Lincoln was actually a RINO, not at all against big government.. and tyrannical/anti-Constitution

Perhaps you forget that the SOUTH drew first blood? Or did that part of History escape you?

Yep it is right and just to start a murderous war because the enemy fired on a fort in their territory that caused the death and injury of EXACTLY no one.

LMFAO! Can’t fix stupid.
He didn't?
FJB if you were not being sarcastic there and were actually serious,you need to watch the film Oliver stone directed thst Kevin Costner starred in is based on the true life story of an attorney named Jim garrison whom brought charges of conspiracy of agents in the government to kill jfk and the evidence against oswald was very flimsy,garrison lost the case because we of course have the most corrupt court system in the world as you found out with how they did not look at the evidence thst Biden stole the election,garrison lost the case but he won in the court of public opinion the fact the majority of the world knows the truth now thst the cia killed him cause he wanted to pull out of Vietnam and eliminate the federal reserve.

The film jfk is not perfect 100% accurate,however it sure as hell is 100 times more accurate to the actual truth of what really DID happen than t what the warren commission and our corrupt school system and msm media has told us over the years. :abgg2q.jpg: If you only see one more movie in your lifetime,you need to see THIS movie.all the people thst post a smiley to this post are paid trollboys.

Lincoln was very much a Republican, an advocate of big government and an authoritarian tyrant hostile to the Constitution.

Lincoln was the first Imperial President; Republicans today support and seek to expand the powers of the Imperial Presidency.

And Republicans today are likewise advocates of big government:

More government, bigger government forcing women to give birth against their will.

More government, bigger government restricting minority Americans’ right to vote.

More government, bigger government hostile to gay and transgender Americans.

More government, bigger government violating social media’s right to freedom of association.

More government, bigger government violating the due process rights of immigrants.

Just to note a few examples – Republicans need to understand that ‘small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

Like Lincoln, Republicans today are very much advocates of big government, anti-Constitution, and authoritarian tyrants.
The fact that USMBs resident troll unkotore hates this post,proves this post is spot on even though it was posted by another trollboy Clayton.:abgg2q.jpg: Clayton is a paid shill for the dnc committe,while always being objective to the corruption of the gop party,he ignores the corruption of the Dems so it’s a shame this truthful post had to come from him.unkotore,he is the opposite of Clayton,the other resident troll of usmb,unkotore,he is the opposite of Clayton,he will talk about the corruption of the dem party but always ignores the corruption of the republicans like Lincoln and Reagan.
The fact that USMBs resident troll unkotore hates this post,proves this post is spot on even though it was posted by another trollboy Clayton.:abgg2q.jpg: Clayton is a paid shill for the dnc committe,while always being objective to the corruption of the gop party,he ignores the corruption of the Dems so it’s a shame this truthful post had to come from him.unkotore,he is the opposite of Clayton,the other resident troll of usmb,unkotore,he is the opposite of Clayton,he will talk about the corruption of the dem party but always ignores the corruption of the republicans like Lincoln and Reagan.
Btw wouldn’t you say this post is spot on gipper :abgg2q.jpg:

The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...

Let me guess, you're from the South. Did you graduate college?
Dishonest Abe was a traitor who should have been executed before he took the nation to war causing 850k dead Americans. Treason is defined as warring on fellow Americans. He did this.

You should read his Gettysburg Address. It’s laughable how absurd it is when you understand what he did.
Quiet Russobot.

The first books I read on Lincoln were full of myths according to DiLorenzo who wrote a book about the real Lincoln...

I feel I was totally lied to by the authors of the first books I read on L

He was actually what we now refer to as a "progressive" although I don't know why we use that term because "progressives" are very retrogressive... especially since they are NAZIs when it comes to human life in the womb...

Lincoln fir sure was a RINO as was Reagan.the best Republican president we had of the 20th century was Calvin coolidge.unlike those two asswipes coolidge was a conservative president that served the people.
the South were not traitors for believing in secession. The economic policies were highly discriminatory against the South.. but the South was paying more in taxes... Taxation w/o representation..

