List Five Trump Lies Thread

Thanks to OffensivelyOpenMinded , for inspiring this thread.

I wonder if we have any Trump supporters who can be honest with themselves and list 5 of Trumps absolute lies. He has lied...not just spin or misleading people...but straight up lied...many times. These are lies that have been fact checked. There is no question that they are lies.

You can list any of matter how trivial.

It could be fun.

Oh....and this is a Trump thread. Please try hard not to deflect onto anyone else. That is boring and lame.

Be a good example. List 5 of Hillary's lies!

Why don't you go start a thread about Hillary. This thread is about Trump lies.

Lie: Obama founded ISIS

He did. He set up the conditions for them to exist, and helps them in their goal of overthrowing moderate Muslim government's like Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

So far you guys are striking out on this "Trump lies" list.
Nonsense. ISIL was created long before Obama became President.
Did they ever find that news video of the thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of NJ on 9/11?
Thanks to OffensivelyOpenMinded , for inspiring this thread.

I wonder if we have any Trump supporters who can be honest with themselves and list 5 of Trumps absolute lies. He has lied...not just spin or misleading people...but straight up lied...many times. These are lies that have been fact checked. There is no question that they are lies.

You can list any of matter how trivial.

It could be fun.

Oh....and this is a Trump thread. Please try hard not to deflect onto anyone else. That is boring and lame.

Be a good example. List 5 of Hillary's lies!

Why don't you go start a thread about Hillary. This thread is about Trump lies.

Lie: Obama founded ISIS

He did. He set up the conditions for them to exist, and helps them in their goal of overthrowing moderate Muslim government's like Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

So far you guys are striking out on this "Trump lies" list.
The purpose of the OP is to smear Trump using false imagery. They have a candidate that is so dishonest nothing she says can be taken at face value. So the goal here is to dream up lies Trump supposedly uttered to counter the real lies Hillary spews daily.
Hillary's trustworthiness is gone. Their only solution is to bring Trump's truthfulness into question to counter it. It's what they do with every one of Hillary's weaknesses. They even made up lies about Trump's health when Hillary's medical condition was exposed. It's a pattern of deception. Denial at all costs and make false counter-accusations in their defense.
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Trump is a pathological liar. His quotable lying is endless. His kids have been caught lying also. It is a Trump family trait. The cultist proclaim "nuh-uh" and continue to defend his lies like the cult followers they are.
Did they ever find that news video of the thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of NJ on 9/11?
Nope. It was Palestinians celebrating. Nobody seems to even know if old footage was used or actual footage from September 11th, 2001. However, witnesses did say they saw Muslims dancing in Patterson NJ.
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Sure "we" they, did, just no one had got video of it and whatever TV news report Trump saw was accidently destroyed.
He said that Hillary has no child care plan, and that is a lie.
Hillary says she has one but hasn't released any details.

It's been up on her site for over a year.
Her health care plan is just signing more people up for Obamacare, and giving illegals free medical. Obamacare is dying. It's unaffordable. She has nothing new, particularly nothing new concerning childcare.

Whether you believe it to be a plan or not is irrelevant to the point that Trump was not truthful.
Yeah.....when Dailywire claims Politico says the only true liar in this race is Donald Trump, one need not read further. They can't even face up to the fact that Hillary lies so much it gives liars a bad name. Her lies are so obvious that it's pathetic. She relies on a corrupt media to explain away her lies, they are so obvious.

Give it up.

You can't win on honesty because it's never been a strong point for Democrats in the past and Hillary in particular has no defense.
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Thanks to OffensivelyOpenMinded , for inspiring this thread.

I wonder if we have any Trump supporters who can be honest with themselves and list 5 of Trumps absolute lies. He has lied...not just spin or misleading people...but straight up lied...many times. These are lies that have been fact checked. There is no question that they are lies.

You can list any of matter how trivial.

It could be fun.

Oh....and this is a Trump thread. Please try hard not to deflect onto anyone else. That is boring and lame.


I don't follow you here lone? His fibs mean as much to me as yours or anyone's else's. Trump is a private citizen today and never held office. I never worked for trump , so I don't get this thread?

What someone says in a campaign speachs or whatever is irrelevant..

We all know Hillary's lies, we know obamas lies and they both affected millions and millions of people.

Including me.
Did they ever find that news video of the thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of NJ on 9/11?
Nope. It was Palestinians celebrating. Nobody seems to even know if old footage was used or actual footage from September 11th, 2001. However, witnesses did say they saw Muslims dancing in Patterson NJ.
I live in Jersey and Trump is right: Muslims DID celebrate on 9/11 in NJ . . . we saw it!
Sure "we" they, did, just no one had got video of it and whatever TV news report Trump saw was accidently destroyed.
Yeah...and that's Trump's fault.

Point being Trump may have seen an erroneous report that has since been either disputed or withdrawn and thought it was in NJ. Truth is people did see them celebrating in NJ. The FBI did investigate and found a possible terror cell in Jersey City.

Now if the Hillary campaign can just discover that Trump has been secretly working for the State Department and set up his own private server to hide it....they'd have a leg to stand on, but figure the odds.
Trump is a pathological liar. His quotable lying is endless. His kids have been caught lying also. It is a Trump family trait. The cultist proclaim "nuh-uh" and continue to defend his lies like the cult followers they are.
What dew ewe think of Clinton's pathological lying?
Democrats are in a pickle they don't like liars, they therefore cannot put Clinton into the WH. If they do it will make them pathological, deplorable hypocrites! Won't it?
Thanks to OffensivelyOpenMinded , for inspiring this thread.

I wonder if we have any Trump supporters who can be honest with themselves and list 5 of Trumps absolute lies. He has lied...not just spin or misleading people...but straight up lied...many times. These are lies that have been fact checked. There is no question that they are lies.

You can list any of matter how trivial.

It could be fun.

Oh....and this is a Trump thread. Please try hard not to deflect onto anyone else. That is boring and lame.


I don't follow you here lone? His fibs mean as much to me as yours or anyone's else's. Trump is a private citizen today and never held office. I never worked for trump , so I don't get this thread?

What someone says in a campaign speachs or whatever is irrelevant..

We all know Hillary's lies, we know obamas lies and they both affected millions and millions of people.

Including me.

Well...of course...everything that you just said is ridiculous and inaccurate. In addition to being ANOTHER lame deflection in this very simple thread.

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