Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Stupid stupid stupid you are. Stupid.

So ... there you were, sitting in your home petting your alpaca and watching old Hillary for President videos, when all of a sudden and without ANY warning, your entire home burst into flames! The chair you were sitting in even began to smoke before you could stand up! All you could do was run for the door, take one look back at everything you were going to lose, and head out.

Is that how you lost everything from a fire that happened without any warning?

Or did you smell smoke, and just figure it was someone else's problem? Did you hear sirens and not bother to step outside to see what the fuss was about? I have to wonder, because any fire that could quickly take your home to the point where yo had to 'bug out' probably had a good start on another property first.

Okay, so maybe it was an electrical fire in your home ONLY. They happen. Tell me ... how many certified fire extinguishers hanging in closets and hallways were consumed in the fire? Were you awakened by smoke detectors? What was the cause of the fire that consumed your home?
I suggest you read up on the Paradise Camp Fire. We had 10 minutes to get out. There was no warning siren. No horns. No phone calls. No anything. That fire spread a football field length PER SECOND from what I heard. I believe it too. It was FAST. And we were lucky. In 10 minutes, we grabbed out housemate (who was blind), her two cats, her dog, my pc tower, both guns, and a case of water. That's it. THAT WAS IT.

Fuck you.

My sister in Chico had a friend in Paradise and to this day can't locate her since the fire. Double F you to the low life op ghoul who feeds off other's tragedy.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


Following your logic why millions of Americans still live in tornado alleys and storm areas ? You have no sympathy for them as well ?
Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.

Not different at all. you suggested that a generator must be refueled every two hours, and I told you that it is possible to let a diesel generator run for days at a time, unattended if necessary, as farmers do with diesel water pumps when they irrigate their fields.

I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

I already stated that a structure could be built that would both protect and cool the pumps and generators. It could be underground, you know. It would not get hot at all, beyond normal operating temperatures.

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

No, YOU are arguing about my idea. I have no problems with my idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?

What the HELL are you babbling on about?

What the hell im babbling about? See post #233 as an example.

I assumed that you are going to go there and refuel or recharge your system. Because burying your power source like generator with a cooling system is very stupid.

1. The air system that you will use to cool your generator is coming from the outside. It’s hot air coming in. What good is that do?

2. The heat from your generator plus the hot air coming in. Now what?

3. You want to use diesel. I assumed you are going to use 55 gallons. That’s a lot of fuel. If it blows up. Now what?

I am sorry. The ignorance and lack of basic common sense in your questions forbids me from answering them. I am not going to hold your hand and WALK you through logical answers to all of your concerns. Gasoline stations store THOUSANDS of gallons of fuel underground, SAFELY.
If you remove the strong winds at 85+ mph and the heat from the equations that might work.

So you have this sprinkler running on top of your roof. With the strong Santa Ana winds and the heat. At least minimum of 125°. And the directions of the strong winds?
How long is that water going to sticks to your roof?

WHY are liberals' brains so DENSE?!? I am not talking about a SPRINKLER. I am talking about a WALL OF WATER washing over the roof, NON-STOP, with the water being collected at the base of the home and returned to the pool for reapplication.

In Palm Spring it gets very hot during summer 104° to 108°. I sprayed water all over it dried up in seconds. That is without the strong hot winds.

Again, I am not talking about "sprinkling" your roof with some sissy Wal-Mart garden attachment. I am talking about 10,000 gallons of water PER HOUR being poured over your home. That is more than three 55 gallon OIL BARRELS of water per minute. No garden hose can produce THAT volume of water.
How are you going to pump all that? with the power out?
Do you have any idea how much that system would cost, even if it could be built?

A pump rated at 9.840 gallons per hour, or 164 gallons per minute is about $500.00. FOUR of them would be $2,000.00, and they would pump 656 gallons of water PER MINUTE over your home. Do you think you might have a chance against a fire with a water flow of 656 gallons PER MINUTE running over your home?

Honda Self-Priming Water Pump — 9840 GPH, 2in. Ports, 120cc Honda GX120 Engine, Model# WB20XT3 | Northern Tool + Equipment
The public can't get PG&E to cut back anything. The state forbids clearing the brush. PG&E would love to clear out the dead brush. The state forbids it.

