Lincoln Project Goes After moscow mitch

This is an interesting ad. One I didn't expect from the Lincoln Project.

It looks like they're going after all the republicans who enabled trump.

Good. I hope they succeed in getting them out of office.

I don't like republicans, but I do like these guys!
McConnell is one of those few Senators who is hated in his own state. Time to put this horse out to the glue factory. :)
McConnell is one of those few Senators who is hated in his own state. Time to put this horse out to the glue factory. :)

The man is older than dirt. He's done more than his share of damage.

He's gotten more than his share of the feeding at the public trough.

Time to replace him.
After November the Republican Party will be a heap of burned ash. Hah, and all those who knelt before them will be better off.

Works for me. But in case you haven't figured out, being endorsed by Rump doesn't have the horsepower it once had. When that factor is stripped, the Candidate must stand on his own. Most of these people have nothing to stand on except that they are bought and paid for by Corporate America and sometimes Russian Corporate like Moscow Mitch.
You're either for America as George Washington fought for, or not, bitch! Where do you stand?
This is an interesting ad. One I didn't expect from the Lincoln Project.

It looks like they're going after all the republicans who enabled trump.

Good. I hope they succeed in getting them out of office.

That is a great commercial! Moscow Mitch sucks for Kentucky and America.:clap2:
About 16 posts about threats to kill removed -- and other associated noise... This won't be tolerated in ANY amount... If that's all ya got -- LEAVE... We're here to host discussion, not brawls and high noon drama...
Last edited:
About 16 posts about threats to kill removed -- and other associated noise... This won't be tolerated in ANY amount... If that's all ya got -- LEAVE... We're here to host discussion, not brawls and high noon drama...
Is this Maggie's Farm?

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