Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

They the individuals have to pay for that alternative power supply.

I live in a nutter State who also receive the California winds but not as strong 40 to 50 mile gusts.
We have underground eclectic power cables with power boxes for maintenance.
So we don't have our electric company turning ours off.
Topography, Climate, Fuel. That's what causes these raging fires.

You can only control one of the three. The Federal Governement controls 60% of California forests. Looks like they need to come sweep and rake.

And you have plenty of above ground power lines in Arizona. What you don't have is the same climate and topography.


aps – Arizona Public Service Electric
(of note is the section on why all power lines are not underground)

APS using drones to inspect power lines ahead of Arizona summer

Then you have the crooks at PG&E. Corporate America at it's finest. Diverting safety money to pay exec bonuses. Trump calls that winning!
I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?

We are welcoming all Trump voters to leave, pronto. Go. It's too dangerous and risky for you here. Save yourself. GO!
Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
dont remember any in the 80's or 90's ...they started i believe early this century...
I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
dont remember any in the 80's or 90's ...they started i believe early this century...
Definitely in 1997. That was the year fire burned in the canyon behind my house. Many fires that year in SoCal. There were blackouts. 22 years ago.
That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
dont remember any in the 80's or 90's ...they started i believe early this century...
Definitely in 1997. That was the year fire burned in the canyon behind my house. Many fires that year in SoCal. There were blackouts. 22 years ago.
i thought you were talking about the so called mandatory ones were they tell you its going off....not the ones caused by something like a fire...
I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
dont remember any in the 80's or 90's ...they started i believe early this century...

We had brown outs twice when I was a kid and in LA. That was 79 or 80-81? Never mandatory blackouts.
Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.

Not true.
This is the state governments fault. They are corrupt. I doubt he will, but when Gavin Newsom comes to stroke Trump dick to pay for all this I hope trump tells him to kick rocks. Let California pay for it. They got all those productive illegals there, let them be taxed.
PG&E should have done to it what was done to Enron. PG&E has a long history of keeping politition a like Newsom in its back pocket. They should be allowed to be sued into oblivion and investigated for any corruption. Its insane what's going on out there.
This is from a year ago. This woman has been warning about this for years. I know that because this site is so mainstream, most here will dismiss this as completely insane, but instead of bickering about partisan politics, listen to what people are saying. People who have researched this, people who actually live in California.

One of the things she's saying is what I have been saying... they're going to blame this on "climate change," all of this is leading up to Agenda 2030.

PG&E should have done to it what was done to Enron. PG&E has a long history of keeping politition a like Newsom in its back pocket. They should be allowed to be sued into oblivion and investigated for any corruption. Its insane what's going on out there.
On this we can agree. PG&E is corrupt and so are all politicians.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.

Not new. Sorry if that rankles you. It's not my fault. I'm not in charge of the blackouts that have been going on for YEARS and YEARS. Even decades.
dont remember any in the 80's or 90's ...they started i believe early this century...
Definitely in 1997. That was the year fire burned in the canyon behind my house. Many fires that year in SoCal. There were blackouts. 22 years ago.
i thought you were talking about the so called mandatory ones were they tell you its going off....not the ones caused by something like a fire...
I was talking about the mandatory blackouts, but I am not going to fall on the sword for this. I remember a blackout in 1997, the year that my house was threatened, but not during that fire. Perhaps there was a fire further off that I don't remember. My electric company at that time was So Cal Edison. I've never dealt with PG&E.

In any case, the blackouts have been going on for years. They are not a surprise anymore.
PG&E should have done to it what was done to Enron. PG&E has a long history of keeping politition a like Newsom in its back pocket. They should be allowed to be sued into oblivion and investigated for any corruption. Its insane what's going on out there.
On this we can agree. PG&E is corrupt and so are all politicians.

Yupper. PG&E always gets away with bull shit. I lived in Auburn when I got out of the Navy. Actually 17 miles up the hill in Forest Hill. The house I lived in had a massive oak tree in the yard. Asphlundh came and cut that tree down and hung a bill from PG&E for $2,000 bucks. They at least used to try and keep it all under control. They get worse every year. That said, where are all the residents and voters? Not saying elect republicans, they were and are just as corrupt, but damn, clean up the woods and fire yalls polititions !
With all of the frothing at the mouth morons who are trying to discredit my idea by claiming that a sprinkle of water will do nothing to help fight a fire, etc., it occurs to me that when there is a raging fire such as the ones so common to CommieFornia, the firemen do not pray for more planes, or more helicopters, or higher pay, or shorter hours, or sharper tools ...

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If only you were in charge of the world, right?

I am glad you understand!

If I were in charge of the world, we would not have welfare, food stamps, poverty, crime, unemployment, traffic congestion, massive cities where people are piled on top of each other, traffic congestion, homeless veterans, and all of the other problems that are the direct result of liberalism taking root in America.

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