'This is not a do-over': Trump jurors told sexual abuse is undeniable in Carroll case

LOL, the jury isn't "concerned". The judge is explaining to them the scope of the decision they have to make. It's not a matter of concern, it's a matter of law. Now please tell me some more lies about jury instructions.

I'll wait with bated breath.
You didn’t read or you don’t understand.

Either way, fuckup, it’s a you problem. 😎
You didn’t read or you don’t understand.

Either way, fuckup, it’s a you problem. 😎
I'm disappointed. I was hoping for another ridiculously wrong statement. Instead, you're just giving up on it?

And here I was thinking you're just a troll. Now I find out you're a troll and lazy about it?
I'm disappointed. I was hoping for another ridiculously wrong statement. Instead, you're just giving up on it?

And here I was thinking you're just a troll. Now I find out you're a troll and lazy about it?
Zzz. You are the troll, fuckchop. And you suck at that, too. 👍
‘Former President Donald Trump's liability for sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll case cannot be revisited or relitigated, a state judge instructed a jury today, reported ABC News on Tuesday.

"Judge Lewis Kaplan told the nine jurors that they must accept as true that Trump forcibly sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll and defamed her when he denied it," said the report. "'Ms. Carroll did not make up her claim of forcible sexual abuse,' Judge Kaplan told the panel. 'His false statements tended to disparage Ms. Carroll or tended to expose her to hatred or to induce an unsavory opinion of her.' The judge made it clear the jury was only determining damages related to two defamatory statements Trump made in June 2019 when he denied Carroll's rape allegation."

Ultimately, Kaplan instructed the jury, "This trial is not a do-over of the previous trial which determined those facts."’

And a majority of Republicans in Iowa want to put Trump in the WH – someone who forcibly sexually assaulted a woman.

Like Trump, Republicans have no shame.
It was her word against his. Nobody witnessed it. She never came forward until Reid Hoffman, big time billionaire activist and donor paid all her expenses to file suit, and I would bet an expensive state dinner that if you follow the bread crumbs back to the origin of that whole matter, it leads straight to Biden's DOJ. The jury would not convict him on the rape charge but said it was sexual abuse.

And we have such incomprehensible statements from Judge Kaplan as this:
"The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote. (WAPO July 19, 2023)

Does anybody on the planet not know was rape is?

Given that the whole trial is based on he said/she said, who is this judge that says he cannot appeal the decision and request a new trial?
‘Former President Donald Trump's liability for sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll case cannot be revisited or relitigated, a state judge instructed a jury today, reported ABC News on Tuesday.

"Judge Lewis Kaplan told the nine jurors that they must accept as true that Trump forcibly sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll and defamed her when he denied it," said the report. "'Ms. Carroll did not make up her claim of forcible sexual abuse,' Judge Kaplan told the panel. 'His false statements tended to disparage Ms. Carroll or tended to expose her to hatred or to induce an unsavory opinion of her.' The judge made it clear the jury was only determining damages related to two defamatory statements Trump made in June 2019 when he denied Carroll's rape allegation."

Ultimately, Kaplan instructed the jury, "This trial is not a do-over of the previous trial which determined those facts."’

And a majority of Republicans in Iowa want to put Trump in the WH – someone who forcibly sexually assaulted a woman.

Like Trump, Republicans have no shame.
More libtard quackery in the justice system.
You America haters are getting very boring.
2 witnesses provided willing to state she told them of it at the time. And 2 witnesses who worked at that "crowded clothing store" willing to state under oath that on the day it happened the store usually wasn't crowded and the floor on which it happened often unattended.
and no police report was filed .... cops not even called .. its all bull ..
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Because in cases of sexual assault you look at what the victim wants. That's why sexual assault is often unreported. It takes a lot of courage to report it. Because all victims know that doing so exposes them to an adversarial legal system, providing the culprits of all kinds of protections and forcing them to not only confront but be called a liar by their lawyer. Much like you are doing now.

So, what we have is 5 people willing to state under oath that they either were victims of sexual assault or told about sexual assault. A video where Trump describes the actions he's accused off. And a deposition where he both lies and can't even tell you if powerful people getting away with sexual assault is good or bad.

What you have is questions that are answered by common reactions to sexual assault.
over 30 yrs later the story is [Trumped up ] to hurt Trump in the election ... it aint working ! Americans are waking up to the lefts dirty tricks ... the left is pulling the same evil crap they pulled with Kavanaugh ...
First of all. Let's establish one thing here. What you're doing is called an appeal to hypocrisy. Even IF you could assert that Biden did anything it doesn't get you an inch closer to proving Trump's innocence. It's deflecting so you don't have to actually engage the premise.

As for what you said about credibility. I tend to be skeptical about people who make allegations have NO WITNESSESS whatsoever besides her word (the same reason by the way, I didn't accept the claim of the OP) and you know.... ask asylum in Russia. But hey if you think having no physical evidence is nullified by "oh, but she filed immediately" (although not actually for sexual assault) is stronger than five (5) people willing to step in front of a judge and testify to sexual assault and knowing about sexual assault. That seems a problem no amount of reason can fix.
just a leftist scam to hurt Trump politically [it aint working] and a crazy perp getting paid millions for being the lead actor in said scam .
Grabbing some woman by her pussy is assault. He said the kissed them and then grabbed their private parts.

Your boy is a perv. He was on Epstein's jet multiple times. Give it up.
He never said that. What he said was that when you are rich and powerful women would allow that. That isn’t a direct quote, but it’s the ghist of what he said. Yes he was on Epstein’s plane, but never on trips to the island. The gotcha exhibit showed Trump was on a flight from Florida (I believe Palm Beach airport) to Teterboro airport in New Jersey.
He said he grabbed them by the pussy. Worse, we don't know that he was not on the island. That needs to be fully investigated.
‘Former President Donald Trump's liability for sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll case cannot be revisited or relitigated, a state judge instructed a jury today, reported ABC News on Tuesday.

"Judge Lewis Kaplan told the nine jurors that they must accept as true that Trump forcibly sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll and defamed her when he denied it," said the report. "'Ms. Carroll did not make up her claim of forcible sexual abuse,' Judge Kaplan told the panel. 'His false statements tended to disparage Ms. Carroll or tended to expose her to hatred or to induce an unsavory opinion of her.' The judge made it clear the jury was only determining damages related to two defamatory statements Trump made in June 2019 when he denied Carroll's rape allegation."

Ultimately, Kaplan instructed the jury, "This trial is not a do-over of the previous trial which determined those facts."’

And a majority of Republicans in Iowa want to put Trump in the WH – someone who forcibly sexually assaulted a woman.

Like Trump, Republicans have no shame.
Republicans use to call themselves the law and order party

Now they are just a party to whatever floats

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