Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

I wish I were good at computer animations. I would take the time to create a demonstration of the system, so you brain dead blithering idiots that are countering with all of these RIDICULOUS arguments that are pulled out of thin air can MAYBE understand how a system like this would work. Unfortunately, computer animations are not among my bag-o-tricks. Therefore, i cannot explain a simple system to someone who has no imagination and no vision.
I wish I were good at computer animations. I would take the time to create a demonstration of the system, so you brain dead blithering idiots that are countering with all of these RIDICULOUS arguments that are pulled out of thin air can MAYBE understand how a system like this would work. Unfortunately, computer animations are not among my bag-o-tricks. Therefore, i cannot explain a simple system to someone who has no imagination and no vision.
Then why say anything at all?
I've never been south of Louisville. Is it the same farther south?

Do not visit Louisville and think that this is a fair representation of Kentucky, any more than Memphis is a representation of Tennessee or Chicago is a representation of Illinois.

EVERY state has at least one stinking shit hole of liberalism, and Louisville is Kentucky's cancerous tumor. Oh, and it is run by democrats, of course.
I wish I were good at computer animations. I would take the time to create a demonstration of the system, so you brain dead blithering idiots that are countering with all of these RIDICULOUS arguments that are pulled out of thin air can MAYBE understand how a system like this would work. Unfortunately, computer animations are not among my bag-o-tricks. Therefore, i cannot explain a simple system to someone who has no imagination and no vision.
Then why say anything at all?

and the Stupid Question Award goes to ...
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.
as they do in as many areas they can.....but as I've been saying, that's chapparal.....not the forests that fat donnie was talking about.
Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Oh right, sarcasm. Is that what you're calling Trump's sheer stupidity now, sarcasm?

No, he actually meant for us to go out and sweep the forests.

No the left has never gotten what he's saying.
They have misquoted his meanings and have never been right about what he is saying.
He was saying California stopped underbrush management and needs to start doing it again.

If you had a clue you would know that that's exactly what would happen. The forest floor was cleared of brush and deadfall, and then they would burn that area so they could control it. Most of all the other western states do this yearly. There was a time not long ago when fires in California at this time of year were either controlled burns, or so rare that it made national news. These fires are the result of corruption.

So, according to you, California is the only western state with wildfire issues. ORLY?
If we don’t have deadly Santa Ana winds ....... we wouldn’t have all these fires.
It’s not because of people that lives here. It’s not because of liberals or the governor.

It is EXACTLY because of the governor, and the people who live there, that you have those fires. If you doubt me, get all of the liberals together to agree to leave the state PERMANENTLY and conservatives will move in and turn Ca into the greatest State in the Union in five years.
No. Liberals just want the rich, and the rich corporations to pay their fair share.

Conservatives (the uneducated types especially) believe that the rich must be protected at all costs because....I'm not sure why.

The educated conservatives are fine with the rich taking everything because they (falsely) believe they will be super rich one day. They don't understand you need to be born into that kind of money, unless you are extraordinarily brilliant.

Thank you for that excellent and concise summary of Liberal-think.
Do you have any idea how much that system would cost, even if it could be built?

A pump rated at 9.840 gallons per hour, or 164 gallons per minute is about $500.00. FOUR of them would be $2,000.00, and they would pump 656 gallons of water PER MINUTE over your home. Do you think you might have a chance against a fire with a water flow of 656 gallons PER MINUTE running over your home?

Honda Self-Priming Water Pump — 9840 GPH, 2in. Ports, 120cc Honda GX120 Engine, Model# WB20XT3 | Northern Tool + Equipment

If you were any good at math, you would know that it would not be sufficient to do what you want it to do.
No. It is because this area is populated by CONSERVATIVES.

So is Oklahoma. Why can't they take personal responsibility for their tornadoes?

Exactly! If I built a home in Oklahoma, you can be darned sure it would survive a tornado. I would build it with a welded steel frame, and it would be anchored to a foundation that involves piers six feet into the ground and "dead soldiers" to anchor it. "Dead soldiers" is a term used for inverted T-shaped anchors that are buried deep, and are attached to strong chains that protrude above the ground's surface. I am talking about REAL STEEL, not that cheap ass fake 2x4 22 gauge metal stud nonsense that people buy from Home Depot.

The roof and siding would be designed so it would not peel off. The windows would be Lexan. The home would have STRONG shutters that could take a real beating.

There MIGHT be some minor cosmetic damage to my Oklahoma home after a strong tornado, but the home itself would largely remain unscathed.

Yeah, right!

Some of those "tornado proof" homes have only the slab they were built upon remaining after the storm.


The Bottom House Didn't Burn In A Wildfire
Just Sayin'.....
I am talking about the mine fires, not the naturally occurring coal seam fires. The fires started by mining accidents and stupidity.

We probably won't take your advice on how to deal with our underground areas.

I'd say, get everyone out, and fill the mine with CO2 or any other inert gas to smother the fire. The coal CANNOT burn if it cannot get oxygen.

You suck so badly at math and that causes you to fail to see that the costs associated with any of your Rube Goldberg schemes makes it economically impossible.

Do you have any idea how many cubic feet are in a coal mine?

Of course you don't! You cannot even see that you would need to cover the entire surface area of a house which is probably 7-10 times the square footage of the floor plan.
I am talking about the mine fires, not the naturally occurring coal seam fires. The fires started by mining accidents and stupidity.

We probably won't take your advice on how to deal with our underground areas.

I'd say, get everyone out, and fill the mine with CO2 or any other inert gas to smother the fire. The coal CANNOT burn if it cannot get oxygen.
Where you gonna get that much inert gas?

He could probably blow it out of his ass if he didn't realize it would be methane and not CO2.
My mother's generator will run for 2 weeks with zero service required.

Does it pump water in the quantities that KC is talking about being needed?? If not, you don't have a clue as to what kind of power is required to move water.

A generator doesn't pump water. It makes electricity. The electricity runs the water pumps. Try to keep up.

Your reading comprehension skills are at about a third-grade level if you don't realize that is exactly what I said, dumbass!

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