Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

WOW! I have heard talk of this human condition called "Delusional" yet this is the best example of it I have EVER seen! Imagine, any CommieFornia snowflake being better at surviving than a Kentucky "redneck" who hunts his own food, catches his own fish, grows his own crops, and builds and defends his own home! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

Again, pure delusional behavior.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

and the first time something scary happens, your governor runs to the feds to demand money from our states to make up YOUR shortfalls!

I can assure you I have survived Southern California quite well, for decades. You were the one who had to flee VISTA!

We may have recently fallen off the list of donor states, but just barely. We certainly contribute far more per capita than red state Kentucky, where glass houses are common - ouch!

Kentucky ranks high for natural disasters
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

We are welcoming all Trump voters to leave, pronto. Go. It's too dangerous and risky for you here. Save yourself. GO!

What your saying is only democrats and their ideology that is destroying California, - because we the voters are allowing to have basic services cut for the citizens , but government employees pensions are funded.
Big Government being badly mismanaged, but no conservative ideology that was working for everyone.
O.K. !
No, I am saying you will not be happy here. Fox News tells you everything you want to know about California and Fox News listeners should stay away for their own safety and happiness.
Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

We are welcoming all Trump voters to leave, pronto. Go. It's too dangerous and risky for you here. Save yourself. GO!

What your saying is only democrats and their ideology that is destroying California, - because we the voters are allowing to have basic services cut for the citizens , but government employees pensions are funded.
Big Government being badly mismanaged, but no conservative ideology that was working for everyone.
O.K. !
No, I am saying you will not be happy here. Fox News tells you everything you want to know about California and Fox News listeners should stay away for their own safety and happiness.

California has problems. Every state does. Only Trump fans take extreme pleasure in other’s misfortunes though. They have mental problems. No doubt.
Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.

Not different at all. you suggested that a generator must be refueled every two hours, and I told you that it is possible to let a diesel generator run for days at a time, unattended if necessary, as farmers do with diesel water pumps when they irrigate their fields.

I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

I already stated that a structure could be built that would both protect and cool the pumps and generators. It could be underground, you know. It would not get hot at all, beyond normal operating temperatures.

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

No, YOU are arguing about my idea. I have no problems with my idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?

What the HELL are you babbling on about?

What the hell im babbling about? See post #233 as an example.

I assumed that you are going to go there and refuel or recharge your system. Because burying your power source like generator with a cooling system is very stupid.

1. The air system that you will use to cool your generator is coming from the outside. It’s hot air coming in. What good is that do?

2. The heat from your generator plus the hot air coming in. Now what?

3. You want to use diesel. I assumed you are going to use 55 gallons. That’s a lot of fuel. If it blows up. Now what?

I am sorry. The ignorance and lack of basic common sense in your questions forbids me from answering them. I am not going to hold your hand and WALK you through logical answers to all of your concerns. Gasoline stations store THOUSANDS of gallons of fuel underground, SAFELY.

Obviously you cannot answer my question that are very simple and common sense. Opinion or ideas like this ....... you will expect to be dissected from all angles.

Obviously you are going to install black tubings around the outside walls (OW) of your house. Front, sides and back. Wrapping the whole house with black tubings. Becoming a piece of art.

Tubings installed to the OW should be at least half an inch (.500) gaps?
Tubings spaces maybe 2, 4 or 5 feet apart?
1. During Santa strong winds dry leaves flow all over. Tubings will trap those dry leaves. Causes clogs.

2. I assumed you are going to go across your windows. I don’t expect you to create a U shape tubings. The screen or the glass or wood windows would easily explode or burn without the tubings with water. So no more windows.

3. First floor. The same with the sliding doors. No more sliding doors.

You want to go back to your drawing board smart guy?
no kidding. Kensucky matters for 2 minutes a year...during a horse race.

At least KY matters for 2 minutes. California NEVER matters.
Sure seems to matter to you or you wouldn't talk about CA.

No joke.

Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 7.00.28 PM.png

So much hate….Trump fans have mental problems
I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.

I agree with you ... almost 100% !

The insurance company should have visited your home and said, "We are NOT going to insure this home against a fire until these trees are cut back, this brush is removed, and the exterior of the home is either painted with fireproof paint or replaced with fireproof materials. You also need a sprinkler system inside."

They agreed to insure a tinder box in an area that would almost certainly go up in flames, so they are on the hook to build you a NEW tinder box.

However, that does NOT excuse YOU from taking additional steps to reduce their exposure to a loss.

