Line To Get In To Trump Rally In Nevada Yesterday

Trump is exposing the COVID lie each and every day.... Democrats are scared shitless.

No one is scared shitless. Especially not Democrats. Trump is responsible for the COVID-19 response debacle.
No amount of "fuming" or blame shifting will change that.
2 Democrat MDs in Congress and not a peep about C19 from them in January.
Where did you pick that lie up? Q'Anon?

For a man who's god is science, you're pretty stupid and lazy.
3 democrat physicians. So wrong there. Also it was a stupid lie that none of them said anything in January. You are obviously not clever enough to have invented this lie and are parroting it from some white wing blog that is designed to fool people just like you.
I thought you couldn't find it!
I mean, you seemed so shocked!

I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
So I turned to my wife while we were watching a Sunday night episode of Columbo and I asked her...It's all Trumps fault? How many MDs are there in Congress?
Not one of these MDs said a word.
So eat your hypocritical shit.
The president doesnt need congress for such purpose.
The president gets classified presidential briefings

why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?
I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
The president gets classified presidential briefings why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?

Wow, the Left is really concerned with Trump holding rallies, puts a lot of pressure on Joe. You folks really have a problem with folks having quality of life and free choice, especially BEFORE the election!; kinda takes Covid off the table as a talking point huh, as in a pandemic, there really isn't much you can do anyway-- -- maybe a few will catch the bug, maybe not, but no one made them go there, Covid really isn't much different from the flu, and life will go on. It has to or we don't survive as a society.
I wonder if this goober was at the rally? He saw Trump for the 68th time in western Pa. a couple weeks ago. It`s the same idiots coming to his rallies and they know each other by name.

Goobers! Idiots! Code-word for Trump still has an excited, loyal, large following DESPITE all the Left have tried to do, in a democratic stronghold (Pittsburgh region) no less that Joe and the democrats still cannot muster 1,000th the enthusiasm in!

If anything, excitement and support for Donald BUILDS greater than ever!

Guess you either got it or you don't.

Trump has the backs of Americans. Joe has his bottle of Geritol and Memory-Plus tablets.
I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
The president gets classified presidential briefings why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?

Wow, the Left is really concerned with Trump holding rallies, puts a lot of pressure on Joe. You folks really have a problem with folks having quality of life and free choice, especially BEFORE the election!; kinda takes Covid off the table as a talking point huh, as in a pandemic, there really isn't much you can do anyway-- -- maybe a few will catch the bug, maybe not, but no one made them go there, Covid really isn't much different from the flu, and life will go on. It has to or we don't survive as a society.
Trump`s interview with Woodward keeps Covid on the table. His lies killed tens of thousands at the very least.
I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
The president gets classified presidential briefings why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?

Wow, the Left is really concerned with Trump holding rallies, puts a lot of pressure on Joe. You folks really have a problem with folks having quality of life and free choice, especially BEFORE the election!; kinda takes Covid off the table as a talking point huh, as in a pandemic, there really isn't much you can do anyway-- -- maybe a few will catch the bug, maybe not, but no one made them go there, Covid really isn't much different from the flu, and life will go on. It has to or we don't survive as a society.
Trump`s interview with Woodward keeps Covid on the table. His lies killed tens of thousands at the very least.

Actually, NO.

If you actually listen to the interview, Trump makes the point that he acted in the best interests of the nation to quell panic and hysteria, JUST AS BIDEN'S OWN HANDLER SLIPPED AND ADMITTED HE SHOULD DO in a situation like that Sunday morning on Fox, otherwise, America would have been in a bedlam of chaos 100X worse than it was this past Spring.

ITMT, he and the scientific and medical community all knew what they were up against and were doing all they could to develop a defense, just as America was doing all it could do in protecting itself with shutdowns, travel restrictions, sheltering in place, masks, social distancing, disinfecting, etc. Whether America knew Covid was exactly this or that made little to no difference and in fact, history shows that in times like this, governments cannot afford to tell the public more than they need to know otherwise there could be far more hysteria and violence in the streets! No doubt Trump SAVED countless lives by keeping America calm, confident, focused and assured.

