Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

the way you described this water would be rolling down the roof soaking the house right?...the SA winds would blow that water right off the how would that be prevented?..

The roof surface would be DESIGNED to prevent the displacement of a water barrier by wind.
look i get what you are trying to say,but with the prices of California homes today,how many people do you think can do this shit to their houses?........

ONLY the homes in the high fire risk areas like Mullholland Drive, Paradise, Canyon Country, etc. would even NEED this. This is not a system that would be installed on every home in CommieFornia. The homes in the hills are NOT CHEAP. I think someone who has a 3 million dollar home in the hills could manage a $25,000.00 fire prevention system without any trouble. They certainly have no trouble buying BMWs, Hummers, and other expensive luxuries. The savings on their fire insurance premiums would probably cover the costs over 10 years or so. They get money for installing solar panels. WHY don't they get money to install fire prevention measures?

Ignorance ^^^ on steroids.

First of all, the asshole in the White House (on occasion) signed a bill to punish home owners in CA who own homes with high property taxes. He and Ryan, the other asshole, limited the deduction for Real Estate Taxes and St. Income taxes.

Many of the homeowners you are green with envy for owning such homes, are older and retired.
Californians don't have much of a yard anyway.

The fire just jumps from house to house.

California: BIG houses on little lots.

You ever been to California? Have you ever left Kentucky?

Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

Big houses on little lots are sparse in CA. Beverly Hills in SoCal, Blackhawk the East Bay, Atherton on the Peninsula are examples (see one below in Atherton)

Here's one in the Blackhawk Development in Danville, CA:

205 S Ridge Ct, Danville, CA 94506 -®
Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

1971-2011 Los Angeles, Simi Valley, Santa Barbara, Hawthorne, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Marcos, Vista, Redondo Beach, Camarillo, Inglewood, San Marcos, Valley Center ...
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Californians don't have much of a yard anyway.

The fire just jumps from house to house.

California: BIG houses on little lots.

You ever been to California? Have you ever left Kentucky?

Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

Big houses on little lots are sparse in CA. Beverly Hills in SoCal, Blackhawk the East Bay, Atherton on the Peninsula are examples (see one below in Atherton)

Here's one in the Blackhawk Development in Danville, CA:

205 S Ridge Ct, Danville, CA 94506 -®
Danville is rated as the 14th richest area in the USA. I used to visit family in nearby Pleasanton. Nice place.
Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

1971-2011 Los Angeles, Simi Valley, Santa Barbara, Hawthorne, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Marcos, Vista, Redondo Beach, Camarillo, Inglewood, San Marcos, Valley Center ...
Thats right. Your Dad had a bookstore in Simi. You, a So CA Gypsy in disguise. LOL
Obviously you cannot answer my question that are very simple and common sense.

1. I am still waiting for the first one.

Opinion or ideas like this ....... you will expect to be dissected from all angles.

2. By people who know nothing of what they speak.

Obviously you are going to install black tubings around the outside walls (OW) of your house. Front, sides and back. Wrapping the whole house with black tubings. Becoming a piece of art.

3. Nope. You wouldn't even see the tubing. The facia of the home would be designed to blend into the appealing appearance of the home's exterior. However, when water would be pumped through the tubing, the roof and walls would be inundated with water.

Tubings installed to the OW should be at least half an inch (.500) gaps?
Tubings spaces maybe 2, 4 or 5 feet apart?

4. ONE tube per wall, along the top edge.

1. During Santa strong winds dry leaves flow all over. Tubings will trap those dry leaves. Causes clogs.

Silly. The water outlets would be blended into the facia of the home. No clogs. No problems.

2. I assumed you are going to go across your windows. I don’t expect you to create a U shape tubings. The screen or the glass or wood windows would easily explode or burn without the tubings with water. So no more windows.

Nope. The water running down the walls would run over the shutters or window coverings that would be deployed QUICKLY in the event of a fire. You really have no CLUE of how to accomplish this, do you.

3. First floor. The same with the sliding doors. No more sliding doors.

All covered by a fire barrier that is deployed when the system is activated.

You want to go back to your drawing board smart guy?