Do you know why I obey the speed limits? It is not because I am afraid of speeding tickets. It is not because "God is watching me."

It is because I APPRECIATE my insurance company having my back in the event of an UNAVOIDABLE accident, so I make a real effort to reduce their exposure to claims by consciously trying to drive as safely as possible whenever I am behind the wheel, or on my motorcycle. If something happens that is beyond my control, they will pay the claim, but I do everything I can to prevent them from ever needing to pay a claim. I park where I am less likely to get door dings. I let the road rage ass hats speed ahead of me. I lock my doors. I don't drive drunk. I stop when I am drowsy on long trips. I don't tailgate.

I try to keep their costs down, and in turn, they try to keep my premiums down. That is how a CONSERVATIVE thinks.

Insurance companies are now adopting my philosophy.

"Don't mess with my discount!"

If only you were in charge of the world, right?

It's called individual responsibility at your own expense or extra labor to keep your home maintained.
You are in charge of doing things not extra responsibilities by gov. or company insurance.

I know, red state nutters want to control every single aspect of every person's life. I know it rankles you that you don't have that power. Bless your heart.

I'm not sure you understand how insurance works. We sign a contract where I agree to pay money and the insurance company agrees to pay for my covered losses. There are rules and regulations we each must follow. That's how it works.

You do not get to insert yourself in the middle of my relationship with my insurance company and insist that I must do extra work that you (apparently) will determine. GFY.

Voting for Dems big government to take care of you is controlling.
Individual responsibly is less gov. more freedom.
No one is forcing you to do anything.
If you decide not to ,let your home burn down just don't ask the rest of tax payers to help.
What you get from your insurance only not Fed disaster assistance.
I can ask tax payers to help anytime I want. Society as a whole will say yes or no. I will vote for the people who represent MY views on life and what is important to me, NOT yours.

This is the biggest problem with red state voters. You want to control every. single. thing. about everyone's life, all the time, forever. If people choose to work together to solve common problems, that's a big issue for nutters because they think everyone should do everything for themselves, by themselves at all times. That leads to a lot of fear based behavior (everyone is after me, nobody will help me!), evidenced by the GOP's fear based policies.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is this the way that we should feel for those who live in the tornado filled areas?

God bless you and them always!!!


What is a "tornado filled area"? I'm confused.
The areas that hardly get any peace because there are too many tornadoes going on.

God bless you always!!!

Where exactly would that be?
Oklahoma is the first state that comes to mind.

God bless you always!!!

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

Talking out of your ass again, I see.

I have a 20 Kw Cummins-Onan generator attached to my home, and a 1,000 gallon propane tank to fuel it.
What the hell are you powering?!
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

Only stupid and fucking idiots believe Breitbart. Get the fuck out here.
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

that you were doing nearly 100mph to leave is all the evidence we need. Thanks

90MPH is not anything remarkable on some of the highways in that area.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?



If I understand it right, the homes are given Federal, or State money to rebuild, without requiring putting in place anti-fire standards.

But it's no different than money to rebuild in Hurricane areas. I personally would be in favor of FEMA money being dependent on applying higher building standards.

For example, homes along the coast should be required to be made of concrete.

Even easier: simply stop subsidising the re-re-re-re-rebuilding. If you cannot get insurance, that should be your FIRST clue that you probably should not build there!
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

Stay out of California. We don’t need garbage people like you.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

We are welcoming all Trump voters to leave, pronto. Go. It's too dangerous and risky for you here. Save yourself. GO!

What your saying is only democrats and their ideology that is destroying California, - because we the voters are allowing to have basic services cut for the citizens , but government employees pensions are funded.
Big Government being badly mismanaged, but no conservative ideology that was working for everyone.
O.K. !
No, I am saying you will not be happy here. Fox News tells you everything you want to know about California and Fox News listeners should stay away for their own safety and happiness.

California has problems. Every state does. Only Trump fans take extreme pleasure in other’s misfortunes though. They have mental problems. No doubt.

Not me. California has to be among the most beautiful states in the union. It was one of the best in spite of politics. But it's government has neglected it. Tax payers in the other 49 states shouldn't have to bail them out. California is a prime example of what happens when voters have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Boy didn't that strike a nerve and prove how right I really am.

No, you are not right. You are just arrogant and egotistical.

Water on a cold home soaks the walls. Soaks the framing.

REALLY? So when it RAINS on your home (cold water applied to the exterior of your home) , the framing inside of the walls becomes soaked? The drywall becomes soft and wet? The insulation is now soaked and MOLD is now a concern? The beading water runs out into your living room beneath the baseboards? Are you trying to pass off that bullshit as fact?