Who voted in the politicians and the bureaucrats who established those rules? Can't crawl up PG&Es butt? Crawl up your elected officials' butts.

I recall a few years ago an engineer, an expert in fire behavior had his son and him clear acres of brush. Then he set a controlled backfire. When the wikd4 fire came the whole town was untouched. They both went to prison for that. It must be ten years ago that happened.

Welcome to COMMIEfornia! The land of Fruits and Nuts!
The population of California is minority American. As long as the politicians pay welfare the wackos can be in charge. The foreigners elect our politicisns and they don't care as long as the EBT is full. There is no one worse than the environmentalists. They have a stranglehold on the state. Ten goats can clear an acre in four days. The environmentalists won't even let property owners rent a goat herd. Except for Catalina. They don't have fires. They rent goats.
Absolutely correct. It's a shit hole, literally. Red state voters should steer clear. Stay far away you are not welcome here you are not safe here. Don't even come for vacation. Save yourself!
I just love it when you mixed political bullshit to the discussions. This is not about political beliefs. It’s about common sense and stupidity.

Correct. Common sense says when a roof or a wall is inundated with a steady flow of water over its entire surface, it will not catch fire during a brushfire. Stupidity argues that this is the same as sprinkling water onto the surface with a garden hose.
California is semi-arid...where's all the water that would be needed gonna come from?
What is your power source for these pumps that you obviously know nothing about?

That is a stupid question. What do fire trucks use for power when they are right in the middle of it? Do the engines fail to start for lack of air? Do the fuel tanks explode? I BELIEVE fire trucks are designed to function IN a fire situation.

A power source? Gasoline. Diesel. Propane. Kerosene. Electricity from a generator that is fueled by one of the other fuels. Or any of a dozen other fuels that can be stored in underground tanks.

"But KC! There would be no oxygen because of the fires!"

Then add oxygen tanks with regulators and run the damned pumps UNDER WATER.

Do you know how a SUMP PUMP works? It is SUBMERGED into the water and powered by electricity. A HUGE sump pump is all that would be needed. It would be plumbed into the pool's filtration system.
My sister in Chico had a friend in Paradise and to this day can't locate her since the fire. Double F you to the low life op ghoul who feeds off other's tragedy.

Same to you. I did not start the fire, and I did not build and own a home in a high fire danger area. People die. Get over it.
Well, no...because,
Boy didn't that strike a nerve and prove how right I really am.

No, you are not right. You are just arrogant and egotistical.

Water on a cold home soaks the walls. Soaks the framing.

REALLY? So when it RAINS on your home (cold water applied to the exterior of your home) , the framing inside of the walls becomes soaked? The drywall becomes soft and wet? The insulation is now soaked and MOLD is now a concern? The beading water runs out into your living room beneath the baseboards? Are you trying to pass off that bullshit as fact?

A superheated fire with 80 mile an hour wind cold home go boom.

You are so full of crap you should change your name to BANDINI.

Take the average friendly camp fire and throw in wet wood. Snap, crackle, pop as the water expands and turns to steam. Embers go flying. The wet wood still catches and burns. Please quit while you are ahead. You have never seen fires like this. When I want tornado advice I'll call you.

You are comparing tossing wet wood into a campfire to a brushfire burning past a home that is COATED with a wall of water?

Quit while YOU are ahead. You are talking out of your ass.
Neither was she talking about an interior sprinkler system....she was talking exterior. I love it when people who have NO CLUE about life in California try to "explain" it to us.

I lived in SoCal for 40 years. Quit talking out of your ass.

She certainly WAS talking about an interior sprinkler system. California does NOT require homes to install an exterior lawn sprinkler system. I am talking about a REAL flow of water through a series of REAL spray nozzles applied to the home's EXTERIOR. Think 'Fire Hose'
Do you know how fast your system would clog up? Do you have any idea how much debris is flying during a fire tornado? It rains down. Who will be there to keep cleaning the filter?

And how will that keep the hot ash and embers from flying into the attic ventilation louvers and up under the eaves. Because lots and lots of these house fires are caused by embers blowing into attics.

And what is running your pump if the electricity is out?

