List of non-Impeached re-elected Dem POTUS' since WW2

List of job titles that Sniper currently has


Point of this thread?
Obama is getting the same treatment Bush got in the press before 2008. If you sense some reluctance by any press people it's just because they don't wanna' be seen as racist. But that doesn't really matter any more.

Romney/Rubio 2012 will continue the Bush/Obama policies of the last 12 years and the Sheeple will just go back to sleep.
2, actually

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945–1953)

Disregarding the GOP's rigged up impeachment of Clinton -- which cost them Congress and didn't remove Clinton from office -- the number is 3.

Which is the same number of two-term Republican POTUS since WWII.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961)
Ronald Reagan (1981–1989)
George W. Bush (2001–2009)*

*Elected by the Supreme Court
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When is the last time a Democrat POTUS resigned in disgrace?
List of Pub presidents since WWII who helped the non rich and the country:

Ike was an independent- since the rest of the world was in ruins,and the greatest generation was in charge, even Pubs couldn't screw that up.

Reagan? Quadrupled debt, S+L crisis- THAT burst bubble...W Booosh legacy OMG Tea Party, BS Propaganda Machine, terminal dupes LOL....
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This thread is stupid. Kennedy died and Johnson decided not to run. That leaves the idiot carter to be considered.
How stupid do you have to be to think that 'impeached' is some sort of disparaging term?
OK. Time to make it two.

LBJ was only elected once, and adding in "non Impeached" narrowed the field. Let's see, number of Republican Presidents 1932-1952=1, for the last three months of 1932, tiny part of 1933. :lol:
How stupid do you have to be to think that 'impeached' is some sort of disparaging term?

Well, if not for his legacy of being first elected POTUS to be shamefully impeached, his catalystic actions that destroyed our credit and mortgage markets would be his enduring legacy.

But 100 years from now he will only be remembered for forcing little girls who worked for him to give him sex.

The die is cast on Clinton the Miscreant. Having squandered his legacy for pootang, he will only be remembered as the answer to the high school civics question:

'Class, can someone name for me the 20th Century President who had to be Impeached for being a lecherous sexual predator?"

And the class responds:


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