A superheated fire with 80 mile an hour wind cold home go boom.

You are so full of crap you should change your name to BANDINI.

Take the average friendly camp fire and throw in wet wood. Snap, crackle, pop as the water expands and turns to steam. Embers go flying. The wet wood still catches and burns. Please quit while you are ahead. You have never seen fires like this. When I want tornado advice I'll call you.

You are comparing tossing wet wood into a campfire to a brushfire burning past a home that is COATED with a wall of water?

Quit while YOU are ahead. You are talking out of your ass.
Neither was she talking about an interior sprinkler system....she was talking exterior. I love it when people who have NO CLUE about life in California try to "explain" it to us.

I lived in SoCal for 40 years. Quit talking out of your ass.

She certainly WAS talking about an interior sprinkler system. California does NOT require homes to install an exterior lawn sprinkler system. I am talking about a REAL flow of water through a series of REAL spray nozzles applied to the home's EXTERIOR. Think 'Fire Hose'
Do you know how fast your system would clog up? Do you have any idea how much debris is flying during a fire tornado? It rains down. Who will be there to keep cleaning the filter?

And how will that keep the hot ash and embers from flying into the attic ventilation louvers and up under the eaves. Because lots and lots of these house fires are caused by embers blowing into attics.

And what is running your pump if the electricity is out?

Let me an answer that if you don’t mind

Who will clean the clog? Kentuckyc will do it during fire.

Embers? There are no embers during those fires. LOL.

Electricity? There is this power generator that use GASOLINE or portable generator battery operated will run at least 2 hours. That dude will be there tomorrow to refill the generator with gasoline and recharge those batteries.
My mother's generator will run for 2 weeks with zero service required.

Is your mother’s generator in the fire zone area?
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?
Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.

Not different at all. you suggested that a generator must be refueled every two hours, and I told you that it is possible to let a diesel generator run for days at a time, unattended if necessary, as farmers do with diesel water pumps when they irrigate their fields.

I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

I already stated that a structure could be built that would both protect and cool the pumps and generators. It could be underground, you know. It would not get hot at all, beyond normal operating temperatures.

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

No, YOU are arguing about my idea. I have no problems with my idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?

What the HELL are you babbling on about?

What the hell im babbling about? See post #233 as an example.

I assumed that you are going to go there and refuel or recharge your system. Because burying your power source like generator with a cooling system is very stupid.

1. The air system that you will use to cool your generator is coming from the outside. It’s hot air coming in. What good is that do?

2. The heat from your generator plus the hot air coming in. Now what?

3. You want to use diesel. I assumed you are going to use 55 gallons. That’s a lot of fuel. If it blows up. Now what?

I am sorry. The ignorance and lack of basic common sense in your questions forbids me from answering them. I am not going to hold your hand and WALK you through logical answers to all of your concerns. Gasoline stations store THOUSANDS of gallons of fuel underground, SAFELY.

Obviously you cannot answer my question that are very simple and common sense. Opinion or ideas like this ....... you will expect to be dissected from all angles.

Obviously you are going to install black tubings around the outside walls (OW) of your house. Front, sides and back. Wrapping the whole house with black tubings. Becoming a piece of art.

Tubings installed to the OW should be at least half an inch (.500) gaps?
Tubings spaces maybe 2, 4 or 5 feet apart?
1. During Santa strong winds dry leaves flow all over. Tubings will trap those dry leaves. Causes clogs.

2. I assumed you are going to go across your windows. I don’t expect you to create a U shape tubings. The screen or the glass or wood windows would easily explode or burn without the tubings with water. So no more windows.

3. First floor. The same with the sliding doors. No more sliding doors.

You want to go back to your drawing board smart guy?
I'm not sure if you are PLAYING dumb, or if you REALLY ARE this stupid.
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

that you were doing nearly 100mph to leave is all the evidence we need. Thanks

90MPH is not anything remarkable on some of the highways in that area.

Probably not…but the state is supposedly so lovely that the doofus was driving as fast as he could to leave it. LOL.

Can’t say I blame him.

Kensucky leads the nation in the number of citizens killed by large stones.
Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

that you were doing nearly 100mph to leave is all the evidence we need. Thanks

90MPH is not anything remarkable on some of the highways in that area.

Probably not…but the state is supposedly so lovely that the doofus was driving as fast as he could to leave it. LOL.

Can’t say I blame him.

Kensucky leads the nation in the number of citizens killed by large stones.

Gotta die from something.

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