"Overruled. Sit down!" Trump Rape Payout Trial Disaster

Check the difference in breast size between pics 2 and 3.

If anyone doubts that P01135809 DID NOT hire Alina Habba for her looks just remember he banged both Stephanie Clifford ("Stormy Daniels") and Karen McDougal. Both of those women have large breasts. Also he probably Ms. Habba as eye candy.
If anyone doubts that P01135809 DID NOT hire Alina Habba for her looks just remember he banged both Stephanie Clifford ("Stormy Daniels") and Karen McDougal. Both of those women have large breasts. Also he probably Ms. Habba as eye candy.
OK- Carroll v. Trump 2d trial closing arguments - and jury deliberations. Trump is here - but not in the courtrom yet. Inner City Press will live tweet as it did 1st trial (incl in this book ) thread below

Amazon product ASIN B0C4WZG4D3Judge Kaplan: I notice the defense is not yet in the courtroom...
Judge Kaplan: Now Mr. Madaio is in the courtroom.
[Habba enters.]
Judge Kaplan: Ms. Habba, it is now twenty minutes to ten.
Habba: I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
Judge Kaplan: Does your client intend on being present?
Habba: He's here.
Judge Kaplan: He's not in the courtroom.
Habba: I can grab him...
[Trump enters]
Judge Kaplan: So let me say, during the arguments and instructions, no one else is to speak...
Carroll's lawyer: We have an issue with some of the tweets, they were not entered into evidence.
Madaio: These are tweets during the five hour gap. They are objecting.
Judge Kaplan: You did not succeed in entering them. Show me the slide
Judge Kaplan: You are not showing the slide.
Habba: Your Honor, Ms. Kaplan stipulated -
Judge Kaplan: Sit down. You are on the verge of spending some time in the lock up.
(Habba appears to laugh)

Judge Kaplan: Bring in the jury
Roberta Kaplan: Donald Trump's testimony yesterday was brief because he doesn't get a do-over
Trump's lawyer Madaio: Objection!
Judge Kaplan: Overruled.
Roberta Kaplan: This is about how to compensate Ms. Carroll for the two statements- & punishing Donald Trump
Roberta Kaplan: This trial is about getting him to stop once and for all. It's also about whether the rules apply to all, including to Donald Trump. Think of his attitude to this proceeding - he says, She was asking for it
Roberta Kaplan: He claims he had no choice but to break the law and defame her. She was a beloved advice columnist. Then a wave on social media, echoing what Donald Trump says. Let's consider: in 2019 he said "pay dearly" and "dangerous territory."
Roberta Kaplan: Donald Trump has tried to normalize this conduct. Normally, when people lose in court, they change their behavior.
[Trump leaves]
Judge Kaplan: The record will reflect that Mr. Trump just rose and left the courtroom
Roberta Kaplan: Mr. Carroll's old friend Carol Martin said she just wanted her day in court. Now she has it.
Judge Kaplan: We're going to change gears. The defense is to remain seated. That includes you, Mr. Epshteyn, not that you're part of the defense
Roberta Kaplan: Ms. Carroll's success as an advice columnist obviously relied on her audience's trust. She built it over decades. She had one truth too painful to share - in the Spring of 1996 Donald Trump sexually assaulted her. She tried to suppress it
Roberta Kaplan: Her 274 page book contained nine pages about Donald Trump. New York Magazine published that. Donald Trump then told lie after lie after lie, to destroy her. Put up Slide 4
[It is entitled, Defamatory Statement:
disgrace... never met this person]
Roberta Kaplan: Donald Trump was lying and trying to destroy Ms. Carroll. On the White House lawn he repeated it, claiming that he didn't know her. He threatened her - People have to be careful, because they're playing with very dangerous territory
Roberta Kaplan: He said, She is not my type. This was designed to humiliate Ms. Carroll. But remember, he mistook Ms. Carroll for Marla Maples, his ex-wife, also a beauty queen. Show the video
[on video: Trump: "that's John Johnson... And that's Marla...]

