List of early elimination of GOP candidates--via Abortion stance


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
9. Rick Santorum
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--7 are left.
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O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--8 are left.
Republican voters can care less about women's rights... Unless I'm wrong and they are ok with abortion.
Google this: "pro life women"

Your assumption that all women are pro-abortion is false and misleading.
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

Pro-life politicians win all the time, including the presidency, so the idea that all of these men just made themselves unelectable is idiotic, but then, you are the same person who just the other day made the laughable claim that only Carly Fiorina could beat Hillary Clinton so I'm pretty sure nobody will be hiring you as a political consultant in the near future.
Abortion is not going to be an issue in this election.

It's an issue in every election. It wouldn't be if the GOP would stay the hell out of people's personal medical decisions.
Republican women do care about candidates abortion stances. In 2010 in my state of Colorado, Republican candidate Ken Buck was leading in the polls, and he managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, by announcing his no exception on abortion stance. We watched large swaths of Republican women vote for his opponent, now Senator Michael Bennet because of that. This when Democrats were bleeding seats all over this country.

In 2012 the "war on women" campaign put Barack Obama back in the oval office for a 2nd term.

In 2014 our new senator Cory Gardener had once supported a personhood bill, and it took me hours on boards and newspapers trying to convince women that he no longer supported it, and he scraped by after an onslaught battle about it non-stop- day after day over it--24/7.

The above Republicans, because of their stance on abortion would get slaughtered in a general election. They are un-electable. You cannot treat women like they're second class citizens, with no brains or integrity and get away with it.
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how SAD would that be. That being PRO-LIFE could take someone out of the running for being President.

I guess they should have all said what Democrat party says. WE ARE PRO-DEATH and will stand for ALL woman to KILL their offspring. it's no skin off us democrat politicians ass.

man oh man
Republican women do care about candidates abortion stances. In 2010 in my state of Colorado, Republican candidate Ken Buck was leading in the polls, and he managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, by announcing his no exception on abortion stance. We watch large swaths of Republican women vote for his opponent now Senator Michael Bennet because of that. This when Democrats were bleeding seats all over this country. In 2012 the "war on women" campaign put Barack Obama back in the oval office for a 2nd term. In 2014 our new senator Cory Gardener had once supported a personhood bill, and it took me hours on boards and newspapers trying to convince women that he know longer supported it, and he scraped by after an onslaught battle day after day over it.

The above Republicans, because of their stance on abortion would get slaughtered in a general election. They are un-electable.

Ken Buck made a continued series of fuck ups in that election. In 2012, the "war on women" had dick to do with Obama getting reelected.

Nevada is a Democrat leaning state and yet all of our statewide office holders, with the exception of Harry Reid, are pro-life: Senator Dean Heller, Governor Sandoval, etc.

If the Republicans demagogue the issue like Todd Akin and say dumb shit like women's bodies can self terminate a pregnancy when it's a "legitimate rape" or a rape pregnancy is a gift from God like Richard Mourdock said then yeah, they'll fucking lose, but they can be pro-life without making a huge to do over it and they'll be just fine. It never stopped George Bush.
Republican women do care about candidates abortion stances. In 2010 in my state of Colorado, Republican candidate Ken Buck was leading in the polls, and he managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, by announcing his no exception on abortion stance. We watch large swaths of Republican women vote for his opponent now Senator Michael Bennet because of that. This when Democrats were bleeding seats all over this country. In 2012 the "war on women" campaign put Barack Obama back in the oval office for a 2nd term. In 2014 our new senator Cory Gardener had once supported a personhood bill, and it took me hours on boards and newspapers trying to convince women that he know longer supported it, and he scraped by after an onslaught battle day after day over it.

The above Republicans, because of their stance on abortion would get slaughtered in a general election. They are un-electable.

Ken Buck made a continued series of fuck ups in that election. In 2012, the "war on women" had dick to do with Obama getting reelected.

