Lindsey Graham told McCain to give dossier to the FBI


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
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How can a collaborator with the enemy be a freaking war 'hero'?

Oh, yeah, you're a liberal, my bad.
I'm having a hard time trusting anything CNN reports (who would, they're compulsive and obvious liars) but bottom line McCain turned it in, Hillary/DNC paid for it, Obama/Democrats/Hillary had their deep state cronies spy on the Trump campaign, the Mueller investigation was a 25 million dollar farce and the dossier shows collusion between Democrats and the Russians.
I'm having a hard time trusting anything CNN reports (who would, they're compulsive and obvious liars) but bottom line McCain turned it in, Hillary/DNC paid for it, Obama/Democrats/Hillary had their deep state cronies spy on the Trump campaign, the Mueller investigation was a 25 million dollar farce and the dossier shows collusion between Democrats and the Russians.

Look for another source, there is one on the Hill. Don't look to Fox, they probably won't have it.

No the dossier was started by the Republicans, to get dirt on Trump, see none of the Republicans liked him.
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
What, specifically are you whining about?

It wasn't Grahmnesty's job to verify the dossier's accuracy, or decide to use it in a FISA application to spy on the Trump campaign.
I'm having a hard time trusting anything CNN reports (who would, they're compulsive and obvious liars) but bottom line McCain turned it in, Hillary/DNC paid for it, Obama/Democrats/Hillary had their deep state cronies spy on the Trump campaign, the Mueller investigation was a 25 million dollar farce and the dossier shows collusion between Democrats and the Russians.

Look for another source, there is one on the Hill. Don't look to Fox, they probably won't have it.

No the dossier was started by the Republicans, to get dirt on Trump, see none of the Republicans liked him.

Sorry, not a good enough excuse .. the Republicans knew it was crap, the DNC/Hillary/Obama loved it, paid for it and used it.
How can a collaborator with the enemy be a freaking war 'hero'?

Oh, yeah, you're a liberal, my bad.

I'm sure when the Vietcong tortured you, you were truly stoic...

Oh, wait. no. You probably never served at all.
I'm having a hard time trusting anything CNN reports (who would, they're compulsive and obvious liars) but bottom line McCain turned it in, Hillary/DNC paid for it, Obama/Democrats/Hillary had their deep state cronies spy on the Trump campaign, the Mueller investigation was a 25 million dollar farce and the dossier shows collusion between Democrats and the Russians.

Look for another source, there is one on the Hill. Don't look to Fox, they probably won't have it.

No the dossier was started by the Republicans, to get dirt on Trump, see none of the Republicans liked him.

Sorry, not a good enough excuse .. the Republicans knew it was crap, the DNC/Hillary/Obama loved it, paid for it and used it.

This is not about Hillary, the dossier was given to the FBI recommended by Lindsey Graham, who was a real whimp when he let Trump go on about McCain, finally he came clean.
Graham should actually step down and resign his committee as he is too close to Trump. He also let his lost friend to take the heat for turning in the dossier, despicable. Trump demands loyalty.

PALM BEACH, Fla. — Sen. Lindsey Graham delivered a rousing speech behind closed doors at Mar-a-Lago on Friday night, joking about the prospect of President Donald Trump opening a hotel in Jerusalem and asking the crowd whether they’d like to see former Rep. Trey Gowdy on the Supreme Court.

With Trump looking on, Graham lavished the president with praise, ticking off a list of his accomplishments, including the booming economy, the elimination of Islamic State strongholds in Syria and the moving of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Graham delivers laughs — and loyalty — at Mar-a-Lago dinner
At the request of Graham. Do not doubt this, Graham is a total whimp.
What is your hysteria about?

Imagine all the whining from your fellow election-deniers if Grahmnesty had shred it.

Since you are so knotted up about this, tell us what Grahmnesty should have done with the document.

I'll wait..
At the request of Graham. Do not doubt this, Graham is a total whimp.

If - IF - you find a single Trumpleton on here who would find anything untoward in representatives' / senators' total, unquestioning loyalty to their Dear Leader, drop me a note, please.
Democrats are apparently worried about Grahmnesty looking into the Obama DOJ's FISA abuse.

I don't don't blame them.
as already said , mcstain turned it over to FBI .

At the request of Graham. Do not doubt this, Graham is a total whimp.
----------------------------- AGREE about 'graham' being a wimp but it was 'mcstain that did the hurtful work . ------------- Same for 'manson' , the girls or gangs did the actual murders but it was 'manson' that got it all going . 'mcstain is and was scum Penny . ''mcstain' just wanted to Include or Implicate 'graham' Penny .
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
McCain is dead.
The investigation is over.
There was no collusion.

Quit trying to stir the pot
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."
McCain Was Responsible For Steele Dossier Leak

Is Graham consciously lying about McCain not getting the Steele dossier into the hands of Buzzfeed and other leftist
media sources so as to begin a campaign of disinformation about the Russian collusion hoax/smear?

Or was he merely ignorant about McCain's right hand man David Kramer, who actually was dispatched to London to receive a copy of the opposition research disguised as intelligence, and then feeding the disinformation to media sharks?

Either way it was John McCain who facilitated getting the dossier into the hands of the FBI and the media and he never denied any of that.

And like Lindsay Graham either you are deliberately lying about John McCain's role in the whole disinformation smear or are too ignorant of what you are putting out to be trusted. I think it's likely both.
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."
McCain Was Responsible For Steele Dossier Leak

Is Graham consciously lying about McCain not getting the Steele dossier into the hands of Buzzfeed and other leftist
media sources so as to begin a campaign of disinformation about the Russian collusion hoax/smear?

Or was he merely ignorant about McCain's right hand man David Kramer, who actually was dispatched to London to receive a copy of the opposition research disguised as intelligence, and then feeding the disinformation to media sharks?

Either way it was John McCain who facilitated getting the dossier into the hands of the FBI and the media and he never denied any of that.

And like Lindsay Graham either you are deliberately lying about John McCain's role in the whole disinformation smear or are too ignorant of what you are putting out to be trusted. I think it's likely both.

And whimp Graham said to turn it into the FBI. He needs to step down, he is too close to tramp.
How can a collaborator with the enemy be a freaking war 'hero'?

Oh, yeah, you're a liberal, my bad. CRCs are calling our POWs collaborators. How long before you all join donnie in not just supporting him but participating in shooting people on 5th Ave in broad daylight?

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