Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is this the way that we should feel for those who live in the tornado filled areas?

God bless you and them always!!!


What is a "tornado filled area"? I'm confused.
The areas that hardly get any peace because there are too many tornadoes going on.

God bless you always!!!

Where exactly would that be?
Oklahoma is the first state that comes to mind.

God bless you always!!!


Most of Oklahoma is open farmland that when tornadoes tear across them, all they do is damage the crops.
If we don’t have deadly Santa Ana winds ....... we wouldn’t have all these fires.
It’s not because of people that lives here. It’s not because of liberals or the governor.

It is EXACTLY because of the governor, and the people who live there, that you have those fires. If you doubt me, get all of the liberals together to agree to leave the state PERMANENTLY and conservatives will move in and turn Ca into the greatest State in the Union in five years.
Like you did with Kentucky?

First These Kentuckians Couldn't Drink The Water. Now They Can't Afford It
I wish I were good at computer animations. I would take the time to create a demonstration of the system, so you brain dead blithering idiots that are countering with all of these RIDICULOUS arguments that are pulled out of thin air can MAYBE understand how a system like this would work. Unfortunately, computer animations are not among my bag-o-tricks. Therefore, i cannot explain a simple system to someone who has no imagination and no vision.
Then just tell us how much the system would cost to install and maintain on an 8,000 square foot house. Installation cost and annual maintenance please. This house does not have a pool. Go.
Sure seems to matter to you or you wouldn't talk about CA.

It is human nature to talk about the one dent in a car, rather than talking about how everything else on the vehicle is undamaged.
But it's not your car and it's located clear across the country from where you live. In addition, your car is a junk heap and takes far more money to maintain than it earns, making the other cars work harder to cover your bills. Your car is one of the largest welfare clunkers in the country.
Most of Oklahoma is open farmland that when tornadoes tear across them, all they do is damage the crops.
Just crops and babies.

Plaza Towers Elementary School, Moore, OK,


If it's a big honking space sprinkler

Thats the wrong idea

You run a very big soaker hose along the top of the roof

EXACTLY! A pipe along the ridge of the home, perhaps built in for cosmetic appearance. In a fire, the pipe runs water along the ridge lines of the roof, and water POURS ("not "sprays") over the roof's surface, completely covering the roof with a sheet of water. Now that water reaches the edges of the roof, and the gutters are designed to channel the water straight down along the wall's surface to the ground. The water then falls into channels that return it to the cistern for reapplication. The entire home is continually covered by a SHEET of water, for as long as the fire is a threat. WHY is that so hard for people to understand?
Great idea

But probably way over the head of liberals in california
Then just tell us how much the system would cost to install and maintain on an 8,000 square foot house. Installation cost and annual maintenance please. This house does not have a pool. Go.

You are asking me to give you a price quote on a system that has not been designed, developed or tested, nor manufactured or installed. You are barking at me like a little chihuahua on the inside of a junkyard fence.

If you live in a multi-million dollar home, are you now going to balk at a cost of say ... $25,000.00 to set up a system that will insure your home does not burn down in a raging brush fire, or is that "way too expensive"?

You realize that the actual HOME is only part of the loss. If EMPTY homes would burn down and be rebuilt, it would be easy. But homes contain personal possessions that are lost forever in fires. Furniture, musical instruments, family photo albums, videos, DVDs, computers, framed photos, that quilt your great grandmother made with her own arthritic hands, the trophies you earned in college, antiques, collectibles, sentimental items ... An insurance company can replace the actual home, but it CANNOT replace the personal items that perished in the fire.

So while you all are yapping about all of your worldly knowledge about water systems, pumping water, and designing architecture from the ground up, you are ignoring the FACT that the real loss in a house fire is what was INSIDE of the house.

