Limbaugh is bad for business


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

WRKO Dropping Rush Limbaugh's Show From Its Lineup

May 19, 2015 4:01 PM EDT


WRKO has now become the second major radio station in recent weeks to drop Limbaugh's program. Limbaugh's longtime Indianapolis affiliate WIBC severed ties with him in April. WIBC's parent company noted that Limbaugh's absence could actually improve its advertiser prospects.

The commercial viability of Rush Limbaugh's show has suffered since 2012, when advertisers began fleeing the program in the wake of Limbaugh's prolonged attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue stations who carry Limbaugh's show lose, as well as the industry-wide damage resulting from Limbaugh's toxicity to advertisers. Notably, according to the report, the exodus of national advertisers has played a significant part in reducing talk radio advertising rates to about half of what it costs to run ads on music stations, even though the two formats have "comparable audience metrics."

WRKO dropping Limbaugh from its lineup is just the latest reminder that Rush Limbaugh is bad for business.

Advertisers continue to leave and stay away...
The post belongs on the media forum. The radical left had Rush Limbaugh dead and buried a couple of months ago with fake statistics. If the truth be known the radical left would kill for a %001 of his listening audience. The dirty little secret is that local talk show affiliates like WIBC can bow to local politics and save a buck and subscribe to a cheaper show but the next show ....gasp....will most likely be conservative and probably less professional in content or call screens. Meanwhile the good people of Indianapolis can probably pick up the Limbaugh show on another station.

WRKO Dropping Rush Limbaugh's Show From Its Lineup

May 19, 2015 4:01 PM EDT


WRKO has now become the second major radio station in recent weeks to drop Limbaugh's program. Limbaugh's longtime Indianapolis affiliate WIBC severed ties with him in April. WIBC's parent company noted that Limbaugh's absence could actually improve its advertiser prospects.

The commercial viability of Rush Limbaugh's show has suffered since 2012, when advertisers began fleeing the program in the wake of Limbaugh's prolonged attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue stations who carry Limbaugh's show lose, as well as the industry-wide damage resulting from Limbaugh's toxicity to advertisers. Notably, according to the report, the exodus of national advertisers has played a significant part in reducing talk radio advertising rates to about half of what it costs to run ads on music stations, even though the two formats have "comparable audience metrics."

WRKO dropping Limbaugh from its lineup is just the latest reminder that Rush Limbaugh is bad for business.

Advertisers continue to leave and stay away...
In six months WRKO will be in even worse shape. Nobody pays to advertise on a station nobody is listening to. I'm guessing whatever station waiting in the wings will pick him up and profits will soar.
Talk radio is owned by conservatives. Only an idiot would assume that the station would pick up Whoopie Goldberg.
Almost 20 years latter they still hopping Rush is dead? Lmao again you can get super station WLS out of Chicago all they way to Louisville during the day and they carry Rush

WRKO Dropping Rush Limbaugh's Show From Its Lineup

May 19, 2015 4:01 PM EDT


WRKO has now become the second major radio station in recent weeks to drop Limbaugh's program. Limbaugh's longtime Indianapolis affiliate WIBC severed ties with him in April. WIBC's parent company noted that Limbaugh's absence could actually improve its advertiser prospects.

The commercial viability of Rush Limbaugh's show has suffered since 2012, when advertisers began fleeing the program in the wake of Limbaugh's prolonged attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue stations who carry Limbaugh's show lose, as well as the industry-wide damage resulting from Limbaugh's toxicity to advertisers. Notably, according to the report, the exodus of national advertisers has played a significant part in reducing talk radio advertising rates to about half of what it costs to run ads on music stations, even though the two formats have "comparable audience metrics."

WRKO dropping Limbaugh from its lineup is just the latest reminder that Rush Limbaugh is bad for business.

Advertisers continue to leave and stay away...


Second you did not divulge that this piece was for the ultra-Liberal group Media Matters. So there is no way that this article could have ever been impartial.

Third, you only posted part of the quote. The full quote reads; "Advertisers continue to leave and stay away thanks to a dedicated group of independent organizers in the Flush Rush and #StopRush communities. Their participation matters and is having a big effect." The added text changes the meaning drastically and shows it was meant to further energize those groups who do not like the Rush Limbaugh program.