Nevada is a Democrat leaning state and yet all of our statewide office holders, with the exception of Harry Reid, are pro-life: Senator Dean Heller, Governor Sandoval, etc.

If the Republicans demagogue the issue like Todd Akin and say dumb shit like women's bodies can self terminate a pregnancy when it's a "legitimate rape" or a rape pregnancy is a gift from God like Richard Mourdock said then yeah, they'll fucking lose, but they can be pro-life without making a huge to do over it and they'll be just fine. It never stopped George Bush.
I hope it stops jeb..
Gov. Jeb Bush to Seek Guardian for Fetus of Rape Victim -
I'm not even joking ^
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--8 are left.
Republican voters can care less about women's rights... Unless I'm wrong and they are ok with abortion.

You're a real nasty piece of work. Every damn year since 1979 you people have accused the right/Republicans of not caring about women's rights. AND YOU are still TODAY 2015, able to go kill your children with abortion until your heart desires. so that lie is just that: A LIE
O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--8 are left.
Republican voters can care less about women's rights... Unless I'm wrong and they are ok with abortion.

You're a real nasty piece of work. Every damn year since 1979 you people have accused the right/Republicans of not caring about women's rights. AND YOU are still TODAY 2015, able to go kill your children with abortion until your heart desires
I rest my case.
Google this: "pro life women"

Your assumption that all women are pro-abortion is false and misleading.
I dont know anyone thats pro-abortion. Most are pro-"its my body mind your own business."

Pro choice is just a nice word for a fairytale world that doesn't want to deal with the nitty gritty act of offing a baby in the womb.

And there are thousands in the abortion industry who are thrilled to be in it and making a killing (pardon the pun).

Dr. Kermit Gosnell comes to mind. He loved loved his occupation.
Google this: "pro life women"

Your assumption that all women are pro-abortion is false and misleading.
I dont know anyone thats pro-abortion. Most are pro-"its my body mind your own business."

Pro choice is just a nice word for a fairytale world that doesn't want to deal with the nitty gritty act of offing a baby in the womb.

And there are thousands in the abortion industry who are thrilled to be in it and making a killing (pardon the pun).

Dr. Kermit Gosnell comes to mind. He loved loved his occupation.
Your opinion is not really of concern until you can provide something that renders it a fact.
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O.K. so our first debate is over, and it's better to get this over earlier rather than later. We watched Scott Walker eliminate himself from being a viable contender due to the question and answer that he doesn't give exceptions to abortion, including the life of the mother.

Now these are the guys that would never be able to win in a general election to become the next POTUS. Women are the majority voters in this country today, and they outvote men by about 10 points. They don't like to be told by men--(whom have never been raped, never been the object of a prenatal exam--and never given birth to anything--with the exception of a lot of bad ideas.) Yet they sure have opinions on what women should do.

WOMEN'S LIVES ARE WORTH SOMETHING TOO: The below list are obviously men who believe that all women are baby factories and nothing else. They don't consider the circumstance of a mother who has 2 kids at home, is diagnosed for some illness or disease-that is told by her doctor that if she has another baby she will die. They don't consider what the husband might say to the Republican party in this instance. They don't consider the 10 year old girl that has been raped repeatedly by her uncle, who doesn't have the body to sustain the labor of child birth. They don't consider the rape victim, who's husband and or family members do not want her to carry a rape baby to full term.

So who have eliminated themselves from winning the Presidency so far:
1. Scott Walker
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Rick Perry
4. Ted Cruz
5. Rand Paul
6. Bobby Jindal
7. Ben Carson
8. Marco Rubio--who did give exceptions but got roped a doped into not giving any--(or he's all over the map depending on what audience he's in front of.)
9. Rick Santorum
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News

So there went half the field of the GOP candidates--7 are left.

Taking a stance that abortion should be illegal EVEN in the case of rape and incest IS a political death knell.

The campaign ads against these dopes with these whacko ideas will be clear and concise and nonstop.

Santorum has no chance nationally and never did because his view of the world is so bizarre.

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