You have ZERO knowledge about how to do something like this, yet you try to discredit me with your silly visions of a tubing CAGE around a house?

1. I gave you 1 and 2 about the heat inside your chamber you avoided it.

2. Since when you see any ideas or stupid ideas like this that you don’t get ( dissected) challenge? At 100% you will get dissected. That’s the nature.

3. So you are designing your system around based from what I’m telling you. You did not say you are going to do this and that about your walls.

4. One tube per wall at the top edge. REALLY? You are more STUPID than I thought. At 80 mph with a tornado force like winds and heat about 200°+ at least. Do expect your water will stick pass 5 feet from your tubings?

Why don’t you run a 6th grader experiment to test your idea?
1. Get your regular garden hose. Cap at the end.
2. Make a holes just like how you design your black tubings.
3. Temporary install it to your outside wall left to right. About 10 feet high.
4. Rent one of those fan that carpet cleaners used that blows hot air.
5. Place the fan about 3 feet below the hose about 5 feet away from your wall.
6. Turn on your water faucet at full volume.
7. Turn the fan on.

The force and the heat coming from your fan. Cannot eeeeeven comes close to the heat and force of the Santa Ana winds.

But I can GUARANTEE you 100% your wall is very dry below the fan.

If you are an inventor presenting this to investors. This is a total REJECT. I might charge you with fraud for wasting my time.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


The state doesn't allow them to properly maintain their properties.
They get a fine if they water their yards.
I water my 'yard' every day. I have food growing back there. Nobody is making me pay any fines.
when the Santa Ana winds are doing 50 MPH or better it just may blow that water off the house....

Run a faucet of water. Use your hand to slap the stream out of the way. What happens? The stream continues the MOMENT the side force of your hand is no longer an issue. If a gust of wind blew the water sideways, it would only be a momentary interruption in the constant flow of water. That is not enough time for a cold wall to ignite.
apparently you have never experienced the SA winds....when they blow they blow they dont come in 60 mile an hour gusts and then slow down to 15 mph....they blow steady for maybe hours....especially in the canyon areas....
And the canyons act like a vortex, drawing the air in and making the wind hotter and faster.

We call them Devil Winds.
If we don’t have deadly Santa Ana winds ....... we wouldn’t have all these fires.
It’s not because of people that lives here. It’s not because of liberals or the governor.

1. It is EXACTLY because of the governor, and the people who live there, that you have those fires.

If you doubt me, get all of the liberals together to agree to leave the state PERMANENTLY and conservatives will move in and turn Ca into the greatest State in the Union in five years.

1. Bullshit. If conservatives will move in. They can stop the Santa Ana winds and the drought?
This is almost the same as governor of Texas can stop the tornadoes. Or east coast floods and hurricanes.

2. Let me guess. You are a Trump supporter?
Then just tell us how much the system would cost to install and maintain on an 8,000 square foot house. Installation cost and annual maintenance please. This house does not have a pool. Go.

You are asking me to give you a price quote on a system that has not been designed, developed or tested, nor manufactured or installed. You are barking at me like a little chihuahua on the inside of a junkyard fence.

If you live in a multi-million dollar home, are you now going to balk at a cost of say ... $25,000.00 to set up a system that will insure your home does not burn down in a raging brush fire, or is that "way too expensive"?

You realize that the actual HOME is only part of the loss. If EMPTY homes would burn down and be rebuilt, it would be easy. But homes contain personal possessions that are lost forever in fires. Furniture, musical instruments, family photo albums, videos, DVDs, computers, framed photos, that quilt your great grandmother made with her own arthritic hands, the trophies you earned in college, antiques, collectibles, sentimental items ... An insurance company can replace the actual home, but it CANNOT replace the personal items that perished in the fire.

So while you all are yapping about all of your worldly knowledge about water systems, pumping water, and designing architecture from the ground up, you are ignoring the FACT that the real loss in a house fire is what was INSIDE of the house.

