Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Sorry. This thread is supposed to be about making fun of people in such a situation and having no sympathy. I got carried away. I don't think I will watch Frontline after all.

Nope. You are wrong! This thread was NOT created to make fun of anyone. It was created to say, what ever happened to PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY?
Personal accountability? So The residents of Paradise were accountable for PG&E's shoddy maintenance of their equipment in a mountain community? But I waste my breath on someone who says they have no sympathy, nor concern for his neighbors and only looks out for himself. You have NO CLUE how bad it was and how bad it is in LA or anywhere else there is fire. None. Your OP proves it, along with all your responses. Yes, you are making fun of those who suffered losses...people wise, pet wise, property wise. Har har. Enjoy your laugh.
Stupid stupid stupid you are. Stupid.

So ... there you were, sitting in your home petting your alpaca and watching old Hillary for President videos, when all of a sudden and without ANY warning, your entire home burst into flames! The chair you were sitting in even began to smoke before you could stand up! All you could do was run for the door, take one look back at everything you were going to lose, and head out.

Is that how you lost everything from a fire that happened without any warning?

Or did you smell smoke, and just figure it was someone else's problem? Did you hear sirens and not bother to step outside to see what the fuss was about? I have to wonder, because any fire that could quickly take your home to the point where yo had to 'bug out' probably had a good start on another property first.

Okay, so maybe it was an electrical fire in your home ONLY. They happen. Tell me ... how many certified fire extinguishers hanging in closets and hallways were consumed in the fire? Were you awakened by smoke detectors? What was the cause of the fire that consumed your home?
I suggest you read up on the Paradise Camp Fire. We had 10 minutes to get out. There was no warning siren. No horns. No phone calls. No anything. That fire spread a football field length PER SECOND from what I heard. I believe it too. It was FAST. And we were lucky. In 10 minutes, we grabbed out housemate (who was blind), her two cats, her dog, my pc tower, both guns, and a case of water. That's it. THAT WAS IT.

Fuck you.
I suggest you read up on the Paradise Camp Fire. We had 10 minutes to get out. There was no warning siren. No horns. No phone calls. No anything. That fire spread a football field length PER SECOND from what I heard. I believe it too. It was FAST.

No 'Community Service Group'? No organized method of dealing with such a disaster? Even in our little town in Kentucky, we have a community service group or "Emergency Management Organization" that does regular drills to deal with traffic flow, closed or flooded streets, power outages, evacuating the grammar school and high school, checkpoints for kids to meet up with parents, lists of elderly shut-ins who are prioritized for safety evacuations, radio frequencies set aside by our local LEOs for communications between different factions of the group, etc.

And we were lucky. In 10 minutes, we grabbed out housemate (who was blind), her two cats, her dog, my pc tower, both guns, and a case of water. That's it. THAT WAS IT.

It sounds like a lot of balls were dropped prior to the fire.

So, the community did nothing to cut back the overgrowth of trees and underbrush, and when it caught fire, the fire spread quickly. I get that. No warnings? NO ONE had the good sense to lay on a car horn to warn the neighbors? Set off a loud siren or a bell? I will assume you were awakened from sleep. Okay ... that would be shocking.

I would have had a plan in place. In fact, several plans.

A slow evac, when you can call neighbors to come move your spare vehicles, boats, horses, etc. You pack up the vehicles and notify relatives that you will be coming to stay with them for a while.

A medium evac plan where you have time to gather important papers and things. You lock up the home, set the alarm, and check in at a hotel 100 miles away.

and a FAST evac plan for when the zombie apocalypse begins.

If I lived in a high fire risk area, I think I would purchase a good, LARGE fire safe, and keep most of the valuables in it. I would build something in the yard that could handle such a fire, and the things I could not remove in a hurry would be kept inside of it. Paradise IS NOT a low rent district. There is (was) money there.

But then I think ... why wasn't a PLAN developed in advance of the fire, so when you got the GET OUT NOW! signal, you could still salvage more than the clothes on your back? Even with a fast fire, there was no plan as far as I can see. No preparation.

Fuck you.

Thank you for that. It sounds more like you fucked yourself.
The source, propane gasoline even a melted natural gas valve explodes in this kind of fire. Well natural gas is shut off.

During the Big Bear Crestline fire buried propane tanks got superheated and exploded.
Personal accountability? So The residents of Paradise were accountable for PG&E's shoddy maintenance of their equipment in a mountain community?


But I waste my breath on someone who says they have no sympathy, nor concern for his neighbors and only looks out for himself. You have NO CLUE how bad it was and how bad it is in LA or anywhere else there is fire. None.

I lived there for 40 years. I know all about it.

Your OP proves it, along with all your responses. Yes, you are making fun of those who suffered losses...people wise, pet wise, property wise. Har har. Enjoy your laugh.

I am not making fun of anyone. I am looking for any signs of PLANNING and PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY on the part of the victims.

YES, you are responsible for not crawling up PG&E's ass and demanding that they correct a very serious OBVIOUSLY DANGEROUS situation with their equipment. But I know ... it is someone else's responsibility, right?
Let me an answer that if you don’t mind

Do you think you can?

