Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Sure seems to matter to you or you wouldn't talk about CA.

I would move back to California if it were completely purged of liberals. Unfortunately, that will never happen.
Kentucky suits you so stay there.
It's not a workable plan. Not the way you've described it. Sorry if that triggers you.

Are you an architect or an engineer? Please provide PROOF of such a claim.
I said not the way you've described it. You haven't provided a real plan. Just a vague idea of a plan that doesn't consider climate and topography and what really happens during a fire tornado.
Notice the fire in Simi Valley. The East side of the county. Mostly Republican. Go figure.

You are correct! The squawking liberals in CA made it impossible for the conservatives to do what was necessary to prevent those fires.
And how could they have prevented those fires? Tell us oh "California expert".
It's not a workable plan. Not the way you've described it. Sorry if that triggers you.

Really? How does a water fountain work?

It has a reservoir of water that is stagnant. When you turn on the fountain, water is pumped up and either poured over rocks, or it spews from the mouth of a cherub, or whatever. AFTER the water has displayed the feature, the water is returned to the reservoir.

You don't believe a water fountain just uses a city water supply and dumps the water into the street, DO YOU?

So instead of a little cherub with wings, we build a MUCH BIGGER fountain, and place a home in the center of it. The water runs over the HOME when it is running, and it prevents the home from burning. WHAT is the difference?
Temperature, wind, fire. Mother Nature is the difference.
Sure seems to matter to you or you wouldn't talk about CA.

I would move back to California if it were completely purged of liberals. Unfortunately, that will never happen.
You never lived here in the first place or else you'd know that Northern and Eastern California is Red...even our own district in San Diego keeps voting in crooked Republicans like Duke Cunningham and Duncan Hunter.
I hear Hunter's wife will testify against him.
I said not the way you've described it. You haven't provided a real plan. Just a vague idea of a plan that doesn't consider climate and topography and what really happens during a fire tornado.

Wrong. CommieFornia homes are built on concrete slabs, unless they have a basement. That slab can be made into ANY configuration. It can be a flat slab as they are now, OR it can be DESIGNED to support a home while still providing for water management around the exterior base when needed. From that point, the home is just the "feature" in a huge water fountain.

What are your qualifications to make such statements? I have only proposed an IDEA. It is not new or untested. The country is littered with water fountains, and ALL of them soak something with water, and then return the water to the reservoir. Why would a large one with a home in the center of it not work?
Look at the fountain at the 1:05 mark and tell me that a home would burn if water was running over the entire roof and down the entire home's exterior wall surfaces like that. You cannot intelligently tell me that it would. I don't care about wind or heat or flames. In order for something to IGNITE it must be HOT, and the constant flow of water would cool down every surface LONG before it ever got hot enough to ignite.

Look at the fountain at the 1:05 mark and tell me that a home would burn if water was running over the entire roof and down the entire home's exterior wall surfaces like that. You cannot intelligently tell me that it would. I don't care about wind or heat or flames. In order for something to IGNITE it must be HOT, and the constant flow of water would cool down every surface LONG before it ever got hot enough to ignite.

Except our homes are not made of glass and water will not sheet down the surface like it does in that video.

Take a leaf blower up to that wall fountain and see what happens when you point it at the water.
Look at the fountain at the 1:05 mark and tell me that a home would burn if water was running over the entire roof and down the entire home's exterior wall surfaces like that. You cannot intelligently tell me that it would. I don't care about wind or heat or flames. In order for something to IGNITE it must be HOT, and the constant flow of water would cool down every surface LONG before it ever got hot enough to ignite.

when the Santa Ana winds are doing 50 MPH or better it just may blow that water off the house....
Except our homes are not made of glass and water will not sheet down the surface like it does in that video.

Take a leaf blower up to that wall fountain and see what happens when you point it at the water.

That is a false comparison. A leaf blower blows air at 200 MPH out of a focused nozzle. That is not the same force per square inch that the wall of water would sustain with a wind from a brush fire.

Homes can be DESIGNED to allow water to flow from the roof to the foundation exactly as I propose. You are arguing that PRESENT homes would have issues with this system, and I agree to some extent. However, even today's homes could be fitted with flashings and other things that would force the water to go where it is needed most.