I propose a way to protect it, and rather than explore the idea as mature adults, you all come back with, "He is a CONSERVATIVE! So ANYTHING he proposes is STUPID! We are not going to agree to ANYTHING he says, because WE HATE TRUMP! "

This is why it is pointless to ever even TRY to coexist with liberals. They are so full of HATE they are blinded by their own anger and rage against God that they are unable to have a civil discussion about something as simple as an IDEA.

Obviously you are very amateur. When you present an idea like this.

Do not stupidly mixed with politics like calling people here in California. Commiecali, liberals etc etc etc etc.
Stick with your idea so you don’t get more hit than you needed.

This is like you are making a presentation in front of a big meeting. Presenting your invention but you are talking about the people that lives there. Does that make sense to you at all?

We in Ca cannot control the Santa Ana winds. It’s not because we are stupid or the governor.
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Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

1971-2011 Los Angeles, Simi Valley, Santa Barbara, Hawthorne, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, San Marcos, Vista, Redondo Beach, Camarillo, Inglewood, San Marcos, Valley Center ...

Show me pictures of large estates, as I have in my post.
Californians don't have much of a yard anyway.

The fire just jumps from house to house.

California: BIG houses on little lots.

You ever been to California? Have you ever left Kentucky?

Claims he lived in CA for 40 years. Not sure where. Huge state.

Big houses on little lots are sparse in CA. Beverly Hills in SoCal, Blackhawk the East Bay, Atherton on the Peninsula are examples (see one below in Atherton)

Here's one in the Blackhawk Development in Danville, CA:

205 S Ridge Ct, Danville, CA 94506 -®
Danville is rated as the 14th richest area in the USA. I used to visit family in nearby Pleasanton. Nice place.

Yes it is, our home is in Danville, and my backyard is adjacent to the Iron Horse Trail.
1. I gave you 1 and 2 about the heat inside your chamber you avoided it.

There would be no excessive heat inside.

2. Since when you see any ideas or stupid ideas like this that you don’t get ( dissected) challenge? At 100% you will get dissected. That’s the nature.

that is the nature of some, not all.

3. So you are designing your system around based from what I’m telling you. You did not say you are going to do this and that about your walls.

I have found that people ask a lot of questions, I go into great detail, and six months later, my idea is on QVC.

4. One tube per wall at the top edge. REALLY? You are more STUPID than I thought. At 80 mph with a tornado force like winds and heat about 200°+ at least. Do expect your water will stick pass 5 feet from your tubings?

That is entirely dependent on the amount of water that is flowing.

Why don’t you run a 6th grader experiment to test your idea?
1. Get your regular garden hose. Cap at the end.
2. Make a holes just like how you design your black tubings.
3. Temporary install it to your outside wall left to right. About 10 feet high.
4. Rent one of those fan that carpet cleaners used that blows hot air.
5. Place the fan about 3 feet below the hose about 5 feet away from your wall.
6. Turn on your water faucet at full volume.
7. Turn the fan on.

The force and the heat coming from your fan. Cannot eeeeeven comes close to the heat and force of the Santa Ana winds.

Carpet drying fans do not blow hot air. They do not have a heating element in them. They just blow air.

You are assuming the water flow of a garden hose. Silly. You cannot fill three oil drums with water in a minute with a garden hose. 150 gallons per minute (10,000 gallons per hour) requires much MORE than a garden hose.

But I can GUARANTEE you 100% your wall is very dry below the fan.

I can guarantee a steady flow of water top to bottom, channeled back to the reservoir.

If you are an inventor presenting this to investors. This is a total REJECT. I might charge you with fraud for wasting my time.

It is you and your ilk who have wasted my time. I learned long ago never to attempt an intelligent discussion with liberals. They do not have the mental capacity to offer anything but attacks.
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Yesterday, SCE called with power-outage notifications. One at 9:30 AM saying the power would be restored at 6:00 PM. The power was off for about 30 minutes in the AM. At 3:00 AM today another call to say they might shut it off today. Nope, stayed on. At 2:30 PM today they called saying my area will not lose power between now and 6:00 PM tomorrow night. Others, to the East are not so lucky. Some 16,000 without lights and A/C in Ventura Co.
1. I gave you 1 and 2 about the heat inside your chamber you avoided it.

There would be no excessive heat inside.

