Linda Sarsour Ditched by the Lizard

^^^^ INSPIRED by allah and his friend the rapist pig
of arabia, to wit, muhummad
He’s disgusting. Even saying the Jewish “problem.” As you and I both know, Jews have contributed to this world far more than the numbers would suggest - with advances in medicine, science, technology, music, and more.

Now the Muslims? Not so much.
As you and I both know, Jews have contributed to this world far more than the numbers would suggest - with advances in medicine, science, technology, music, and more.
Yes, I agree.
The jews are a very clever people.
I don't understand why I'm being attacked for presenting a peaceful solution to a very real problem? ... :dunno:
Sunni, Habibi, the term "FINAL SOLUTION" is a
buzz word for jews-----of course you did not know or
you would never THROW IT AROUND----being the
genteel muzzie that you are
Basically, you're not allowed to criticize the terrorist state of Israel or its brutal apartheid treatment of the Palestinian people.
Not a terrorist state, neither is it apartheid. Arabs with Israeli citizenship are equals in Israel.

Where is this true in the Arab world

Roughly 21% of Israel’s more than nine million citizens are Arabs. The vast majority of the Israeli Arabs - roughly 83% - are Muslims, 9% are Druze, and 8% are Christian. Some 52% of the Arab citizens live in northern Israel, 20% in the “Triangle” region in the center of the country, 18% in the Negev, 8% in the mixed cities (Acre, Haifa, Jaffa, Ramla, Lod, Nof Hagalil and Maalot-Tarshiha), 1% in the Jerusalem Corridor (including West Jerusalem) and 2% in the rest of the country.

Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote.

Arabic, like Hebrew, was an official language in Israel until 2018. That year the Knesset adopted the Nation State Law, which downgraded the status of the Arabic language from an official state language to one holding a more ambiguous special status.

The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This was to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, many Arabs have volunteered for military duty and the Druze and Circassian communities are subject to the draft.
Not a terrorist state, neither is it apartheid. Arabs with Israeli citizenship are equals in Israel.
"Arab Israelis are Palestinian by heritage, but Israeli by citizenship, and make up more than a fifth of Israel's population of just over 9 million. Beyond the protests and the instances of violence, in a rare show of unity this week, Palestinian citizens of Israel have also held a general strike across the country involving hundreds of thousands of Arab workers.

Tamar Nafar is a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship. He told ABC News that, in his experience, having Israeli citizenship did not mean equal access to rights in Israel.

"When it comes to poverty, housing, getting permits to build houses, to equal rights when it comes to school education -- everything. We are being treated as worse than second-class citizens," he said.

She could probably get a gig at Progressive Insurance, it's more than just a brand to them.

"Juden" is just the standard everyday German word for Jew.
"Cabal" means just a group of people who share the same views or ideology.
There is nothing anti-semitic in either word. ... :cool:
You know why using the German term for Jews is significant...right?
As in Achtung Juden? Ja? Vere are your papers?

It's a shame because in most cases you seem rational and on the right side of things.
But this phrase was probably the least thing millions of Jews heard before the doors of
the cattle car doors slammed shut on them.

Pretending there is nothing offensive about Sarsour in this context is just cowardly and useless.
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