List of Death Risks in the United States: Where does COVID Rank?

Covid 19 killed 30k Americans last spring, and left.

Covid 19 and delta fraudulent are not killing anyone.

The vax is.

Traitors in the fascist healthcare system are using the lie of "you have Covid" to bring you in, and you leave in a box.... "From Covid" of course.....
Is this box free?
I'll just go with what Birx said. She is the one who spilled the beans on all the political math.
You misinterpreted what she said. She was talking about COVID as the sole cause, vs it as the agent of secondary causes.

It's like in the civil war. Very few died from gunshot wounds. They died of infection.
Recalculate. Had we gone the "herd immunity" route, there would have been an estimated 2.4 million deaths, making COVID the leading cause of death in the USA.

I have explained that a million times.
Fauci was totally wrong about 2.4 million.
First of all he was unaware of how many are now showing to be asymptomatic.
That means not only are half the population inherently immune already, but that lethality then is much lower.
The reality is those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die, so if you accelerate infection among volunteers under 40, you have to divide that 2.4 million by 400, which means only 6,000 deaths.
And it would have been over last March.
Now, that 600k figure, what is 6% of that?
Only if you take the civil war deaths being 1/10 of the actual number. Because 90% died of infection, or blood loss, and not on the battlefield.
This is what we were trying to prevent with vaccinations and masks:

Now that the Delta variant is spreading widely in the United States, physicians are seeing a worrying trend of younger people ending up in the ICU.

We should have learned more from history but for right-wing obstruction while alleging they have the "gospel Truth" instead of just right-wing fantasy.

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

That is simply not true.
While the delta variant is more infectious, it is less lethal, so almost no one is getting hospitalized over the delta variant.
Only if you take the civil war deaths being 1/10 of the actual number. Because 90% died of infection, or blood loss, and not on the battlefield.

Those being recorded as covid deaths are really being killed by their own immune system, not the virus, and they were all in bad shape even before infection.
That is not the argument.
The argument is that traditionally you end epidemics by deliberate infection of those likely to not be harmed by it.

The case fatality rate of human cowpox may be similar to the 1–3% reported for controlled inoculation of smallpox virus (variolation) performed in the pre-Jenner days to protect against fatal smallpox.

Yeah except you ignore that 2% fatality rate.
Actually the FDA hasn't approved the vaccines is because it requires a 1-2 year followup study of any side effects over an extended period of time.

Correct, and that is the point, that the studies have not been done, so the long term risk of the vaccines are totally unknown.
But we should suspect the risk is high because it is an over active immune response that has killed every covid patient who has died.
Hyping up the immune system when it is the immune system that is killing with a deadly autoimmune response, is a very bad idea.
Extrapolated over a lifetime, not a single year. It's the odds of dying for each thing over a lifetime.

Learn to read.
Wow you are slow...
From the OP:
"Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. "

So now you know how the 0.05% number was calculated...

And then the OP compared to the entire lifetime and you backed him up...

It seems I learnt to read.... How bout you?
The case fatality rate of human cowpox may be similar to the 1–3% reported for controlled inoculation of smallpox virus (variolation) performed in the pre-Jenner days to protect against fatal smallpox.

Yeah except you ignore that 2% fatality rate.

The 2% fatality rate is off first of all because it was calculated before we know about all the asymptomatic, meaning the actual infection numbers were much higher than we thought.
But that 2% fatality also is almost entirely people over 70.
If you deliberately infect volunteers under 40, then the death rate drops by a factor of 400.
For what other health risk have we ever shut down the US economy and ticketed Christians for attending church services?
Spanish Flu

We also put in restrictions because of AIDS
Covid 19 killed 30k Americans last spring, and left.

Covid 19 and delta fraudulent are not killing anyone.

The vax is.

Traitors in the fascist healthcare system are using the lie of "you have Covid" to bring you in, and you leave in a box.... "From Covid" of course.....
Actually the FDA hasn't approved the vaccines is because it requires a 1-2 year followup study of any side effects over an extended period of time.
The fda is controlled by covid politics and big pharma money, so I would not be surprised to see an approval today. Obviously, the fda would never have any credibility after that, but I don't even trust them now.
You mean like HIV?

I do not know HIV very well, but I think the HIV virus uses the immune system to propagate somehow, so then covid is different.
The covid virus kills no one, but the immune system freaks out when it discovers covid, and kills the patient by mascerating even healthy cells in the lungs.
They call it a cytokine storm.
The immune system fills the lungs with fluid, they are no longer elastic, and you essentially drown.
Which means that instead of wasting time on a vaccine, we should be working on immuno suppressants, like Fluvoxamine, Ivermectin, etc.

Again, the mRNA vaccines are VERY risky because they do not contain actual dead virus, and instead only contain spike proteins.
And spike proteins are too wide to target.
We need spike proteins in order for exosomes to work.

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