ITMT, Covid is a non-starter, pandemics are pandemics, everyone around the world is in the same boat, and the more you press the issue, the more America will realize it is just another hollow grasp by the Left as they do nothing but blow smoke up their own asses. Democrats made it clear in the Spring they were going to do whatever the hell they wanted anyway in their respective states and told Trump to go F off. We see the result and now you must live with the outcome.
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I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
The president gets classified presidential briefings why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?

Wow, the Left is really concerned with Trump holding rallies, puts a lot of pressure on Joe. You folks really have a problem with folks having quality of life and free choice, especially BEFORE the election!; kinda takes Covid off the table as a talking point huh, as in a pandemic, there really isn't much you can do anyway-- -- maybe a few will catch the bug, maybe not, but no one made them go there, Covid really isn't much different from the flu, and life will go on. It has to or we don't survive as a society.
Trump`s interview with Woodward keeps Covid on the table. His lies killed tens of thousands at the very least.

Actually, NO.

If you actually listen to the interview, Trump makes the point that he acted in the best interests of the nation to quell panic and hysteria, JUST AS BIDEN'S OWN HANDLER SLIPPED AND ADMITTED HE SHOULD DO in a situation like that Sunday morning on Fox, otherwise, America would have been in a bedlam of chaos 100X worse than it was this past Spring.

ITMT, he and the scientific and medical community all knew what they were up against and were doing all they could to develop a defense, just as America was doing all it could do in protecting itself with shutdowns, travel restrictions, sheltering in place, masks, social distancing, disinfecting, etc. Whether America knew Covid was exactly this or that made little to no difference and in fact, history shows that in times like this, governments cannot afford to tell the public more than they need to know otherwise there could be far more hysteria and violence in the streets! No doubt Trump SAVED countless lives by keeping America calm, confident, focused and assured.

ITMT, Covid is a non-starter, pandemics are pandemics, everyone around the world is in the same boat, and the more you press the issue, the more America will realize it is just another hollow grasp by the Left as they do nothing but blow smoke up their own asses. Democrats made it clear in the Spring they were going to do whatever the hell they wanted anyway in their respective states and told Trump to go F off. We see the result and now you must live with the outcome.
Sitting on the truth for weeks caused the virus to spread faster than it would have otherwise.

I don't think you'll find this issue anywhere...I thought of it all on my own because everybody's blaming Trump alone.
The president gets classified presidential briefings why do you need to sign a waiver to get into Trump rally?

Wow, the Left is really concerned with Trump holding rallies, puts a lot of pressure on Joe. You folks really have a problem with folks having quality of life and free choice, especially BEFORE the election!; kinda takes Covid off the table as a talking point huh, as in a pandemic, there really isn't much you can do anyway-- -- maybe a few will catch the bug, maybe not, but no one made them go there, Covid really isn't much different from the flu, and life will go on. It has to or we don't survive as a society.
Trump`s interview with Woodward keeps Covid on the table. His lies killed tens of thousands at the very least.

Actually, NO.

If you actually listen to the interview, Trump makes the point that he acted in the best interests of the nation to quell panic and hysteria, JUST AS BIDEN'S OWN HANDLER SLIPPED AND ADMITTED HE SHOULD DO in a situation like that Sunday morning on Fox, otherwise, America would have been in a bedlam of chaos 100X worse than it was this past Spring.

ITMT, he and the scientific and medical community all knew what they were up against and were doing all they could to develop a defense, just as America was doing all it could do in protecting itself with shutdowns, travel restrictions, sheltering in place, masks, social distancing, disinfecting, etc. Whether America knew Covid was exactly this or that made little to no difference and in fact, history shows that in times like this, governments cannot afford to tell the public more than they need to know otherwise there could be far more hysteria and violence in the streets! No doubt Trump SAVED countless lives by keeping America calm, confident, focused and assured.