Let me an answer that if you don’t mind

Who will clean the clog? Kentuckyc will do it during fire.

Embers? There are no embers during those fires. LOL.

Electricity? There is this power generator that use GASOLINE or portable generator battery operated will run at least 2 hours. That dude will be there tomorrow to refill the generator with gasoline and recharge those batteries.
My mother's generator will run for 2 weeks with zero service required.

Does it pump water in the quantities that KC is talking about being needed?? If not, you don't have a clue as to what kind of power is required to move water.
Well, of course not...because, you know, it is a GENERATOR and not a water pump, you blithering idiot!
No. It is because this area is populated by CONSERVATIVES.

So is Oklahoma. Why can't they take personal responsibility for their tornadoes?

Exactly! If I built a home in Oklahoma, you can be darned sure it would survive a tornado. I would build it with a welded steel frame, and it would be anchored to a foundation that involves piers six feet into the ground and "dead soldiers" to anchor it. "Dead soldiers" is a term used for inverted T-shaped anchors that are buried deep, and are attached to strong chains that protrude above the ground's surface. I am talking about REAL STEEL, not that cheap ass fake 2x4 22 gauge metal stud nonsense that people buy from Home Depot.

The roof and siding would be designed so it would not peel off. The windows would be Lexan. The home would have STRONG shutters that could take a real beating.

There MIGHT be some minor cosmetic damage to my Oklahoma home after a strong tornado, but the home itself would largely remain unscathed.
No. It is because this area is populated by CONSERVATIVES.

So is Oklahoma. Why can't they take personal responsibility for their tornadoes?

Exactly! If I built a home in Oklahoma, you can be darned sure it would survive a tornado. I would build it with a welded steel frame, and it would be anchored a foundation. I am talking about STEEL, not that cheap ass fake 2x4 22 gauge metal stud nonsense that people use.

The roof and siding would be designed so it would not peel off. The windows would be Lexan. The home would have STRONG shutters that could take a beating. There MIGHT be some minor cosmetic damage to my Oklahoma home after a strong tornado, but the home itself would largely remain unscathed.
Beat your chest some more and tell us how you will replace the gods because you are so mighty with pride...And when you get old people will spit on your past because you have no heart...Yet you are full of shyt because if a home were built as you specified it would be cost defeating and even you would not be able to afford it...
No. It is because this area is populated by CONSERVATIVES.

So is Oklahoma. Why can't they take personal responsibility for their tornadoes?

Exactly! If I built a home in Oklahoma, you can be darned sure it would survive a tornado. I would build it with a welded steel frame, and it would be anchored a foundation. I am talking about STEEL, not that cheap ass fake 2x4 22 gauge metal stud nonsense that people use.

The roof and siding would be designed so it would not peel off. The windows would be Lexan. The home would have STRONG shutters that could take a beating. There MIGHT be some minor cosmetic damage to my Oklahoma home after a strong tornado, but the home itself would largely remain unscathed.

So it is not a liberal/conservative issue.

Folks in Oklahoma do not build houses like that, nor could most afford it.

But bless your heart for trying.
Personal accountability? So The residents of Paradise were accountable for PG&E's shoddy maintenance of their equipment in a mountain community?


But I waste my breath on someone who says they have no sympathy, nor concern for his neighbors and only looks out for himself. You have NO CLUE how bad it was and how bad it is in LA or anywhere else there is fire. None.

I lived there for 40 years. I know all about it.

Your OP proves it, along with all your responses. Yes, you are making fun of those who suffered losses...people wise, pet wise, property wise. Har har. Enjoy your laugh.

I am not making fun of anyone. I am looking for any signs of PLANNING and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY on the part of the victims.

YES, you are responsible for not crawling up PG&E's ass and demanding that they correct a very serious OBVIOUSLY DANGEROUS situation with their equipment. But I know ... it is someone else's responsibility, right?
You lie about living in California for 40 years.....and it shows by your total ignorance.
Beat your chest some more and tell us how you will replace the gods because you are so mighty with pride...And when you get old people will spit on your past because you have no heart...Yet you are full of shyt because if a home were built as you specified it would be cost defeating and even you would not be able to afford it...

Not true at all.

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