Roberta Kaplan: Then he claimed the photo was blurry. It is not. This was classic Donald Trump. Now, the damages. Obviously Ms. Carroll suffered harm... She now has only 1800 paying customers on Substack. Professor Humphreys gave you the estimates of harm
Roberta Kaplan: Prof Humphreys estimates between 7 and 12 million dollars to repair reputation - smaller than other programs, as she explained.
Madaio: Objection. It's not in the record.
Roberta Kaplan: It is.
Judge Kaplan: The defense asked about other programs
Roberta Kaplan: She told you about the case of Rudi Giuliani and the Georgia elections workers -
Madaio: Objection!
Judge Kaplan: It's up to the jury.
Roberta Kaplan: Imagine being Ms Kaplan in that hotel room on 10th Avenue, struck by fear and sadness - the man who attacked her was coming after her again. She wanted to close the curtain. So she hung up jump suit - she was unable to sleep
Roberta Kaplan: There were more threats waiting for her every time she answered her phone. She tweeted, the world needs love - the responses were, "you are a c*nt" and "no way Trump touched this mess," etc. Since 2019 they have never stopped
Roberta Kaplan: The dollar number to compensate her has to be very large. At least as much as $12 million for the reputational repair campaign, and probably more. And how much will it take to get Donald Trump to stop? Punitive damages are to punish the malicious
Roberta Kaplan: Consider what Donald Trump has done here. He said she made it up, she was a disgrace; he threatened her twice, he unleashed millions of others to flood her with hate. We played his deposition - he called her mentally sick, and threatened to sue
Just goes to show the lengths of lies, deception, bribery, and threats the Pedocrats will go to, in order to destroy someone getting in their way of raping this country and stealing all of our tax money and giving it our enemies.
Dr.Destructo won't last a week. He is in over his head.

Yep, the trial is over, the fine is adjudged, and Trump will not appeal.
Just goes to show the lengths of lies, deception, bribery, and threats the Pedocrats will go to, in order to destroy someone getting in their way of raping this country and stealing all of our tax money and giving it our enemies.

It shows that P00135809 cannot/will not/refuses to keep his big fucking mouth shut.

The PedoKlan P01135809 attended several of Jeffery Epstein's parties where underage girls were available for sex and P01135809 totally enjoyed himself.

The only person who is destroying P01135809 is him. That Orange Shit Gibbon incited Insurrection. He kept classified at his private residence in Shit-A-Lago. He boasted about it. He has been found liable for the rape of E. Jean Carroll and now owes her $83.3M in damages.

Here's something for you to do. GO cry in your chocolate milk while mommie get your graham crackers.
It shows that P00135809 cannot/will not/refuses to keep his big fucking mouth shut.

The PedoKlan P01135809 attended several of Jeffery Epstein's parties where underage girls were available for sex and P01135809 totally enjoyed himself.

The only person who is destroying P01135809 is him. That Orange Shit Gibbon incited Insurrection. He kept classified at his private residence in Shit-A-Lago. He boasted about it. He has been found liable for the rape of E. Jean Carroll and now owes her $83.3M in damages.

Here's something for you to do. GO cry in your chocolate milk while mommie get your graham crackers.

Poor widdle Pedocrat #0311. Gotta believe everything that comes out of the Communist DNC's mouths and their puppets.
Can't think for yourself, can't eat, drink, dress, or breathe without them telling you what you can and can't do.

The little puppet that wants so badly to be a human being.



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Poor widdle Pedocrat #0311. Gotta believe everything that comes out of the Communist DNC's mouths and their puppets.
Can't think for yourself, can't eat, drink, dress, or breathe without them telling you what you can and can't do.

The little puppet that wants so badly to be a human being.


Like give two shits about what a person who uses the name of the man who shot and killed Abraham Lincoln as his sig.
Like give two shits about what a person who uses the name of the man who shot and killed Abraham Lincoln as his sig.

Is that why you took time to write me your pathetic words of narcissism, derangement, and fucktardedness? Because you don't give two shits?

One more time. Section 3 does require a conviction. Only TO FOUND TO ENGAGE IN INSURRECTION.

God you people are so fucking dense.
Seems to be a ridiculous case of judicial misconduct.
When someone waits 30 years to accuse someone of rape, THAT is defamation, and the victim of the slur had the right to defend themselves.

Jean Carroll offered to get naked in front of Trump and model lingerie for him.
That clearly makes her the sexual aggressor.
No one would do that unless they were coming on to the person.
Seems to be a ridiculous case of judicial misconduct.
When someone waits 30 years to accuse someone of rape, THAT is defamation, and the victim of the slur had the right to defend themselves.

Jean Carroll offered to get naked in front of Trump and model lingerie for him.
That clearly makes her the sexual aggressor.
No one would do that unless they were coming on to the person.

That does not make one a sexyual aggressor dumbass

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