ITMT, Covid is a non-starter, pandemics are pandemics, everyone around the world is in the same boat, and the more you press the issue, the more America will realize it is just another hollow grasp by the Left as they do nothing but blow smoke up their own asses. Democrats made it clear in the Spring they were going to do whatever the hell they wanted anyway in their respective states and told Trump to go F off. We see the result and now you must live with the outcome.
Sitting on the truth for weeks caused the virus to spread faster than it would have otherwise.

You know anyone who died?
I knew hundreds.
They were 60+ with pre-existing conditions and didn’t isolate.
Sitting on the truth for weeks caused the virus to spread faster than it would have otherwise.

Look, Bonebrain, not revealing all the facts to the general public at once up front is a far cry from "lying" or "sitting on the truth," so take your total BS spin and shove it up your ass. If the shoe was on the other foot, we all know you'd be DEFENDING the action. Like I said, Biden's OWN PEIOPLE already admitted themselves that it was the only way to go. The average person on the street wouldn't know a retrovirus from a betaflexiviridae, nor do they need to. There isn't a crisis in the world you can name where the government has ever been 100% transparent with the general public for all the reasons already given, not in war, not in a crisis like 9/11 and certainly not during a biological attack like Covid-19.

Aside from the fact that China wasn't being transparent with us, the people with whom needed to know knew and were doing all they could, the public was doing all it could, in fact, we pushed the American public pretty much as far as both the economy, business and people could and were willing to go for far longer than first expected, and likely the only reason why we got THAT FAR was BECAUSE the government gave out info in stages, first letting us think it would be just for a couple of weeks, then a little longer, then longer still, and now that we've gotten used to the idea and kind of accepted the situation, maybe well into next year.

That is the only way a government can do it to protect the peace and control civil unrest.

There is no way you can stop the spreading of a virus blowing through the air, from person to person and from surface to surface without totally stopping all human activity at the cost of millions of lives. People will only accept so much intrusion on their liberties and few people want to see or would accept a total police state lockdown like in some third world countries. As it is, it is already estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of people have died or will die just from the suspension of needed operations and testing hospitals otherwise would have been doing.

It's a pandemic, we get that, there are many questions being asked about how we handled it even as it is. People will get it, some people will die, and eventually we'll develop enough resistance and find some sort of preventive treatment. Bad shit happens.

No one is buying your fear mongering; doctors and hospitals and people have gone as far as they can go and as far as they are WILLING to go. Covid is like bad weather or crop failure: you make the best of it that you can. You better start looking for some concrete reasons that people would want to vote FOR Joe Biden than trying to tell us that Trump somehow failed in a viral attack among the worst we have seen in 100 years that every country on the planet is struggling to cope with.
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Trump is exposing the COVID lie each and every day.... Democrats are scared shitless.

No one is scared shitless. Especially not Democrats. Trump is responsible for the COVID-19 response debacle.
No amount of "fuming" or blame shifting will change that.
So you say!

No. I do say. On February 10th, Trump held a rally up here in Manchester, NH. Local news stations interviewed the salient Trump worshipers and there were a good amount from other states that "just wanted to see the President".

So you're saying Americans are willing to drive long distances to see Trump.
What does that tell you?

It tells me that it's akin to a rock concert. People travel from distances to see a popular figure(s).
Doesn't mean they are concentrated voters entirely from that state. So telling me that a long line
of suckers waiting to get in to hear Trump bloviate is a measure of his popularity in that particular kinda pointless. :)

How many people travel from out of state to see Hiden?
Thats right,nobody. He cant even draw them in locally.
Just admit it,no one wants to see Hiden.
It's like, . . . why should Biden even bother hidin'?
All this proves is that you can find a line of suckers anywhere. Minden is close to Tahoe. Lotsa money up that way.
I wonder how many people came from CA? :) That's the deceptiveness of a Trump pep rally. The people coming aren't all
necessarily from that state or region.

