Lindsey Graham’s senate challenger brings plexiglass screen to first debate


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Democrat challenging Sen. Lindsey Graham for his South Carolina seat took coronavirus protection into his own hands — and brought a large plexiglass screen to their first debate.

Former lobbyist Jaime Harrison, 44, stood behind the high, multi-paneled partition screening him from Graham Saturday — even though his rival was 13 feet away and had tested negative the previous day.



Seriously. The theatrics are amazing. Harrison is a drama queen.
Harrison could very well put Graham in the unemployment line...

A good portion of the population here is sick of Graham.
I saw a few minutes of the Harrison-Graham debate on C-SPAN.

I liked the good behavior of both participants.

When the moderator said that time was up, the speaker shut up.

They both listened respectfully to each other without interrupting.

I did not notice Mr. Harrison's screen.
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.

What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you? Are you this big of a prick in ht e real world, or only on anonymous message boards where you can hide? Wishing death on someone because you disagree with them? Grow the fuck up.

Besides, it's bad juju...
The Democrat challenging Sen. Lindsey Graham for his South Carolina seat took coronavirus protection into his own hands — and brought a large plexiglass screen to their first debate.
Former lobbyist Jaime Harrison, 44, stood behind the high, multi-paneled partition screening him from Graham Saturday — even though his rival was 13 feet away and had tested negative the previous day.
Seriously. The theatrics are amazing. Harrison is a drama queen.

What marvelous THEATER the democrats provide us in trying now to depict the entire republican party as DISEASED GERM CARRIERS.

And Donald Trump is the HEAD GERM.

Vote for Joe Biden, the sanitized candidate.
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.

What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you? Are you this big of a prick in ht e real world, or only on anonymous message boards where you can hide? Wishing death on someone because you disagree with them? Grow the fuck up.

Besides, it's bad juju...

I'd wish it to him in person if I could.

And there is nothing wrong with me.

He is a commie jerk and I would love to see him disappear.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

Somehow the word "smart" just seems incongruous in any sentence from you about what the GOP should address!

It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.
Wow! Even for here that’s pretty ugly. If that is actually how you feel you may need some help, man. The first step is admitting there is a problem.
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.
Wow! Even for here that’s pretty ugly. If that is actually how you feel you may need some help, man. The first step is admitting there is a problem.

Yes it is ugly.

What problem ?

We are entitled to feel what we feel.

I would not make it happen.

But if the car was burning, I'd say "too bad".
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.
Wow! Even for here that’s pretty ugly. If that is actually how you feel you may need some help, man. The first step is admitting there is a problem.

Yes it is ugly.

What problem ?

We are entitled to feel what we feel.

I would not make it happen.

But if the car was burning, I'd say "too bad".
I am saying this out of genuine concern, no slight, no put down, no judgement are intended. For you to wish suffering and death on someone because of an opinion they post, or a written attack on your ideas is problematic. It’s not proportional at all to the situation, I’d imagine you may have suffered due to your inability to control your rage both professionally and personally. I am not questioning your passion for your ideals, but the way you just expressed your frustration denotes a real challenge managing that hair trigger on your anger. I am saying this as someone who has been in that boat and gotten out of it. Inner rage is destructive only to the person it belongs to.
I truly wish well and hope you take this as kindness and in no way a condemnation or an attack.
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.
Wow! Even for here that’s pretty ugly. If that is actually how you feel you may need some help, man. The first step is admitting there is a problem.

Yes it is ugly.

What problem ?

We are entitled to feel what we feel.

I would not make it happen.

But if the car was burning, I'd say "too bad".
I am saying this out of genuine concern, no slight, no put down, no judgement are intended. For you to wish suffering and death on someone because of an opinion they post, or a written attack on your ideas is problematic. It’s not proportional at all to the situation, I’d imagine you may have suffered due to your inability to control your rage both professionally and personally. I am not questioning your passion for your ideals, but the way you just expressed your frustration denotes a real challenge managing that hair trigger on your anger. I am saying this as someone who has been in that boat and gotten out of it. Inner rage is destructive only to the person it belongs to.
I truly wish well and hope you take this as kindness and in no way a condemnation or an attack.

Take a step back.

I am very controlled in all ways so you can move away from this kind of guess work.

I have been a student of the constitution, SCOTUS and the machinations of the federal government.

The nitwit's constant bleatings about Trump are total lies and belay an attitude of superiority and elitism. He represents the potential end of our Republic. It stands to affect my liberty, the liberty of my friends, and liberty of many others.

I don't take this lightly.

And I respond accordingly.

I am glad you got your rage under control.

It has never been an issue for me.

What I say, I say out of a desire for what I think is right (except maybe the suffering...which might reveal a level of irritation).
Harrison could very well put Graham in the unemployment line...

A good portion of the population here is sick of Graham.
I saw a few minutes of the Harrison-Graham debate on C-SPAN.

I liked the good behavior of both participants.

When the moderator said that time was up, the speaker shut up.

They both listened respectfully to each other without interrupting.

I did not notice Mr. Harrison's screen.

Did they actually debate issues? I would love to see a debate-debate.
It was dumb and Harrison looks like an idiot.
Nope – smart move; the way Republicans have botched addressing the pandemic, they’re all potential sources of infection.

1. Let's hope you get it.
2. Let's hope you suffer for weeks.
3. Let's hope you die in the end.
Wow! Even for here that’s pretty ugly. If that is actually how you feel you may need some help, man. The first step is admitting there is a problem.

Yes it is ugly.

What problem ?

We are entitled to feel what we feel.

I would not make it happen.

But if the car was burning, I'd say "too bad".
I am saying this out of genuine concern, no slight, no put down, no judgement are intended. For you to wish suffering and death on someone because of an opinion they post, or a written attack on your ideas is problematic. It’s not proportional at all to the situation, I’d imagine you may have suffered due to your inability to control your rage both professionally and personally. I am not questioning your passion for your ideals, but the way you just expressed your frustration denotes a real challenge managing that hair trigger on your anger. I am saying this as someone who has been in that boat and gotten out of it. Inner rage is destructive only to the person it belongs to.
I truly wish well and hope you take this as kindness and in no way a condemnation or an attack.

Take a step back.

I am very controlled in all ways so you can move away from this kind of guess work.

I have been a student of the constitution, SCOTUS and the machinations of the federal government.

The nitwit's constant bleatings about Trump are total lies and belay an attitude of superiority and elitism. He represents the potential end of our Republic. It stands to affect my liberty, the liberty of my friends, and liberty of many others.

I don't take this lightly.

And I respond accordingly.

I am glad you got your rage under control.

It has never been an issue for me.

What I say, I say out of a desire for what I think is right (except maybe the suffering...which might reveal a level of irritation).
Ok, fair enough. Good to hear.
Smart move - And BTW, Mr Harrison ate Donald's caddy for a late lunch yesterday. :cool:

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