Lindsay Graham refuses hold a confirmation hearing for AG Merrick Garland

Fuck Lady Lindsey and fuck Republicans. Nuke the damn Senate. Nuke the fillibuster and nuke the obstructionism

^^^ when the left get frustrated and blurt out their true intensions. That Dems just spent 4 years doing what this clown is ranting about is funny. :auiqs.jpg:
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:
So what was the reason for gerrymandering while Obama was there for 8 years? The Republican party should be called the "obstructionist party".

Actually, Obama got everything he wanted. His Porkulus, his executive order amnesty for Illegals- DACA, the Obamacare Atrocity. The GOP didn't obstruct a single significant program.
Oh Yeah. I forgot, They did allow him to appoint that Supreme Court judge, the guy that Lindsey is still fucking with, because he's a true asskisser..
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Working on behalf of the American people is NOT FOLLOWING your fucked up ideology.
:heehee: You thinking Lady G is working on behalf of the American people. :heehee:
Of course not, but anyone working for the progressive ideology is definitely NOT working for the American people.

The OP is worried about Merrick Garland and there isn't even an open SCOTUS seat to fill.

The entire thread is a failure on many levels.
You don't seem to know that Garland is the nominee for AG, not SCOTUS. :heehee:
Its a Bork thing.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.
The saddest part is they think just because they have a couple of bucks, they're elite. Voting against their own interest to fund corporations and wealthy people who don't give a damn about them or any Americans..

But, majority of them are broke, living paycheck to paycheck like most Americans but they'll rather starve than see any minority get any help.

Like they're the only ones working or paying taxes. Socialism my ass! They're sick, and Trump just exposed it for the whole world to see. America was a step away from turning into A Dictatorship Jan 6, and these morons would have been happy about it.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Working on behalf of the American people is NOT FOLLOWING your fucked up ideology.
:heehee: You thinking Lady G is working on behalf of the American people. :heehee:
Of course not, but anyone working for the progressive ideology is definitely NOT working for the American people.

The OP is worried about Merrick Garland and there isn't even an open SCOTUS seat to fill.

The entire thread is a failure on many levels.
You don't seem to know that Garland is the nominee for AG, not SCOTUS. :heehee:
You're right. I haven't had the news on in over a week. Regardless, Garland is the wrong person for any position.
now blame your ignorance on bad weather and you are senatorial material in Alabama.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Fuck Lady Lindsey and fuck Republicans. Nuke the damn Senate. Nuke the fillibuster and nuke the obstructionism

Wait til the SOTU, and nuke DC
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

The investigations will go on. Because Graham has taken a petty step to delay them won't matter. It will also justify deeper, and much more invasive investigation into Graham, and other Republicans in Congress. With the delays by McConnell and Graham, the questions now arise, what are they trying to hide, and how deeply are they involved in criminal conspiracy?
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.

Well lets see here, you lie, you lie and lie, you lie, you lie, lie, lie, and lie, and you lie. That's a heap of leftist lies in a single post. This is for you :cuckoo:
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.
The saddest part is they think just because they have a couple of bucks, they're elite. Voting against their own interest to fund corporations and wealthy people who don't give a damn about them or any Americans..

But, majority of them are broke, living paycheck to paycheck like most Americans but they'll rather starve than see any minority get any help.

Like they're the only ones working or paying taxes. Socialism my ass! They're sick, and Trump just exposed it for the whole world to see. America was a step away from turning into A Dictatorship Jan 6, and these morons would have been happy about it.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.

Well lets see here, you lie, you lie and lie, you lie, you lie, lie, lie, and lie, and you lie. That's a heap of leftist lies in a single post. This is for you :cuckoo:

Well there's evidence of nothing. Right wingers call everyone liars but Donald Trump. You claims that everyone but Trump is lying to you is why you're nowhere doing nothing right now.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.
The saddest part is they think just because they have a couple of bucks, they're elite. Voting against their own interest to fund corporations and wealthy people who don't give a damn about them or any Americans..

But, majority of them are broke, living paycheck to paycheck like most Americans but they'll rather starve than see any minority get any help.

Like they're the only ones working or paying taxes. Socialism my ass! They're sick, and Trump just exposed it for the whole world to see. America was a step away from turning into A Dictatorship Jan 6, and these morons would have been happy about it.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

We are punishing the left for rigging and cheating in the election. Whatever the left wants, forget it the answer is no. :itsok:

No you're not, you're punishing the American people for refusing to vote for the party of conspiracy theories, sedition, and incompetence.

Maybe if Republicans has some policies other than cut taxes, and crash the economy, you know policies that worked, but you don't even have a platform to run on.

You have NOTHING to show for 40 years of Republican economic policies but disease, debt and fiscal chaos, where Amercan workers have been systematically excluded from the wealthiest economy in the world.

Well lets see here, you lie, you lie and lie, you lie, you lie, lie, lie, and lie, and you lie. That's a heap of leftist lies in a single post. This is for you :cuckoo:

Well there's evidence of nothing. Right wingers call everyone liars but Donald Trump. You claims that everyone but Trump is lying to you is why you're nowhere doing nothing right now.

Right wingers call everyone liars but Donald Trump.

No, they know he lies.

you seem to be under the impression he's the ONLY one that lies.

You're wrong.
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah and how many Republicans and "conservatives" have the same amounts invested?
Talking about irony; when you guys are literally mad at these said liberals for standing up for people. The sad thing is you thought that was a smart comeback but you made yourself look and sound even dumber....dumbass
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Why shouldn't Graham have a Chairmans gavel?
The Republicans are the Minority party in the Senate now......

Last I heard, it was 50/50
Annnnnnd, guess who's the tie-breaker.
Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Seriously, Lindsay????? Are you going to pull this shit again????

You can file this under yet another reason why the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground, and a new sane conservative party rises from the ashes. One that is focused on working on behalf of the American People and not playing politics in the middle of multiple crises - all of which are the results of Republican incomptence and/or corruption:

Why shouldn't Graham have a Chairmans gavel?
The Republicans are the Minority party in the Senate now......

Last I heard, it was 50/50
Annnnnnd, guess who's the tie-breaker.

annnnnd, if there was no tie to break?

Are there any other Republicans with a charirmans gavel?
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy. 80% of stocks are owned by rich people. Republicans trot out these lies about how harming the stock market is harming everybody's pensions, and that's just bullshit. What harming everybody's ability to save for their retirement is wages that haven't increased in buying power in more than 40 years.

During this same time frame, corporations have managed to absorb increases in the costs of equipment, insurance, premises purchase/rental, transportation, raw materials, advertizing and promotion, and a 1000% increase in executive salaries and still pull off the highest profits in American history. In fact. the ONLY expenses that hasn't increased in 40 years, is front line worker wages.

Every time there's talk of reining in stock market excesses, Republicans trot out this lie about all of the pension funds suffering, and it's bullshit. If you look at the history of the stock market, it always does much better under Democrats than Republicans.

Chart the economic progress of the American worker over the past 120 years and it becomes painfully obvious that the Republican Party has been at the helm of every fiscal calamity that has befallen the United States. They're fiscally irresponsible.
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy.

You are a complete moron, the US has $32 TRILLION in pension assets dummy. :itsok:
Voting against their own interest to fund corporations

Dems and liberals have TRILLIONS of pension fund money invested in these corporations you stupid shit. My God the left is dumb. :cuckoo: The irony is off the charts, you advocate for the pilfering of corporations reducing the returns on your own investments. :auiqs.jpg:

No they don't. That's an absolute fallacy.

You are a complete moron, the US has $32 TRILLION in pension assets dummy. :itsok:
Your argument is asinine, like you.

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