List of Statues and Monuments Liberals Want to Destroy

Poor Europeans who didn't have an opportunity for shit in the Old World...conquered a New World. Good for them.

And those 'Poor Europeans' did a satanic thing, by enslaving Negros, and there is nothing you can do to change that fact.
Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far
Very Orwellian. Very Pol Pot. Very Stalin.

"Big Brother Liberal Democratic Party is watching YOU!"

Your own link is actually titled, "Let's Get Rid of Mount Rushmore".

Then it goes on to the Jefferson Memorial.

What the fuck do either one of these have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? The only figure in either of those even alive after the Civil war was Teddy Roosevelt, and I'm not aware of his shilling for the Lost Cause's fake history. Whatcha got?

Every get evidence of how clueless trumpanzees are.

Greatest threat to our individual liberties is the big government lunatic intolerant left.
Why don’t we just build monuments to Stalin and Pol Pot? They didn’t kill near as many US troops as the confederate traitors you want to honor .

Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the fact that the Confederates were all EXONERATED of treason. The last rebel to be exonerated (by liberal Jimmy Carter) was President Davis.

And OJ was acquitted of murder .

They let the traitors off the hook so the nation could heal. But face facts . They are the constitutional definition of traitors .
Confederate leaders felt they were fighting in a just cause because the Constitutional Convention left states rights, slavery, cooperative federalism, as open ended questions to be decided at a later date. I respect the bravery of the military men who fought on the field of battle...but not the political idiots that made the choice of secession.
Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far
Very Orwellian. Very Pol Pot. Very Stalin.

"Big Brother Liberal Democratic Party is watching YOU!"

I see you had to go back 2 and a 1/2 years (8/17/2017) to dig up this bullshit, huh? LOL.

Have somebody change your soiled diaper and put you back to bed, you bitter old dirtbag.

Have more gin granny for your drunken dry snatch.

You are a freak.

I love the the Constitution and have put my life on the line for my country and I'm a freak. Antifa's are freaks.
Pelosi's GOP challenger describes being threatened by alleged 'Antifa bully'
They are the constitutional definition of traitors .

You mean like the California and other liberal areas who defy federal law? CA and others decide they don't care much for enforcing illegal immigration or gun rights so they decide they will provide sanctuary and attempt to ignore the 2nd amendment.
You mean like the California and other liberal areas who defy federal law? CA and others decide they don't care much for enforcing illegal immigration or gun rights so they decide they will provide sanctuary and attempt to ignore the 2nd amendment.

If they were sensible laws, the Feds could enforce them on their own.

Sorry, man, this doesn't even compare.

The South tried to destroy the union so that a FEW RICH ASSHOLES COULD KEEP OWNING OTHER PEOPLE.

California is refusing to do Trump's work for him.
Yeah and 60%+ of Americans are ignorant to the facts. They only get news from social media or what is on the front page of some liberal rag as they walk by on their way to work.

Trump could have called witnesses and testified himself to set us all straight.

But it's exactly what it looks like. He tried to use the Ukraine to wreck Biden. Now he's stuck with either Bernie or Bloomberg, either of whom can beat him easily.
You mean like the California and other liberal areas who defy federal law? CA and others decide they don't care much for enforcing illegal immigration or gun rights so they decide they will provide sanctuary and attempt to ignore the 2nd amendment.

If they were sensible laws, the Feds could enforce them on their own.

Sorry, man, this doesn't even compare.

The South tried to destroy the union so that a FEW RICH ASSHOLES COULD KEEP OWNING OTHER PEOPLE.

California is refusing to do Trump's work for him.

It is COMPLETELY sensible NOT to allow just anyone to walk across our border without being verified. It is also COMPLETELY to allow law abiding citizens to have guns to protect themselves.

What is sensible and what is not is subjective.

My comparison was right on.
It is COMPLETELY sensible NOT to allow just anyone to walk across our border without being verified. It is also COMPLETELY to allow law abiding citizens to have guns to protect themselves.

1) We are a country of immigrants, and most of our history, you just had to get here to get in.
2) A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

What is sensible and what is not is subjective.

My comparison was right on.

NO, not really. The thing is, you are in the minority on both immigration reform and gun control. If we had national referendums on both, you wouldn't be a happy redneck.

But any SENSIBLE person realizes that going to war so a few rich white people can keep owning other people was immoral, wrong and kind of stupid. Why do you celebrate that?
Yeah and 60%+ of Americans are ignorant to the facts. They only get news from social media or what is on the front page of some liberal rag as they walk by on their way to work.

Trump could have called witnesses and testified himself to set us all straight.

But it's exactly what it looks like. He tried to use the Ukraine to wreck Biden. Now he's stuck with either Bernie or Bloomberg, either of whom can beat him easily.

Bernie or Bloomy can beat Trump easily?

How so? Give us a breakdown in swing states.
Many thanks to the OP for that list.

In the coming decades, as the country continues its inevitable change, the new majority will be taking down many monuments and changing many names to conform to the wishes of the new majority.

Eventually, the name of the country may also be changed. And certainly, the capital's name must be changed, for it is currently named for an individual who had workers who were not free.

Bottom line: The United States is NOT exceptional. It rose like many other countries and it will fall like many others (England, France, Spain, etc.).
Yeah and 60%+ of Americans are ignorant to the facts. They only get news from social media or what is on the front page of some liberal rag as they walk by on their way to work.

Trump could have called witnesses and testified himself to set us all straight.

But it's exactly what it looks like. He tried to use the Ukraine to wreck Biden. Now he's stuck with either Bernie or Bloomberg, either of whom can beat him easily.

The libs didn't make any kind of case for President Trump to answer to. The complete and utter failure of Mueller, Schiff, Nadler, etc., to come up with any proof whatsoever didn't require Trump to testify at all. And as you must know, it is up to the Prosecution to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt and no defendant is required to testify.

BTW, either Mini Mike or Crazy Bernie gets schlonged royally in November.

So what. That means you are bragging about 67% of Americans did not care about the, facts, and only cared about the deceitful Dems ability to brainwash. Because 100% of the U.S. Senate knew the facts that the Dems hid ---then 54% voted to acquit him :)
It is COMPLETELY sensible allow law abiding citizens to have guns to protect themselves...

No, it's not.

Many law-abiding citizens are still idiots and they still are, racists, therefore we do not need them being pushed over the edge and making miscalculations which kill the wrong people.
You idiot, I voted for Trump and even emailed him to beg him, please, prosecute Pelosi for violating 18 U.S. Code 2071 at the SOTU last week

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