I still think Biden has the edge and lean towards him winning the election for many reasons, but I certainly wouldn't bet on it. There is a definite enthusiasm gap between Trump's supporters and people who have more or less settled for Biden. What we are seeing on the ground is similar to what was happening in 2016. Trump was drawing far larger crowds than Clinton even though she lead pretty much the entire race. The same phenomenon is being repeated, even more stark than last time.
Sitting on the truth for weeks caused the virus to spread faster than it would have otherwise.

Look, Bonebrain, not revealing all the facts to the general public at once up front is a far cry from "lying" or "sitting on the truth," so take your total BS spin and shove it up your ass. If the shoe was on the other foot, we all know you'd be DEFENDING the action. Like I said, Biden's OWN PEIOPLE already admitted themselves that it was the only way to go. The average person on the street wouldn't know a retrovirus from a betaflexiviridae, nor do they need to. There isn't a crisis in the world you can name where the government has ever been 100% transparent with the general public for all the reasons already given, not in war, not in a crisis like 9/11 and certainly not during a biological attack like Covid-19.

Aside from the fact that China wasn't being transparent with us, the people with whom needed to know knew and were doing all they could, the public was doing all it could, in fact, we pushed the American public pretty much as far as both the economy, business and people could and were willing to go for far longer than first expected, and likely the only reason why we got THAT FAR was BECAUSE the government gave out info in stages, first letting us think it would be just for a couple of weeks, then a little longer, then longer still, and now that we've gotten used to the idea and kind of accepted the situation, maybe well into next year.

That is the only way a government can do it to protect the peace and control civil unrest.

There is no way you can stop the spreading of a virus blowing through the air, from person to person and from surface to surface without totally stopping all human activity at the cost of millions of lives. People will only accept so much intrusion on their liberties and few people want to see or would accept a total police state lockdown like in some third world countries. As it is, it is already estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of people have died or will die just from the suspension of needed operations and testing hospitals otherwise would have been doing.

It's a pandemic, we get that, there are many questions being asked about how we handled it even as it is. People will get it, some people will die, and eventually we'll develop enough resistance and find some sort of preventive treatment. Bad shit happens.

No one is buying your fear mongering; doctors and hospitals and people have gone as far as they can go and as far as they are WILLING to go. Covid is like bad weather or crop failure: you make the best of it that you can. You better start looking for some concrete reasons that people would want to vote FOR Joe Biden than trying to tell us that Trump somehow failed in a viral attack among the worst we have seen in 100 years that every country on the planet is struggling to cope with.
The intent was never to stop the virus.
The intent was always to achieve herd immunity without overflowing the hospitals.

Its been proven that 36 thousand lives would have been saved if distancing was started just one week earlier.
For masks, from the start we've been told the purpose is to reduce the chance of a person infecting others, but it also protects the wearer. A mask doesnt prevent you from catching the virus, but it does reduce how much you catch, reducing how sick you get. Since Trump holds rallies without masks, he's still causing unnecessary deaths and health-care costs. Like the Sturgis rally costing $12 billion.

The intent was always to achieve herd immunity without overflowing the hospitals.

So Trump did the right thing. You don't develop herd immunity by locking yourself in your home sealed in a ziplock baggie.

Its been proven that 36 thousand lives would have been saved if distancing was started just one week earlier.

BULLSHIT. No one has proven no such thing and your link is garbage. It would take a Cray supercomputer programmed with the exact details of millions of people lives crunching numbers for weeks to even try to "prove" such a thing.

For masks, from the start we've been told the purpose is to reduce the chance of a person infecting others, but it also protects the wearer.

Since Trump holds rallies without masks, he's still causing unnecessary deaths and health-care costs. Like the Sturgis rally costing $12 billion.
12 billion. And you say that with a straight face. How do you fucking get out of bed every day? No one tells anyone to wear or NOT to wear a mask at a rally. All his rallies do is embarrass Democrats who have LOCKED themselves into a policy where now THEY CAN'T COMPETE. Wearing a mask is YOUR CHOICE. You have no idea who gets sick or dies but hardly anyone catching the virus actually does, mostly just the very old and very ill. People with one toe already out the door.

