List of Statues and Monuments Liberals Want to Destroy

3. Mount Rushmore
Vice News’s Wilbert L. Cooper called for Mount Rushmore to be destroyed because the U.S. presidents whose visages are carved into the mountainside are problematic by today’s standards.

Thanks for that. Apparently "Vice News’s Wilbert L. Cooper" is equivalent to "Liberals".
What a guy. He gets around, A LOT.

Guess it's the same kind of math that comes up with "three million illegals" out of nothing.

From the link:

>> Trump and his white supremacist cohorts believe the reverence some Americans have for these statues is simply respect for history, and that tearing them down is tantamount to ripping pages out of a textbook. But monuments built by the state are not history—they manifestations of power. They don't tell you who, what, why, or how something happened. Instead, they just inform you who's in control. This is even true with the Confederate statues, even though the South lost the war.

The reality is that the enshrinement of those generals in statues across the nation mostly did not happen right after the war as a tribute to lost struggle. Instead, they were built in the early 1900s and the 1960s, when it was crucial for those in power to signal that white supremacy would endure in the face of Reconstruction, the Progressive Era, and the civil rights movement. Erecting these statues amounted to power moves by white people who felt threatened. And now that they are being toppled, and neo-Nazis fight against their removal, their true meaning has become clearer than ever. <<​

Well spake. This is what we've been trying to get through to the yahoos ignorant of their own history. Such as this thread where the OP just came from, found his bullshit wasn't selling and started this one to try again expecting different results.

And just for the record, the Vice writer didn't say what the headline claims at all. It lied.

What Cooper conveniently fails to mention is that those confederate monuments were erected by Democrats to intimidate blacks. Now Democrats want to erase the sordid history of their party by tearing them down.

Nobody ever needed a political party to erect a monument. The vast majority of Confederate propaganda transmitters were put up by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a history-revision group. They also rewrote and censored schoolbooks for the same purpose. And just before Rushmore they also hired Gutzon Borglum, the carver of Rushmore, to cut a Klan scene into Stone Mountain, the site of the re-forming of the Klan. They did that in 1916*.

* Much more detail on this may be had over here at post 712. As well as its followup flying on a 757.

Fun fact: Gutzon Borglum was an avid Klanner himself.
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Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far
Very Orwellian. Very Pol Pot. Very Stalin.

"Big Brother Liberal Democratic Party is watching YOU!"

Your own link is actually titled, "Let's Get Rid of Mount Rushmore".

Then it goes on to the Jefferson Memorial.

What the fuck do either one of these have to do with the Cult of the Lost Cause? The only figure in either of those even alive after the Civil war was Teddy Roosevelt, and I'm not aware of his shilling for the Lost Cause's fake history. Whatcha got?

What lost cause. Brothers wiped the blood from their noses and moved on. After Civil War they fought side-by-side in Spanish-American War, WW1, and WW2. Korea, Vietnam. What lost cause? Warriors from military service honor each other.

Word warriors from schools of revisionist history certainly do apparently.

The revisionist history is from the left. Poor Europeans who didn't have an opportunity for shit in the Old World...conquered a New World. Good for them.

I'm afraid nothing here, or in the thread you're a refugee from, is about any "New World" or "poor Europeans". Unless by "New World" you mean the Confederacy.
It is COMPLETELY sensible NOT to allow just anyone to walk across our border without being verified. It is also COMPLETELY to allow law abiding citizens to have guns to protect themselves.

1) We are a country of immigrants, and most of our history, you just had to get here to get in.
2) A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

What is sensible and what is not is subjective.

My comparison was right on.

NO, not really. The thing is, you are in the minority on both immigration reform and gun control. If we had national referendums on both, you wouldn't be a happy redneck.

But any SENSIBLE person realizes that going to war so a few rich white people can keep owning other people was immoral, wrong and kind of stupid. Why do you celebrate that?
A stat like that would need to be broken down into many parts.
Bernie or Bloomy can beat Trump easily?

How so? Give us a breakdown in swing states.

They pick up all the states Hillary got, plus Michigan, Wisconsin (Republican governors are no longer there to suppress votes), PA (the Coal and Steel Jobs never came back) and the big surprise, Florida. Now that Felons have had their voting rights restored, bye-bye Republican majority.

Another state to keep an eye on in Arizona.
So what. That means you are bragging about 67% of Americans did not care about the, facts, and only cared about the deceitful Dems ability to brainwash. Because 100% of the U.S. Senate knew the facts that the Dems hid ---then 54% voted to acquit him

Buddy, if the Republicans knew Trump didn't do anything wrong, they'd have called witnesses to prove it.
The only monument we want to tear down is.......

The Great Wall of Trump
Bernie or Bloomy can beat Trump easily?

How so? Give us a breakdown in swing states.

They pick up all the states Hillary got, plus Michigan, Wisconsin (Republican governors are no longer there to suppress votes), PA (the Coal and Steel Jobs never came back) and the big surprise, Florida. Now that Felons have had their voting rights restored, bye-bye Republican majority.

Another state to keep an eye on in Arizona.

Interestingly, in every one of those states named, Rump was awarded 100% of the electors while unable to muster even 50% of the state's vote. Every last one.
Buddy, if the Republicans knew Trump didn't do anything wrong, they'd have called witnesses to prove it.

Buddy, somebody gravely misinformed you on how the USA's court principles work.

Innocent people don't have to prove that they are innocent, they didn't ask to come to court. Therefore it's up to Prosecutors to adequately prove their own cases, yes, that is exacty how the USA legal system works ---so it's never the jury's job to assist the Prosecutor. Period.

And we both know what happened, when it came time for a crooked Prosecutor (Pelosi) to prove her case. She failed. Why? Because lunatic impeached Trump for obeying the USA's foreign policy in Ukraine.
Buddy, if the Republicans knew Trump didn't do anything wrong, they'd have called witnesses to prove it.

If Hillary didn't do anything wrong, she wouldn't have deleted an bunch of emails and smashed a bunch of phones, right?
Buddy, somebody gravely misinformed you on how the USA's court principles work.

Innocent people don't have to prove that they are innocent, they didn't ask to come to court. Therefore it's up to Prosecutors to adequately prove their own cases, yes, that is exacty how the USA legal system works ---so it's never the jury's job to assist the Prosecutor. Period.

They more than proved Trump did what he did. The Republicans suppressed witnesses.
They more than proved Trump did what he did. The Republicans suppressed witnesses.

Not even close. There isn't an honest court in the land that would convict on the evidence at hand.
Many of the statues that have been targeted is for the person having owned slaves or for the person opposing civil rights. Not only will a large number of statues need to come down, but the Democrat Party will need to be renamed. It’s legacy of pushing slave ownership and opposing civil rights is too significant to continue with that name.

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