Our whole country was founded on secession.. from Britain

Jefferson, Madison and many others affirmed that secession is a right...

It's in the Declaration of I

When govt [is corrupt, out of control (my words)] we have the power to replace it w/ another

And Madison made sure an amendment allowing the Federal Govt. to use force against a state was specifically rejected at the Constitutional Convention. That is why it was never considered to take the seceding states' cases to the Supreme Court and instead deliberately provoked a war.
Yep it is right and just to start a murderous war because the enemy fired on a fort in their territory that caused the death and injury of EXACTLY no one.

LMFAO! Can’t fix stupid.
what's most interesting about all this is that
Lincoln was very much like the modern elite liberals in DC... tyrannical, twisting the words of the Constitution... and I could go on and on...

Again, he was not a Republican, certainly not the kind of R most of us everyday Rs are... Rs today want limited govt... but the genie is out of the bottle, thanks to the fake R Lincoln... (although I do think Lincoln tried to understand... others... like abolitionists.. but I don't even know if that much is true...
Lincoln fir sure was a RINO as was Reagan.the best Republican president we had of the 20th century was Calvin coolidge.unlike those two asswipes coolidge was a conservative president that served the people.
well, I think that's going a bit far... but I do agree Coolidge was a very good president, albeit I say that not knowing as much as I would like about him... I need to find a good book on the "modern" presidents... been meaning to do that but very busy w/ other things...
Again, he was not a Republican, certainly not the kind of R most of us everyday Rs are

He was still basically a Whig, and his economic policies were based on their old 'American System', basically a massive corporate welfare agenda with loads of govt. spending that would only benefit a handful of states, like his own Illinois.

R's today claim they're against 'big govt'., but they really aren't; they think the govt's job is to shoot down uppity proles and prevent labor unions and leave corporations alone to form trusts and monopolies. They still want wide open borders but need to keep the riff raff from voting, is all.
well, I think that's going a bit far... but I do agree Coolidge was a very good president, albeit I say that not knowing as much as I would like about him... I need to find a good book on the "modern" presidents... been meaning to do that but very busy w/ other things...
i sure hope you are not one of the sheep in america that has been brainwashed by the CIA controlled medias lies that Reagan was a conservative president for the people? there sure are a lot of sheep i have encountered over the years that have been brainwashed by that propaganda as gipper knows so very well.

Reagan was a mass murderer and servant to the elite same as every president sense LBJ all the way up to Obama was.

the real roonie reagan asswipe has been exposed in this thread not only by the OP but me as well, Myself and the op u2scram took the reaganuts to school on that here. Not one single trollboy that came on that thread and tried to defend him could,they fell flat on their faces with shit all over their faces in embarrassement from the two of us.:auiqs.jpg:

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i was wondering when the 2 parties switched... Now the R party is the one that is in the right on almost every issue... I mean, wait, every issue that I know of...

and the Ds are all on the wrong side of issues and the wrong side of history

American politics... a strange thing..
The parties have actually reshuffled five times; we're in the Sixth System right now. I think we're in the process of reshuffling again, to the Seventh. It happens almost like clockwork, about once a generation. It makes sense, really, because as the important issues of the times change, so must the coalitions that make up the parties.

First was Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans (aka Anti-Federalists). The Federalists lost power after the War of 1812, so we were essentially one-party for a while.
The D/R party split over economics, so the Second System was Democrats vs. Whigs. The Whigs then fractured in the 1840s-1850s over slavery.
The Third Party had the anti-slavery Republicans vs. the Democrats, who were a coalition made up mostly of conservative pro-slavery Southerners and pro-business Northerners.

In these first three systems, you can see a unifying thread in the Democratic Party: Less federal intervention. After the South got its power stripped away following the Civil War, though, that left the mostly-Northern banker Democrats left pretty much on their own (which may be why there was only one Democrat elected to the White House throughout the rest of that century). They were left even more on their own when a big Populist movement took over the Democratic Party under William Jennings Bryan.

