Little girl stands firm in face of street preacher's homophobic rant

I was only bloviating earlier about not supporting equal rights for gay people. I still feel that gay people should be treated equally. However, this little situation has certainly put a damper on my enthusiasm for the gay movement. Don't use children!!!!
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

But why? This child doesn't deserve to be thrust into this kind of political atmosphere. It's dangerous! There are idiot preachers out there, Vandal, and you do nothing but attempt to stereotype us all for their actions.

Her "parents" should be ashamed of themselves. And you of yourself.


This. :)
When my daughter was about 15, I took her to the gay pride parade in San Francisco, which featured 'Dykes on Bikes, a group of topless lesbians riding Harleys. even I was shocked, but we both had a huge laugh over it, and still talk about it today!

Interestingly enough, 15 year olds have a better grasp of these political atmospheres than 6 year olds do. Cue the irrelevance.

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Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

But why? This child doesn't deserve to be thrust into this kind of political atmosphere. It's dangerous! There are idiot preachers out there, Vandal, and you do nothing but attempt to stereotype us all for their actions.

Her "parents" should be ashamed of themselves. And you of yourself.
It was not a political atmosphere; it was a festival.
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

She is a little kid for whom Truth is what her parents tell her it is. By the time she is a college student she will question what they taught her and eventually could achieve real reflective thought. Maybe.

Kids need a mom and dad says openly gay adoptive parent News LifeSite

But I can see how a 5th grader's thinking processes could be seen as a high achievement for most of you libtards, but most conservatives and classic liberals have far surpassed that years ago.

Obviously you are still struggling with 3rd grade, much less 5th.
It depends on who is at the street fair. If it is full of a bunch of ho
Because it is illegal.

Any more questions?

Yeah, just one:

Isn't child endangerment also illegal?
Moron. Taking a child to a street fair endangers her how?
It depends on who is at that fair; if it is a bunch of homos and dykes she might be endangered by air-borne diseases and the other things that reduce the average lifespan of fagots to around 47 years.
You corrupt our society and culture it's not about some flag, but about messing up the minds of our children...America's most valuable commodity.

Ironic coming from the extremist right that supports the confederate flag that stands for racism and bigotry. Look at what that did to the mind of a child like Roof!
You corrupt our society and culture it's not about some flag, but about messing up the minds of our children...America's most valuable commodity.

Ironic coming from the extremist right that supports the confederate flag that stands for racism and bigotry. Look at what that did to the mind of a child like Roof!

Just because you libtards say the CBF stands for racism, doesn't make it so, fruitcake.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children's. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.

BTW, you barely make sense. You are not only a selfish ass, but an illiterate one.
What part did you not understand? I can use smaller words.

DON'T USE CHILDREN FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH PURPOSES. There, maybe now you will understand my point.


You mean you are opposed to Sarah Palin using little Trackball (or something like that) for her own selfish purposes?
You know the best way to save face after losing an argument isn't to keep going, but it's to simply disappear for a while. Adults when they know they are wrong will shut up.

Ironic coming from someone who is supporting ChrisL who has been wrong for 2 solid days now on this topic!
You know the best way to save face after losing an argument isn't to keep going, but it's to simply disappear for a while. Adults when they know they are wrong will shut up.

Ironic coming from someone who is supporting ChrisL who has been wrong for 2 solid days now on this topic!

Lol. I don't think so. That is why you have no legitimate argument to negate anything I've said in this thread. :p

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