Lindsey Graham told McCain to give dossier to the FBI

Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
John McCain trashed every supporter of trump. That instigated the trump response. McCain didn’t trash only trump, he trashed millions of Americans. Trump came to their defense as much as his own defense. Just like he did when Cruz trashed New Yorkers.
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
John McCain trashed every supporter of trump. That instigated the trump response. McCain didn’t trash only trump, he trashed millions of Americans. Trump came to their defense as much as his own defense. Just like he did when Cruz trashed New Yorkers.

McCain was only pointing out their hypocrisy apparently. No GOP wanted Tramp to win the nominee. Also give us links of where McCain trashed every supporter of tramp??

McCain a war hero, tramp a bone spur hero.
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
I don't recall McCain disputing the fact that his flunky spread the Steele dossier disinformation around to favored media sites so that information would be released giving the dossier an air of authority and legitimacy it did not deserve.

It was one of the last actions of a real vindictive and vengeful dick!
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
I don't recall McCain disputing the fact that his flunky spread the Steele dossier disinformation around to favored media sites so that information would be released giving the dossier an air of authority and legitimacy it did not deserve.

It was one of the last actions of a real vindictive and vengeful dick!
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.
------------------------------------------- maybe , but then concern turned into the fact that RAT 'mcstain' turned in the information to the FBI which i think is all that The TRUMP has said isn't it OldLady ??
I heard The TRUMP say something about , hey , 'mcstain' shoulda talked to me before he went to the FBI . My opinion is that the Rat mcstain was looking to hurt the TRUMP in anyway that he could . [in my opinion]
I heard The TRUMP say something about , hey , 'mcstain' shoulda talked to me before he went to the FBI . My opinion is that the Rat mcstain was looking to hurt the TRUMP in anyway that he could . [in my opinion]

Yet you are pro Lindsey Graham or are you??
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
I don't recall McCain disputing the fact that his flunky spread the Steele dossier disinformation around to favored media sites so that information would be released giving the dossier an air of authority and legitimacy it did not deserve.

It was one of the last actions of a real vindictive and vengeful dick!
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.

See how they hate who Tramp puts down.
aw , he is alright when he does what i want him to do but personally i have no use for him most of the time Penny .
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
-------------------------------------- and if WILL is correct about going to 'london' to pick up the Dossier and then the Thumbs down on Repeal and Replace . Well , i think those actions were done to hurt ME and the Trump . And then i saw the video of 'mcstain' defending 'mrobama' against some old American Lady at a 'mcstain' rally and i know that 'mcstain' likes importing third worlders . I never had any use for 'mcstain' and i never voted for him Penny .
I heard The TRUMP say something about , hey , 'mcstain' shoulda talked to me before he went to the FBI . My opinion is that the Rat mcstain was looking to hurt the TRUMP in anyway that he could . [in my opinion]

Yet you are pro Lindsey Graham or are you??

Well he told McCain to give it to the FBI. He said so himself. When Trump dumps him, so will you.
like i told you , 'graham' is ok at some times but i am no fan . Only good thing about him is that he is pro War at times so i like that Spirit when it is needed .
and by the way , but Shrimpbox has got a good thread going . Its called ' The Growing Greatness of Trump' . Check it out Penny . --------------- :afro:
I heard The TRUMP say something about , hey , 'mcstain' shoulda talked to me before he went to the FBI . My opinion is that the Rat mcstain was looking to hurt the TRUMP in anyway that he could . [in my opinion]
WHY would McCain (or anyone else) go to Trump first, since he was the one who had possibly done wrong? That makes no sense.
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
I don't recall McCain disputing the fact that his flunky spread the Steele dossier disinformation around to favored media sites so that information would be released giving the dossier an air of authority and legitimacy it did not deserve.

It was one of the last actions of a real vindictive and vengeful dick!
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.
------------------------------------------- maybe , but then concern turned into the fact that RAT 'mcstain' turned in the information to the FBI which i think is all that The TRUMP has said isn't it OldLady ??
I thought you said Trump wanted McCain to show it to him first?
I heard The TRUMP say something about , hey , 'mcstain' shoulda talked to me before he went to the FBI . My opinion is that the Rat mcstain was looking to hurt the TRUMP in anyway that he could . [in my opinion]
WHY would McCain (or anyone else) go to Trump first, since he was the one who had possibly done wrong? That makes no sense.
-------------------------------------------------------- and so , its TRUE , 'RAT mcstain' went to the FBI rather than to first bring it to TRUMPS Attention and i guess that thats [may be] what the TRUMP is pizzed about OldLady . [i never really paid much attention to this Prostitutes peeing on a bed silliness OldLady]
Bulllshit OP.....McCain dispatched an aide to London to pick up the fake dossier....nobody believes he didn't do what he's been accused of doing once he got back. Trump challenged his "hero" status and he got revenge with that and his thumb's down on repeal and replace BarryCare. I voted for McCain several times....wish I could recall those votes....he was a piece of shit.
I don't recall McCain disputing the fact that his flunky spread the Steele dossier disinformation around to favored media sites so that information would be released giving the dossier an air of authority and legitimacy it did not deserve.

It was one of the last actions of a real vindictive and vengeful dick!
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.
------------------------------------------- maybe , but then concern turned into the fact that RAT 'mcstain' turned in the information to the FBI which i think is all that The TRUMP has said isn't it OldLady ??
I thought you said Trump wanted McCain to show it to him first?
------------------------------------- thats what i ''' HEARD ''' , though i don't know of course . But yeah , i understand that way of thinking . Hey , RAT , you have some info on me , well show it to me so i can see what i am facing . Then , turn it in to the FBI . Its the Gentlemanly way of doing things OldLady .
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker

Who cares. The world is a better place with McCain dead and rotting.
CRC canon ^
We can definitely say that John McCain had a more honorable life than Trump when McCain followed his father into the Navy and then he entered Congress and became hopelessly corrupted and untrustworthy.
Ask his ex wife about that. John McCain's First Wife Speaks Out | HuffPost

And Trump has definitely been on the right side of things since he became president and has stood up for American sovereignty against Deep State quislings and lackeys like John McCain himself.

Of the two men Trump has unquestionably served this country better than the venal and vengeful neocon John McCain.
Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Lindsey Graham encouraged McCain to turn Trump-Russia dossier over to FBI - CNNPolitics


I wonder how Trump will smear Graham now (Graham finally spoke up) , Vengeance is mine, says Tramp.

Some of you might want to go through this post, to see how you posted about McCain, a Nam war hero. Trump is a not a hero of any sort, a BONE SPUR hero!!
McCain Was The Leaker
Don’t matter Lindsey Graham is on team Trump now ... he like many democrats have switched to trumps great leadership
You've read the dossier, I'm sure. If YOU had been given that information about someone running for President, would you have ignored it? Anyone would have been concerned.
McCain was so "concerned" that he instantly got the opposition research of Hillary Clinton into the hands of media sources so this disinformation could make it into newspapers and CNN and the like before any of the dossier could be verified, which was never as it turns out.

The dossier turns out to be a collection of absolute made up trash the author himself refuses to
stand behind.

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