Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

I am talking about the mine fires, not the naturally occurring coal seam fires. The fires started by mining accidents and stupidity.

We probably won't take your advice on how to deal with our underground areas.

I'd say, get everyone out, and fill the mine with CO2 or any other inert gas to smother the fire. The coal CANNOT burn if it cannot get oxygen.
Where you gonna get that much inert gas?
No different than those building homes in tornado alley on along areas where Hurricane's strike.

Exactly. If you are going to build a home in tornado alley, build it to survive a tornado. If you are going to build a home in hurricane country, build it to withstand a hurricane. If you are going to build a home in a flood zone, RAISE the floor to above the highest possible flood line and climb a few stairs when you come home from work.
If they want to reduce the wild fires, they have to reduce the number of democrats in California....the democrats raise taxes, then refuse to keep the dead wood and brush under they pay extreme taxes, and get weeks of no power......Venezuela on the West coast....
Again........I call your statements laughable in the face of what those fire storms do............

CO2 inside a structure with water drenching the outside is laughable?

Absolutely insane would be my call!

Yeah ... it is better to just let the home burn and force your insurance company to rebuild it for you. That way, you have absolutely NO responsibility to prevent or minimize the losses.
If they want to reduce the wild fires, they have to reduce the number of democrats in California....the democrats raise taxes, then refuse to keep the dead wood and brush under they pay extreme taxes, and get weeks of no power......Venezuela on the West coast....
A lot of us have solar power.

And refusing to deal with the brush is just a red state nutter lie.

If only we had more rakes.
Again........I call your statements laughable in the face of what those fire storms do............

CO2 inside a structure with water drenching the outside is laughable?

Absolutely insane would be my call!

Yeah ... it is better to just let the home burn and force your insurance company to rebuild it for you. That way, you have absolutely NO responsibility to prevent or minimize the losses.
FORCE the insurance company to provide the service that a person paid for?

Red state nuttery at it's finest.
If they want to reduce the wild fires, they have to reduce the number of democrats in California....the democrats raise taxes, then refuse to keep the dead wood and brush under they pay extreme taxes, and get weeks of no power......Venezuela on the West coast....
A lot of us have solar power.

And refusing to deal with the brush is just a red state nutter lie.

Wrong, that's the truth.......deny it all you want, the Truth doesn't care...
FORCE the insurance company to provide the service that a person paid for?

Red state nuttery at it's finest.

Ah, shit. More inferior reading comprehension skills.

You are FORCING the insurance company to rebuild your house, because YOU DID NOTHING to prevent the first one from burning down. Of course they will rebuild it, because you paid for the insurance. But you did NOTHING to reduce their exposure to the loss. NOTHING.
My mother's generator will run for 2 weeks with zero service required.

Does it pump water in the quantities that KC is talking about being needed?? If not, you don't have a clue as to what kind of power is required to move water.

A generator doesn't pump water. It makes electricity. The electricity runs the water pumps. Try to keep up.
If they want to reduce the wild fires, they have to reduce the number of democrats in California....the democrats raise taxes, then refuse to keep the dead wood and brush under they pay extreme taxes, and get weeks of no power......Venezuela on the West coast....
A lot of us have solar power.

And refusing to deal with the brush is just a red state nutter lie.

Wrong, that's the truth.......deny it all you want, the Truth doesn't care...
Right, truth doesn't care about your lies and those of us who are not red state nutters know the truth.

And fyi - the federal government manages over 60% of California's forests.

In California, Mixed Results for Regulations Meant to Help Stop Fires
If they want to reduce the wild fires, they have to reduce the number of democrats in California....the democrats raise taxes, then refuse to keep the dead wood and brush under they pay extreme taxes, and get weeks of no power......Venezuela on the West coast....
Is that why a lot of the fires are in Republican districts of California?
FORCE the insurance company to provide the service that a person paid for?

Red state nuttery at it's finest.

Ah, shit. More inferior reading comprehension skills.

You are FORCING the insurance company to rebuild your house, because YOU DID NOTHING to prevent the first one from burning down. Of course they will rebuild it, because you paid for the insurance. But you did NOTHING to reduce their exposure to the loss. NOTHING.
I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.
I am talking about the mine fires, not the naturally occurring coal seam fires. The fires started by mining accidents and stupidity.

We probably won't take your advice on how to deal with our underground areas.

I'd say, get everyone out, and fill the mine with CO2 or any other inert gas to smother the fire. The coal CANNOT burn if it cannot get oxygen.
Where you gonna get that much inert gas?
Engine exhaust.
If it's a big honking space sprinkler

Thats the wrong idea

You run a very big soaker hose along the top of the roof

EXACTLY! A pipe along the ridge of the home, perhaps built in for cosmetic appearance. In a fire, the pipe runs water along the ridge lines of the roof, and water POURS ("not "sprays") over the roof's surface, completely covering the roof with a sheet of water. Now that water reaches the edges of the roof, and the gutters are designed to channel the water straight down along the wall's surface to the ground. The water then falls into channels that return it to the cistern for reapplication. The entire home is continually covered by a SHEET of water, for as long as the fire is a threat. WHY is that so hard for people to understand?

I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.

I agree with you ... almost 100% !

The insurance company should have visited your home and said, "We are NOT going to insure this home against a fire until these trees are cut back, this brush is removed, and the exterior of the home is either painted with fireproof paint or replaced with fireproof materials. You also need a sprinkler system inside."

They agreed to insure a tinder box in an area that would almost certainly go up in flames, so they are on the hook to build you a NEW tinder box.

However, that does NOT excuse YOU from taking additional steps to reduce their exposure to a loss.

Do you know why I obey the speed limits? It is not because I am afraid of speeding tickets. It is not because "God is watching me."

It is because I APPRECIATE my insurance company having my back in the event of an UNAVOIDABLE accident, so I make a real effort to reduce their exposure to claims by consciously trying to drive as safely as possible whenever I am behind the wheel, or on my motorcycle. If something happens that is beyond my control, they will pay the claim, but I do everything I can to prevent them from ever needing to pay a claim. I park where I am less likely to get door dings. I let the road rage ass hats speed ahead of me. I lock my doors. I don't drive drunk. I stop when I am drowsy on long trips. I don't tailgate.

I try to keep their costs down, and in turn, they try to keep my premiums down. That is how a CONSERVATIVE thinks.

Insurance companies are now adopting my philosophy.

"Don't mess with my discount!"
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Beat your chest some more and tell us how you will replace the gods because you are so mighty with pride...And when you get old people will spit on your past because you have no heart...Yet you are full of shyt because if a home were built as you specified it would be cost defeating and even you would not be able to afford it...

Not true at all.
What is the square foot cost then?

It all depends on what you build. A 12 bedroom home with a split level pool and an 18 seat movie theater would cost more than a 2 bedroom cottage.

WHATEVER you build, if it dropped your insurance premiums by 90%, would it be worth the investment?

I love how people look at the initial cost, without considering the big picture. This is why Commiefornia covers their roads in asphalt. It is a lot cheaper than concrete, even though they have to repave the asphalt roads every year, endlessly, until the end of time, when a 12" thick concrete road might last 80 years or more.

Shortsightedness and foolish wasting of money is the order of the day.
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

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