answers, it's only liberals that buy this video bs......IF they hadn't used something so stupid and lame......
Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.

What kind of answers do you get from a fundraiser?
I would never know what Limbaugh says if it wasn't for the libs here

how obsessive over some radio host
Ed, could you please post your detailed notes on that Limbaugh program? Seems most of us didn't hear it.
OP is a fucking idiot....they were RHETORICAL QUESTIONS to the media.

When your daddy asked you why did you eat the dog shit, it was a rhetorical question because he knew you are an idiot from day 1.
OP is a fucking idiot....they were RHETORICAL QUESTIONS to the media.

When your daddy asked you why did you eat the dog shit, it was a rhetorical question because he knew you are an idiot from day 1.

oh darn:lol:
Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already "knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.

Hey... so what? Obama FLEW OFF the NEXT day after 4 Americans were murdered on HIS watch to a FUNDRAISER!
Our tax dollars at $185,000 per hour to fly to Nevada to raise money!
Talk about disgusting! And NO ONE has yet come up with a photo of Obama intensely involved as he was in this photo when Osama was captured!
Certainly a lot of photo ops here!!

The resurrection of the fake scandal of Benghazi isn't going nearly as well as the 'nuts hoped, is it?

I think at this point even O J Simpson's search for the real killers had more credibility than these latest antics by the Benghazi mongers.
‘Benghazi’ is the right’s ‘answer’ to the midterms and 2016, where they have no constructive, positive, valid policy proposals upon which to run – all they have are obstruction, contrivances, and lies.
I forget. Which elected or appointed position does Rush Limbaugh hold again? Because if he isn't an elected or appointed official why should anyone out there care what he thinks or says about anything?
Limbaugh let slip that the Benghazi Special Fundraiser has nothing to do with getting "answers" because Gowdy already "knows the answers to every question he's asking," contrary to the claims of Boehner and the GOP.

Q: Four Americans died in Benghazi. Should the NRCC fundraise off of your efforts with the select committee?

Boehner: Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.

The GOP claims “The goal here will be to select serious, sober-minded members who will make this about finding answers to some troubling questions and will not make this a partisan shouting match, we’re not going to convene a kangaroo court.”

May 19, 2014
RUSH:* Now, Gowdy has all these answers, by the way.* He knows the answer to every question he's asking.

Tell us, exactly what special Benghazi fund raiser are you talking about. Did they send out special invitations or what?
‘Benghazi’ is the right’s ‘answer’ to the midterms and 2016, where they have no constructive, positive, valid policy proposals upon which to run – all they have are obstruction, contrivances, and lies.

No, actually the Democrats' failure on every aspect of policy, foreign and domestic, is the GOP's answer.
Foreign policy: sucks
Dodd Frank: sucks

There is not one bright spot there. There is not one area where Democrats can say, That was a bad mess before but our policies have made it much better. Not one.
‘Benghazi’ is the right’s ‘answer’ to the midterms and 2016, where they have no constructive, positive, valid policy proposals upon which to run – all they have are obstruction, contrivances, and lies.
The economy is crashing and all obama is worried about is if someone calls him a ******. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

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