There is no such thing as health care costs, all of this stuff is paid for. Hospitals are a for-profit business in case you never knew. THEY MAKE MONEY treating people. At some point, it is all paid for. But thanks for once again proving you're a total idiot. Trump has killed no one, its a pandemic. Biden would do no better. You better start finding something to campaign on better than this. America doesn't care, so if the virus gets worse rather than better, you ought to be happy! I can't wait to see Biden elected in office and see him put under the hot light to see him "perform" and show us what a much better job Democrats can do! :auiqs.jpg:
All this proves is that you can find a line of suckers anywhere. Minden is close to Tahoe. Lotsa money up that way.
I wonder how many people came from CA? :) That's the deceptiveness of a Trump pep rally. The people coming aren't all
necessarily from that state or region.
You're an idiot.

And you're boring. But I suspect you get that quite a bit. :)
All this proves is that you can find a line of suckers anywhere. Minden is close to Tahoe. Lotsa money up that way.
I wonder how many people came from CA? :) That's the deceptiveness of a Trump pep rally. The people coming aren't all
necessarily from that state or region.
You're an idiot.

And you're boring. But I suspect you get that quite a bit. :)

No Jack. You really are just an idiot. A henpecked, garageless idiot. It'll be a cold rainy day in California before Joe Biden ever inspires ONE person to travel from another city much less other states just to hear him speak!

LIVE IT. LEARN IT. Trump 2020
Little Donny.jpg
Sitting on the truth for weeks caused the virus to spread faster than it would have otherwise.

Look, Bonebrain, not revealing all the facts to the general public at once up front is a far cry from "lying" or "sitting on the truth," so take your total BS spin and shove it up your ass. If the shoe was on the other foot, we all know you'd be DEFENDING the action. Like I said, Biden's OWN PEIOPLE already admitted themselves that it was the only way to go. The average person on the street wouldn't know a retrovirus from a betaflexiviridae, nor do they need to. There isn't a crisis in the world you can name where the government has ever been 100% transparent with the general public for all the reasons already given, not in war, not in a crisis like 9/11 and certainly not during a biological attack like Covid-19.

Aside from the fact that China wasn't being transparent with us, the people with whom needed to know knew and were doing all they could, the public was doing all it could, in fact, we pushed the American public pretty much as far as both the economy, business and people could and were willing to go for far longer than first expected, and likely the only reason why we got THAT FAR was BECAUSE the government gave out info in stages, first letting us think it would be just for a couple of weeks, then a little longer, then longer still, and now that we've gotten used to the idea and kind of accepted the situation, maybe well into next year.

That is the only way a government can do it to protect the peace and control civil unrest.

There is no way you can stop the spreading of a virus blowing through the air, from person to person and from surface to surface without totally stopping all human activity at the cost of millions of lives. People will only accept so much intrusion on their liberties and few people want to see or would accept a total police state lockdown like in some third world countries. As it is, it is already estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of people have died or will die just from the suspension of needed operations and testing hospitals otherwise would have been doing.

It's a pandemic, we get that, there are many questions being asked about how we handled it even as it is. People will get it, some people will die, and eventually we'll develop enough resistance and find some sort of preventive treatment. Bad shit happens.

No one is buying your fear mongering; doctors and hospitals and people have gone as far as they can go and as far as they are WILLING to go. Covid is like bad weather or crop failure: you make the best of it that you can. You better start looking for some concrete reasons that people would want to vote FOR Joe Biden than trying to tell us that Trump somehow failed in a viral attack among the worst we have seen in 100 years that every country on the planet is struggling to cope with.
A betaflex?
I thought they were sold out!
The intent was always to achieve herd immunity without overflowing the hospitals.

So Trump did the right thing. You don't develop herd immunity by locking yourself in your home sealed in a ziplock baggie.

Its been proven that 36 thousand lives would have been saved if distancing was started just one week earlier.