I propose a way to protect it, and rather than explore the idea as mature adults, you all come back with, "He is a CONSERVATIVE! So ANYTHING he proposes is STUPID! We are not going to agree to ANYTHING he says, because WE HATE TRUMP! "

This is why it is pointless to ever even TRY to coexist with liberals. They are so full of HATE they are blinded by their own anger and rage against God that they are unable to have a civil discussion about something as simple as an IDEA.
Then just tell us how much the system would cost to install and maintain on an 8,000 square foot house. Installation cost and annual maintenance please. This house does not have a pool. Go.

You are asking me to give you a price quote on a system that has not been designed, developed or tested, nor manufactured or installed. You are barking at me like a little chihuahua on the inside of a junkyard fence.

If you live in a multi-million dollar home, are you now going to balk at a cost of say ... $25,000.00 to set up a system that will insure your home does not burn down in a raging brush fire, or is that "way too expensive"?

You realize that the actual HOME is only part of the loss. If EMPTY homes would burn down and be rebuilt, it would be easy. But homes contain personal possessions that are lost forever in fires. Furniture, musical instruments, family photo albums, videos, DVDs, computers, framed photos, that quilt your great grandmother made with her own arthritic hands, the trophies you earned in college, antiques, collectibles, sentimental items ... An insurance company can replace the actual home, but it CANNOT replace the personal items that perished in the fire.

So while you all are yapping about all of your worldly knowledge about water systems, pumping water, and designing architecture from the ground up, you are ignoring the FACT that the real loss in a house fire is what was INSIDE of the house.

I propose a way to protect it, and rather than explore the idea as mature adults, you all come back with, "He is a CONSERVATIVE! So ANYTHING he proposes is STUPID! We are not going to agree to ANYTHING he says, because WE HATE TRUMP! "

This is why it is pointless to ever even TRY to coexist with liberals. They are so full of HATE they are blinded by their own anger and rage against God that they are unable to have a civil discussion about something as simple as an IDEA.
It's not a workable plan. Not the way you've described it. Sorry if that triggers you.

And I don't think you can dig your cistern hole for $25,000 in California, let alone everything else you have proposed.
If we don’t have deadly Santa Ana winds ....... we wouldn’t have all these fires.
It’s not because of people that lives here. It’s not because of liberals or the governor.

It is EXACTLY because of the governor, and the people who live there, that you have those fires. If you doubt me, get all of the liberals together to agree to leave the state PERMANENTLY and conservatives will move in and turn Ca into the greatest State in the Union in five years.
Notice the fire in Simi Valley. The East side of the county. Mostly Republican. Go figure.
So ... this underground fiberglass tank for POTABLE water is around $18,500.00. It would give the homeowner 10,000 gallons of water to use in a system that would drench a home with water during a fire emergency.

Add in two or three high capacity water pumps and a generator to power them. Now add some tubing and channeling specifically designed to deliver a large quantity of water to a flat horizontal or vertical surface in a raging fire, and you're probably into the system for around $25,000.00

10000 Gallon Fiberglass Potable Water Tank 12-15POT

Here is a 5,000 gallon tank for $8,000.00

5025 Gallon Horizontal Poly Leg Tank 41879
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It's not a workable plan. Not the way you've described it. Sorry if that triggers you.

Really? How does a water fountain work?

It has a reservoir of water that is stagnant. When you turn on the fountain, water is pumped up and either poured over rocks, or it spews from the mouth of a cherub, or whatever. AFTER the water has displayed the feature, the water is returned to the reservoir.

You don't believe a water fountain just uses a city water supply and dumps the water into the street, DO YOU?

So instead of a little cherub with wings, we build a MUCH BIGGER fountain, and place a home in the center of it. The water runs over the HOME when it is running, and it prevents the home from burning. WHAT is the difference?
Sure seems to matter to you or you wouldn't talk about CA.

I would move back to California if it were completely purged of liberals. Unfortunately, that will never happen.
You never lived here in the first place or else you'd know that Northern and Eastern California is Red...even our own district in San Diego keeps voting in crooked Republicans like Duke Cunningham and Duncan Hunter.

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