Lindell Losing It

In China workers are paid wages, much like anywhere else. Of course maybe you think “wage workers” are also “slaves.” Is that your point?

Factory wages in China have climbed dramatically in recent years. Trading with or buying from China, or Saudi Arabia, or Mexico, or anywhere else … is not the same as supporting those governments — especially when the products are such simple commodities. Walmart sells products which come from many different foreign countries, the U.S. included. It’s called “free market capitalism.”

Most Americans are not in unions and they are paid exactly what the “free market” dictates. In China, with many more factories, the situation is the same, though there may be more choice to change jobs. For almost all of the working population, changing jobs is no hassle in China, though average wages of course are still much lower than in the U.S.A. The difference is that there is almost no political freedom in that one-party country. Perhaps some Trumpsters would like a situation like that here? You know, maybe we need a king, as in “King Trump.” The products sold in Walmart, by the way, don’t come from XinJiang province either … for what it’s worth.

The dumb and crazy pro-Trump “pillow man” advertises his “special deal” pillow cotton comes from … Egypt, which is also a dictatorship now aided by Uncle Sam and especially … Saudi Arabia. Hmmm.

Finally, I sleep very well on my soft non-“Pillow Man” pillows, though after I wake I sometimes have to watch Lindell’s incredibly loud & utterly obnoxious commercials. What a grifter that man is. What a sad American nightmare!
There is evidence that China jobs are now going to Vietnam and other places.
Inequality is exploited by corporations because they can.

Most folk dont give a monkeys where their pillows come from. Dont know whhere mine came from because Mrs T doesnt bother me with that stuff.

When inequality is history then jobs will retutn to the west and communism will implode.
How much do Chinese workers make per day or per week or per month?
Good question. Hard to answer since there are lots of differences by region, skill level, etc. Reliable 2021-2022 data is hard to come by and deformed by Covid lockdown effects. Generally, though, average “low skill factory labor” earns about $5 or $6 an hour in cities, a bit more than the average in Mexico.

Lots of basic Chinese textile-type factories are moving to lower wage countries these days, as Chinese education levels increase. Today there are more skilled workers, managers, technicians, more STEM jobs, and private service industries, restaurants, etc tend to absorb many unskilled workers. Lots of young workers from rural areas still try to move to cities, many without finishing H.S., and many of them (as well as better educated youth) today prefer service jobs to factory work. Doctors and such make much less in China than here in the U.S.A. Lots of problems in China — no doubt about that.
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