BULLSHIT. No one has proven no such thing and your link is garbage. It would take a Cray supercomputer programmed with the exact details of millions of people lives crunching numbers for weeks to even try to "prove" such a thing.

For masks, from the start we've been told the purpose is to reduce the chance of a person infecting others, but it also protects the wearer.

Since Trump holds rallies without masks, he's still causing unnecessary deaths and health-care costs. Like the Sturgis rally costing $12 billion.
View attachment 388564 12 billion. And you say that with a straight face. How do you fucking get out of bed every day? No one tells anyone to wear or NOT to wear a mask at a rally. All his rallies do is embarrass Democrats who have LOCKED themselves into a policy where now THEY CAN'T COMPETE. Wearing a mask is YOUR CHOICE. You have no idea who gets sick or dies but hardly anyone catching the virus actually does, mostly just the very old and very ill. People with one toe already out the door.

There is no such thing as health care costs, all of this stuff is paid for. Hospitals are a for-profit business in case you never knew. THEY MAKE MONEY treating people. At some point, it is all paid for. But thanks for once again proving you're a total idiot. Trump has killed no one, its a pandemic. Biden would do no better. You better start finding something to campaign on better than this. America doesn't care, so if the virus gets worse rather than better, you ought to be happy! I can't wait to see Biden elected in office and see him put under the hot light to see him "perform" and show us what a much better job Democrats can do! :auiqs.jpg:

Its all about achieving herd immunity without overload the hospitals. This requires slowing the spread to prevent overloading the healthcare system.

Masks reduce severity by reducing viral load.

Here is the proof of Sturgis rally cost:

as far as 36k reduced fatality by distancing a week earlier, did you read the article at all? It references a study. One other simple example is South Korea: they got first case same time as USA did, but they kept it under control because they only have 363 deaths vs our 194k. See here the covid deaths per capita; we're in 3rd world country area.
The intent was always to achieve herd immunity without overflowing the hospitals.

So Trump did the right thing. You don't develop herd immunity by locking yourself in your home sealed in a ziplock baggie.

Its been proven that 36 thousand lives would have been saved if distancing was started just one week earlier.

BULLSHIT. No one has proven no such thing and your link is garbage. It would take a Cray supercomputer programmed with the exact details of millions of people lives crunching numbers for weeks to even try to "prove" such a thing.

For masks, from the start we've been told the purpose is to reduce the chance of a person infecting others, but it also protects the wearer.

Since Trump holds rallies without masks, he's still causing unnecessary deaths and health-care costs. Like the Sturgis rally costing $12 billion.
View attachment 388564 12 billion. And you say that with a straight face. How do you fucking get out of bed every day? No one tells anyone to wear or NOT to wear a mask at a rally. All his rallies do is embarrass Democrats who have LOCKED themselves into a policy where now THEY CAN'T COMPETE. Wearing a mask is YOUR CHOICE. You have no idea who gets sick or dies but hardly anyone catching the virus actually does, mostly just the very old and very ill. People with one toe already out the door.

There is no such thing as health care costs, all of this stuff is paid for. Hospitals are a for-profit business in case you never knew. THEY MAKE MONEY treating people. At some point, it is all paid for. But thanks for once again proving you're a total idiot. Trump has killed no one, its a pandemic. Biden would do no better. You better start finding something to campaign on better than this. America doesn't care, so if the virus gets worse rather than better, you ought to be happy! I can't wait to see Biden elected in office and see him put under the hot light to see him "perform" and show us what a much better job Democrats can do! :auiqs.jpg:

Its all about achieving herd immunity without overload the hospitals. This requires slowing the spread to prevent overloading the healthcare system.

Masks reduce severity by reducing viral load.

Here is the proof of Sturgis rally cost:

as far as 36k reduced fatality by distancing a week earlier, did you read the article at all? It references a study. One other simple example is South Korea: they got first case same time as USA did, but they kept it under control because they only have 363 deaths vs our 194k. See here the covid deaths per capita; we're in 3rd world country area.

But rioters are immune.

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