List of Death Risks in the United States: Where does COVID Rank?

Spanish Flu

We also put in restrictions because of AIDS

Spanish flu was a man made disaster, due entirely to "flattening the curve".
Spanish flu has been around later, but by not wearing masks, we need it disappear naturally in a month or so.
When we "flattened the curve" with Spanish flu in 1918, we prevented it from ending, and made it last over 2 years instead of 2 months as is normal.
You can die from a broken hip. Covid, not so much. Nearly everyone had a comorbidity.

I would go so far as to say no one ever could die from covid-19 virus, and that everyone who are had problems due to covid-19 actually have had an autoimmune problem instead.
Like with malaria, the fever is what kills, and malaria is not what causes the fever, the immune system does that.
So that is why quinine saves lives from malaria, it prevents a deadly immune response fever.
Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.
Such a stupid post. Just so painfully stupid.

In what the rest of us call reality, here are the stats. Covid continues to be a leading cause of death:

Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odd how something so far down the list gets so much attention. You'd think it would be the primetime killer based on media coverage.

It's not science, it's politics.

Don't forget the death rate is lower than stated. If you die of heart/lung disease for example, and happen to have COVID they chalk it up as a COVID death.
We are doing things to mitigate those risks. Have been doing so for decades. Thing is, none of those things are contagious

Why would you claim we should do nothing about COVID?

Wearing a mask...fine.

Social distancing.....fine.

A thanks.

And up yours and anyone else who thinks they should be forcing the issue.
Such a stupid post. Just so painfully stupid.

In what the rest of us call reality, here are the stats. Covid continues to be a leading cause of death:

it's 7th.
by a long long shot.

there is zero shortage of websites putting out agenda driven bullshit.
there's a hell of a lot more who pimp that shit cause it supports a pre-existing belief.
We outlawed smoking ?

Who knew ?
I have seen the percentage of smokers dropping from almost 50 percent to the low teens in my lifetime.

Outside of banning outright, we banned it from the workplace and public places. Social rejection of smokers also played a big role.

We need to do the same with the unvaccinated.
Ban them from the workplace, public areas and social rejection of those who refuse to vaccinate
The shot doesn't prevent you from getting covid. Biden is screwing the pooch. Cases are getting back to the begining.
Prevents you from being hospitalized and dying

Sounds like a good idea to me
Prevents you from being hospitalized and dying

Sounds like a good idea to me
If it prevents you from dying, why do they track all those who are dying?

Only if you take the civil war deaths being 1/10 of the actual number. Because 90% died of infection, or blood loss, and not on the battlefield.

Change the subject...


Union army soldiers who put on the uniform, marched south, and died of tick and spider bites in service and combat died with full honor and certainly are not to be belittled. They were men, white republican men, who served the cause of freedom and democracy. The attempt you just made to belittle them is a smug reminder that behind your closet door you are nothing but a petty lying cocksuker addicted to a government check.....
Made up number. By liars, for liars.

Hey professor... If an ICU fills up and runs out of ventilators, will the survival rate:

A) Increase
B) stay zackly the same
C) decrease

This is a tough one.
Fauci said shutdown for 2 weeks we would be over it. About a year and a half later.

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