New home construction could address those issues and create a structure that will allow steady and even water flow over the entire exterior surface.
Look at the fountain at the 1:05 mark and tell me that a home would burn if water was running over the entire roof and down the entire home's exterior wall surfaces like that. You cannot intelligently tell me that it would. I don't care about wind or heat or flames. In order for something to IGNITE it must be HOT, and the constant flow of water would cool down every surface LONG before it ever got hot enough to ignite.

when the Santa Ana winds are doing 50 MPH or better it just may blow that water off the house....

I doubt that. Also, siding can be designed to prevent winds pushing against the wall surfaces from displacing the water.
Look at the fountain at the 1:05 mark and tell me that a home would burn if water was running over the entire roof and down the entire home's exterior wall surfaces like that. You cannot intelligently tell me that it would. I don't care about wind or heat or flames. In order for something to IGNITE it must be HOT, and the constant flow of water would cool down every surface LONG before it ever got hot enough to ignite.

when the Santa Ana winds are doing 50 MPH or better it just may blow that water off the house....

I doubt that. Also, siding can be designed to prevent winds pushing against the wall surfaces from displacing the water.

if you doubt that would happen why did you say that which you doubt can maybe be prevented?...
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


The state doesn't allow them to properly maintain their properties.
They get a fine if they water their yards.
Except our homes are not made of glass and water will not sheet down the surface like it does in that video.

Take a leaf blower up to that wall fountain and see what happens when you point it at the water.

That is a false comparison. A leaf blower blows air at 200 MPH out of a focused nozzle. That is not the same force per square inch that the wall of water would sustain with a wind from a brush fire.

Homes can be DESIGNED to allow water to flow from the roof to the foundation exactly as I propose. You are arguing that PRESENT homes would have issues with this system, and I agree to some extent. However, even today's homes could be fitted with flashings and other things that would force the water to go where it is needed most.

New home construction could address those issues and create a structure that will allow steady and even water flow over the entire exterior surface.

Your horse was stupid to start with. Now it’s long dead and you’re still beating it. Let it go.
if you doubt that would happen why did you say that which you doubt can maybe be prevented?...

Because no TESTS have been done to determine whether or not it WOULD happen.

Look, you have a wall of water, and someone says, "A leaf blower would blow the water away and burn the wall!" In reality, the winds to not approach walls through narrow plastic tubes. So a force of wind against the wall will apply pressure EQUALLY over the entire surface of the wall. Therefore any water that a bit of wind is trying to blow in one direction is being countered by a bit of wind trying to blow it in the opposite direction. Wind does not hit a wall like the air flow from a blower nozzle from a compressor. So that argument is INVALID.
It's not a workable plan. Not the way you've described it. Sorry if that triggers you.

Really? How does a water fountain work?

It has a reservoir of water that is stagnant. When you turn on the fountain, water is pumped up and either poured over rocks, or it spews from the mouth of a cherub, or whatever. AFTER the water has displayed the feature, the water is returned to the reservoir.

You don't believe a water fountain just uses a city water supply and dumps the water into the street, DO YOU?

So instead of a little cherub with wings, we build a MUCH BIGGER fountain, and place a home in the center of it. The water runs over the HOME when it is running, and it prevents the home from burning. WHAT is the difference?
Temperature, wind, fire. Mother Nature is the difference.
The static electricity today is driving me crazy!
when the Santa Ana winds are doing 50 MPH or better it just may blow that water off the house....

Run a faucet of water. Use your hand to slap the stream out of the way. What happens? The stream continues the MOMENT the side force of your hand is no longer an issue. If a gust of wind blew the water sideways, it would only be a momentary interruption in the constant flow of water. That is not enough time for a cold wall to ignite.
That's why I don't vote for people like you. You want to control every single aspect of every single person's life for the entirety of their lives.

No thank you!

Nope. That is a characteristic that is exclusive to those on the LEFT. "Cradle to Grave." etc.

I don't want to control anything. I would just head off the conditions that create the cesspools of Socialism that litter our great country like (insert ANY city run by Democrats HERE)

Cradle to grave preventative medicine is a practice which will save money in a number of ways.
  • Early diagnosis of
    • Cancers
    • Heart Disease
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • High blood pressure
    • HIV & STD's
    • Epilepsy
    • mental
  • Vaccinations (age appropriate)
  • Physical Examinations (age appropriate)
  • Dental diseases
Providing health care education, especially at appropriate ages on diseases, both bacterial and viral transmission from persons to persons.

Cradle to grave preventative medicine should not be forced on anyone, however, those who don't want to go to clinic or private doctor for no or very little cost are fools.

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