List solutions for increased security for schools here.

You are soooooo wrong.

Our seals and rangers can pick people out of crowds and not touch a NON-Com. You are really out there on this. You need to spend a weak with a seal team. they will change your opinion in a heart beat.
it might be because know several spec ops people that I have this opinion,,
I just said there are a few that could do the job,,
they arent my concern,,
how about instead of over reacting we start with teachers and admin and see what that gets us before we introduce battle harden men that have killed dozens of people??
You simply do not get it... You want people who have faced death. They will remain calm and thinking. Your painting these men and women with a broad brush they do not deserve.

The teacher who "propped the door" was doing what she normally did. She acted from muscle memory because she panicked and lost the ability to think rationally. When people become emotional, they lose the ability to think rationally. This teacher made a fatal mistake that cost lives.

You may want to reassess your position. This is precisely why ex-military are excellent police officers. they have been taught how to not become emotional and keep rational thought.
You simply do not get it... You want people who have faced death. They will remain calm and thinking. Your painting these men and women with a broad brush they do not deserve.

The teacher who "propped the door" was doing what she normally did. She acted from muscle memory because she panicked and lost the ability to think rationally. When people become emotional, they lose the ability to think rationally. This teacher made a fatal mistake that cost lives.

You may want to reassess your position. This is precisely why ex-military are excellent police officers. they have been taught how to not become emotional and keep rational thought.
thats what you want,,
I want to protect our kids with the least amount of negative kickback,,
and I dont see bringing in the military as an option when there are to many other options,,
placing people who panic in these positions will get more people killed.
then dont do that,, give good training with experienced trainers to sort out those people,,

and dont forget most of these shooters suicide out at the first confrontation,,
thats what you want,,
I want to protect our kids with the least amount of negative kickback,,
and I dont see bringing in the military as an option when there are to many other options,,
List more then.

I got laughed at for saying WASP SPRAY. and PKP fire extinguishers on other threads..........I even said hot water is a weapon.

I was probing to get people to think outside the box.

Wasp Spray will BLIND YOU if it hits the eyes........Has range of 15 to 20 feet.

PKP same range.........white powder will temp blind you too and make you cough severily.

Hot water would be more of a office coffee pot or Teachers lounge idea........

Anything can be used..........desk........throw books......a chair to the nuts........ANYTHING.

That is why I want to have basic self defense courses offered for free to teachers and make it voluntary.
List more then.

I got laughed at for saying WASP SPRAY. and PKP fire extinguishers on other threads..........I even said hot water is a weapon.

I was probing to get people to think outside the box.

Wasp Spray will BLIND YOU if it hits the eyes........Has range of 15 to 20 feet.

PKP same range.........white powder will temp blind you too and make you cough severily.

Hot water would be more of a office coffee pot or Teachers lounge idea........

Anything can be used..........desk........throw books......a chair to the nuts........ANYTHING.

That is why I want to have basic self defense courses offered for free to teachers and make it voluntary.
those are all reasonable options if thats all you have,, for someone like me everything around me is a weapon,,
as I stated lets start with arming teachers and admin that are willing to train for it,,
those are all reasonable options if thats all you have,, for someone like me everything around me is a weapon,,
as I stated lets start with arming teachers and admin that are willing to train for it,,
I'm down with that. Open to any solutions. The Teachers themselves need to be involved with it. And training them will be the easiest solution. Not forced........volunteers.

Keep it Simple Stupid

My first suggestion. They are almost always the easiest and cheapest solutions.

First suggestion. Self Defense courses for teachers that are voluntary. Including using cheap non lethal products such as Bear Mace.

Arm and train those willing to carry. But make sure they are certified by a trained professional.

How would you secure grocery stores and churches or movie theaters?
- Quit sending taxpayer money to public schools and provide vouchers so that parents can send their children to the schools of the choice.
That won't stop the shootings at schools or churches, movie theaters or grocery stores.

What did Texas do about the school shooting in Santa Fe in 2018?
That won't stop the shootings at schools or churches, movie theaters or grocery stores.

What did Texas do about the school shooting in Santa Fe in 2018?

Giving parents more of a say in the policies of their schools is a good start - and that good start starts with who controls the funding.
The money that the teachers unions use to pay off politicians should be used to pay for any increase in security.
What did Texas do about the school shooting in Santa Fe in 2018?
You simply do not get it... You want people who have faced death. They will remain calm and thinking. Your painting these men and women with a broad brush they do not deserve.

The teacher who "propped the door" was doing what she normally did. She acted from muscle memory because she panicked and lost the ability to think rationally. When people become emotional, they lose the ability to think rationally. This teacher made a fatal mistake that cost lives.

You may want to reassess your position. This is precisely why ex-military are excellent police officers. they have been taught how to not become emotional and keep rational thought.
It's also another reason why all kids should participate in competitive sports, particularly combat-type sports.
When closing a security door make sure it latches properly. You could save 21 lives.

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