list your pet peeves, or embarrassing

Unsynchronized traffic lights where you hit one red light after another
Not a peeve! Have you ever watched those Japanese shows, GT? omg. You will shit yerself...or pee yerself. They are VICIOUS! Check this one out. Toilet rigged up cuz its a jetski NOT a toilet but the user has no clue.

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Peeve. People who talk about guitar greats without owning "Shut Up N Play Yer Guitar". It's like talking about great physicists and not knowing Einstein and Relativity. Whatttt??!!

Embarrassment. Still embarrassed about falling short of GT's 14 incher
Certain white people who feel they don't have to say excuse me because they are white and then I have to get nasty
This car will get keyed if I see it


Seriously I have 2 of these. Please don't.
Pedestrians that don't/won't use the crosswalk that's 50' away from where they're crossing.
People that bring their whole herd of uncontrolled bratlings grocery shopping with them.
People walking in a "group" that keep at least 10' between every member, so that they have to yell to "talk" to each other.
People that don't know the meaning of the term "personal space".
Meth-head panhandlers that try to hit you up in the parking lot when you're on your way into/out of a grocery or convenience store.
People that use the store's grocery cart to take their stuff home - then dump the cart when they're done.
This is one of my pet peeve.
During one of my business trip in Philippines in late 90s. I met this beautiful Filipina name Jessica not related to my business. After couple of meetings we got to know each other then I asked her to go out for a dinner. It's a type of restaurant with a room design for whatever you want to do. We got cozy getting horny. My hand went all over HER body. My hand went down there then HELLO I did expect to touch a male anatomical part.
I freaked out got up and slap HIM. He got up one shot on my face and kick in my gut. It's good without the high heels. I'm down I was out. His name was Jessie a black belter.
Pettiness. My boss dropped in and told me that we were meeting in her office in 5 minutes. I detoured to the restroom, and then got a lecture in front of everyone for being 2 minutes late, even after I told her why. I am the treasurer of a volleyball club that charges $10 in dues per year. We have a pot luck in the summer, and the club provides the hamburgers and hot dogs. I have a formal complaint from a member who spends the summer in Wisconsin, so she does not get her f**king free hot dog. I picked up my girlfriend at the airport last month, which is a 2 hour round trip, and cost me about $8 in gas. She wanted to stop for an ice cream on the way home. I told her, "Sure! how about getting a chocolate chip cherry cone for me, too". She told me that I had not bought HER any ice cream last time she took me to the airport (2 years ago). GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
People who walk two by two on narrow sidewalks, and, for some reason, do not feel that they have an obligation to drop back into single file when someone approaches them. This was a major deal in the French Quarter in New Orleans. I finally got so fed up that, instead of walking around them in the street, I would just stop still, and let them figure out what to do.
When I travel overseas I like to learn their cultures, traditions etc. and most of the time with bodyguards.
One time I wonder outside Beijing by myself. This was in 80s I got robbed. They took everything except my boxer shorts. Very scared of course. A nice chinese grandmother was kind enough to give me a towel then asked her son to drive me to my hotel. That was embarrassing walking in a lobby with a towel and my guest looking at me.
Following day we went back to this grandmas house and try to give money for her kindness. She refused but I left the money on her porch.

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