Therefore, the Fourth System started in 1896, when McKinley convinced the many of the money guys that he, not the Democrats, would reform the law in their favor. The Democratic Party was now about Populism and promoting the interests of the common man, while the Republicans were the party of tariffs, protectionism, and business interests. This is also where the term "Progressive" comes from; both parties had Progressive wings in its original meaning that opposed corruption and supported regulation of big industry.

FDR brought in the Fifth System, which was basically those who opposed the New Deal (R's) and those who supported it (D's). Blacks joined the Democrats in record numbers.
Priorities changed again in the 60s and 70s, and Civil Rights brought us to where we are now: Republicans are almost all conservative, and Democrats are almost all liberal.

I'll leave it up to you to decide if you agree with me that we are switching into a Seventh System now, and where the ideological pivot point is.
The parties have actually reshuffled five times; we're in the Sixth System right now. I think we're in the process of reshuffling again, to the Seventh. It happens almost like clockwork, about once a generation. It makes sense, really, because as the important issues of the times change, so must the coalitions that make up the parties.

First was Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans (aka Anti-Federalists). The Federalists lost power after the War of 1812, so we were essentially one-party for a while.
The D/R party split over economics, so the Second System was Democrats vs. Whigs. The Whigs then fractured in the 1840s-1850s over slavery.
The Third Party had the anti-slavery Republicans vs. the Democrats, who were a coalition made up mostly of conservative pro-slavery Southerners and pro-business Northerners.

In these first three systems, you can see a unifying thread in the Democratic Party: Less federal intervention. After the South got its power stripped away following the Civil War, though, that left the mostly-Northern banker Democrats left pretty much on their own (which may be why there was only one Democrat elected to the White House throughout the rest of that century). They were left even more on their own when a big Populist movement took over the Democratic Party under William Jennings Bryan.

Therefore, the Fourth System started in 1896, when McKinley convinced the many of the money guys that he, not the Democrats, would reform the law in their favor. The Democratic Party was now about Populism and promoting the interests of the common man, while the Republicans were the party of tariffs, protectionism, and business interests. This is also where the term "Progressive" comes from; both parties had Progressive wings in its original meaning that opposed corruption and supported regulation of big industry.

FDR brought in the Fifth System, which was basically those who opposed the New Deal (R's) and those who supported it (D's). Blacks joined the Democrats in record numbers.
Priorities changed again in the 60s and 70s, and Civil Rights brought us to where we are now: Republicans are almost all conservative, and Democrats are almost all liberal.

I'll leave it up to you to decide if you agree with me that we are switching into a Seventh System now, and where the ideological pivot point is.
i copied this to read later... running out of time..

but I was blown away by that book...

however, that being said, th author.. I got VERY tired of him always, always referring to the US fed gov as The Republican Party... THAT made me wonder about him... although most people do not deliberately lie in a book... they know someone will come along to dispute their lies and... there go the book sales..

He did not harp on the D party much... and I know he is a capitalist because he said good things about Adam Smith and.. how Lincoln defied AS's points in the book Wealth of Nations
He was still basically a Whig, and his economic policies were based on their old 'American System', basically a massive corporate welfare agenda with loads of govt. spending that would only benefit a handful of states, like his own Illinois.

R's today claim they're against 'big govt'., but they really aren't; they think the govt's job is to shoot down uppity proles and prevent labor unions and leave corporations alone to form trusts and monopolies. They still want wide open borders but need to keep the riff raff from voting, is all.
there is truth in what you say

but you describe rinos... not real Rs
i sure hope you are not one of the sheep in america that has been brainwashed by the CIA controlled medias lies that Reagan was a conservative president for the people? there sure are a lot of sheep i have encountered over the years that have been brainwashed by that propaganda as gipper knows so very well.
read this far.

If you are implying that dims aren't sheep and follow even worse candidates and politicians

that is nothing short of laughable... except that considering how messed up our country is... I'm not laughing..

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