2. Since when you see any ideas or stupid ideas like this that you don’t get ( dissected) challenge? At 100% you will get dissected. That’s the nature.

that is the nature of some, not all.

3. So you are designing your system around based from what I’m telling you. You did not say you are going to do this and that about your walls.

I have found that people ask a lot of questions, I go into great detail, and six months later, my idea is on QVC.

4. One tube per wall at the top edge. REALLY? You are more STUPID than I thought. At 80 mph with a tornado force like winds and heat about 200°+ at least. Do expect your water will stick pass 5 feet from your tubings?

That is entirely dependent on the amount of water that is flowing.

Why don’t you run a 6th grader experiment to test your idea?
1. Get your regular garden hose. Cap at the end.
2. Make a holes just like how you design your black tubings.
3. Temporary install it to your outside wall left to right. About 10 feet high.
4. Rent one of those fan that carpet cleaners used that blows hot air.
5. Place the fan about 3 feet below the hose about 5 feet away from your wall.
6. Turn on your water faucet at full volume.
7. Turn the fan on.

The force and the heat coming from your fan. Cannot eeeeeven comes close to the heat and force of the Santa Ana winds.

Carpet drying fans do not blow hot air. They do not have a heating element in them. They just blow air.

You are assuming the water flow of a garden hose. Silly. You cannot fill three oil drums with water in a minute with a garden hose. 150 gallons per minute (10,000 gallons per hour) requires much MORE than a garden hose.

But I can GUARANTEE you 100% your wall is very dry below the fan.

I can guarantee a steady flow of water top to bottom, channeled back to the reservoir.

If you are an inventor presenting this to investors. This is a total REJECT. I might charge you with fraud for wasting my time.

It is you and your ilk who have wasted my time. I learned long ago never to attempt an intelligent discussion with liberals. They do not have the mental capacity to offer anything but attacks.

No excessive heat? You didn’t say how you are going to solve the heat problem.

I ran in to hundreds of projects in my life but not a single one that don’t get challenged or dissected. It’s 100% facts. Unless you are running a dictatorship.

Intelligent discussion? You are not even come close to an average. Let alone intelligent discussion? As far as I know you are very stupid.

Carpet drying fan do not blow hot air? One of my relatives has a slab leak. The carpet cleaner brought several of those fans and they blow hot air.

You keep blabbering how expensive is your system but you have not even run a simple test. I gave you an idea (example ) just to test. You are still in CONCEPT stage but you have not done a simple stupid test at lower scale. That’s very dumb.

Experiment #2.
1. Get another garden hose. Do not poke any holes. Install 10 feet high. Pointing downward.
2. Get one of those utility fan that move side to side.
3. Place the fan at least 3 or 4 feet below your hose 5 feet away from the wall.
4. Turn on the faucet full volume.
5. Turn the fan on.

I can GUARANTEE you 100% the wall below the fan is dry.

Your tubings close to the roof water pouring down. I can guarantee you 100% your water will not reach the first floor. During the Santa Ana winds.

CONCLUSIONS: Total Reject and Fraud.
I am done here. The STUPIDITY on parade by the Trump Haters and the Leftist IDIOTS here is beyond my ability to remain compassionate.

The responses are basically saying, "Anything you say is stupid just because WE HATE TRUMP!"

This board is infested with brain dead blithering IDIOT morons who cannot follow a simple conversation.

These pussies cry, "What about the WIND? It will blow the water away from the roof's surface or the wall's surface!" This of course completely IGNORES the FACT that I stated early on that homes should be built with materials that are fireproof on the exterior. So the flash of heat or the lick of flames WILL NOT MATTER! The momentary exposure to extreme heat or flames WILL NOT MATTER! if the exterior materials cannot be ignited, IT DOESN'T MATTER! The water would be used to COOL the exterior surfaces during the time a fire passes. This would in turn keep the temperatures INSIDE of the structure lower. These MORONS are responding as if the entire exterior surface of the home is made from wads of shredded paper towels!

I am done with all of you morons. You have wasted my time with your INANE arguments that have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. You really are disgusting beyond my ability to tolerate you for another moment.

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