Fourth the article implies that the station is making the change because of poor advertising revenues when the initial quote says nothing of the kind. The article assumes into fact that this was the reasoning for dropping the Rush Limbaugh show. The real reason for the change is because of a management change at the station according to Billboard Magazine. Here is the link: WRKO and WROR Overhauled

Fifth, as with all radio shows, ratings and the subsequent advertising revenues often fluctuate depending on a variety of circumstances. The Rush Limbaugh show is no exception and his ratings will continue to change.

Finally, the WSJ article from which this article quoted does not necessarily match the tone and perspective of the rest of the article.

In the future, should you post something like this again, please have the intellectual integrity to provide a more reasoned approach based on critical thinking. THANK YOU
Wow what a shocker! I figgered WRKO would have kept Rush on for the next 500 years!

I still haven't gotten over Bill Balance's departure from L.A. radio.
If you try to google what the size of Rush limbaughs audience, 90 percent of the links are rabid left wing websites lying and committing every trick in the book to create the IMPRESSIONS that Rush is falling on hard times. Talk about Google bias.

Rush limbaughs radio show is still the most listened to radio show in the country.
Nuff said.
I have lost track of how many times over the years I have heard the left claim Limbaugh was finished. When he actually decides to retire from talk radio the left will try to take credit for finally getting him off the air.
The post belongs on the media forum. The radical left had Rush Limbaugh dead and buried a couple of months ago with fake statistics. If the truth be known the radical left would kill for a %001 of his listening audience. The dirty little secret is that local talk show affiliates like WIBC can bow to local politics and save a buck and subscribe to a cheaper show but the next show ....gasp....will most likely be conservative and probably less professional in content or call screens. Meanwhile the good people of Indianapolis can probably pick up the Limbaugh show on another station.

I listen to the Limbaugh show over the internet.
Wow what a shocker! I figgered WRKO would have kept Rush on for the next 500 years!

I still haven't gotten over Bill Balance's departure from L.A. radio.

Are you referring to Bill Ballance the talker or-----or are you referring to Bill Ballance the photographer?
In strong conservative demographics, Rush will do well.

In strong liberal demographics, he will suck.

It's called business, folks.
If you try to google what the size of Rush limbaughs audience, 90 percent of the links are rabid left wing websites lying and committing every trick in the book to create the IMPRESSIONS that Rush is falling on hard times. Talk about Google bias.

Rush limbaughs radio show is still the most listened to radio show in the country.
Nuff said.

You should see how alexa suddenly record 90% drops in Drudge, Infowars, Blaze traffic, yet revenue for Infowars advertisers keeps increasing, implying there are even more people than ever buying their products (like me, I got the Organic Cucumber seeds, below is a picture of the seeds I just planted). upload_2015-5-21_0-6-1.png

I'm building tressels with pipes on top with tiny holes drilled into them for irrigation.
I see the liberals are still foaming at the mouth over Rush.

Yet another "Rush is done" fantasy that won't pan out.

WRKO Dropping Rush Limbaugh's Show From Its Lineup

May 19, 2015 4:01 PM EDT


WRKO has now become the second major radio station in recent weeks to drop Limbaugh's program. Limbaugh's longtime Indianapolis affiliate WIBC severed ties with him in April. WIBC's parent company noted that Limbaugh's absence could actually improve its advertiser prospects.

The commercial viability of Rush Limbaugh's show has suffered since 2012, when advertisers began fleeing the program in the wake of Limbaugh's prolonged attack on then-law student Sandra Fluke. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue stations who carry Limbaugh's show lose, as well as the industry-wide damage resulting from Limbaugh's toxicity to advertisers. Notably, according to the report, the exodus of national advertisers has played a significant part in reducing talk radio advertising rates to about half of what it costs to run ads on music stations, even though the two formats have "comparable audience metrics."

WRKO dropping Limbaugh from its lineup is just the latest reminder that Rush Limbaugh is bad for business.

Advertisers continue to leave and stay away...

Rush is AWESOME for business!

The condom business.

"Wrap it up or else this might be your kid." :)
Sorry folks but I've got it on good authority - JoeyB - that ALL of Rush's advertisers on Chicago's WLS AM abandoned him over the Flake flap, forcing them to fill all the spots with self-promos and PSAs. He didn't elaborate whether it was for just one day, a week, or whatever, but clearly when a mega station like that is forced to take such action it's clearly over for Rush. Course that was a few years ago now and Rush is still on the air, commercials and all, so maybe Joey's just full of crap?

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