Who will clean the clog? Kentuckyc will do it during fire.

The filter would be DESIGNED to handle maximum debris loads for a period of time, unattended.

Water flows through screen. Debris is lifted out of water and captured in a hopper. You morons are so unimaginative!

Embers? There are no embers during those fires. LOL.

Embers are only a problem when they land on something that can be ignited by them.

Electricity? There is this power generator that use GASOLINE or portable generator battery operated will run at least 2 hours. That dude will be there tomorrow to refill the generator with gasoline and recharge those batteries.

Now you are just being deliberately stupid. There is no reason a LARGER quantity of gasoline, or diesel, or propane could not be on hand to run a generator for ANY length of time. Do you believe the farmers who use the diesel pumps to irrigate their fields go refill the fuel tanks every two hours? Moron.

Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.
I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?
But I waste my breath on someone who says they have no sympathy, nor concern for his neighbors and only looks out for himself.

I said I have LITTLE sympathy. That is different than NO sympathy. As for someone who only looks out for himself, you are also wrong there, but I won't bore you with the details.
I suggest you read up on the Paradise Camp Fire. We had 10 minutes to get out. There was no warning siren. No horns. No phone calls. No anything. That fire spread a football field length PER SECOND from what I heard. I believe it too. It was FAST.

No 'Community Service Group'? No organized method of dealing with such a disaster? Even in our little town in Kentucky, we have a community service group or "Emergency Management Organization" that does regular drills to deal with traffic flow, closed or flooded streets, power outages, evacuating the grammar school and high school, checkpoints for kids to meet up with parents, lists of elderly shut-ins who are prioritized for safety evacuations, radio frequencies set aside by our local LEOs for communications between different factions of the group, etc.

And we were lucky. In 10 minutes, we grabbed out housemate (who was blind), her two cats, her dog, my pc tower, both guns, and a case of water. That's it. THAT WAS IT.

It sounds like a lot of balls were dropped prior to the fire.

So, the community did nothing to cut back the overgrowth of trees and underbrush, and when it caught fire, the fire spread quickly. I get that. No warnings? NO ONE had the good sense to lay on a car horn to warn the neighbors? Set off a loud siren or a bell? I will assume you were awakened from sleep. Okay ... that would be shocking.

I would have had a plan in place. In fact, several plans.

A slow evac, when you can call neighbors to come move your spare vehicles, boats, horses, etc. You pack up the vehicles and notify relatives that you will be coming to stay with them for a while.

A medium evac plan where you have time to gather important papers and things. You lock up the home, set the alarm, and check in at a hotel 100 miles away.

and a FAST evac plan for when the zombie apocalypse begins.

If I lived in a high fire risk area, I think I would purchase a good, LARGE fire safe, and keep most of the valuables in it. I would build something in the yard that could handle such a fire, and the things I could not remove in a hurry would be kept inside of it. Paradise IS NOT a low rent district. There is (was) money there.

But then I think ... why wasn't a PLAN developed in advance of the fire, so when you got the GET OUT NOW! signal, you could still salvage more than the clothes on your back? Even with a fast fire, there was no plan as far as I can see. No preparation.

Fuck you.

Thank you for that. It sounds more like you fucked yourself.
How wacko are you? This is California. There are no community groups. No one checks on the elderly or shut ins. You think neighbors help? Really? On what cloud do you live. Why ever would you warn neighbors or expect strangers to warn you? If you are elderly or a shut in you register with the police and wait for them.

I had friends that had to evac in the BelAir fire. In three years they never had a neighbor so much as say good morning.

I lived 8 years in one house and never knew who lived next door. When we had an earthquake everyone ran outside but we didn't talk to one another. Few neighbors spoke the same language anyway. If your little town in Kentucky has a community emergency response group it's because you live in a little town in Kentucky.
Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.

Not different at all. you suggested that a generator must be refueled every two hours, and I told you that it is possible to let a diesel generator run for days at a time, unattended if necessary, as farmers do with diesel water pumps when they irrigate their fields.

I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

I already stated that a structure could be built that would both protect and cool the pumps and generators. It could be underground, you know. It would not get hot at all, beyond normal operating temperatures.

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

No, YOU are arguing about my idea. I have no problems with my idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?

What the HELL are you babbling on about?
How wacko are you? This is California. There are no community groups. No one checks on the elderly or shut ins. You think neighbors help? Really? On what cloud do you live.

Your own neighbors don't give a fuck about you, but yet you scold me for expressing minimal sympathy.

Why ever would you warn neighbors or expect strangers to warn you? If you are elderly or a shut in you register with the police and wait for them.

I know. It is someone else's responsibility. The CommieFornia Creed.

I had friends that had to evac in the BelAir fire. In three years they never had a neighbor so much as say good morning.

and THAT is one of the reasons I left that stinking cesspool of Communism.

I lived 8 years in one house and never knew who lived next door. When we had an earthquake everyone ran outside but we didn't talk to one another. Few neighbors spoke the same language anyway.

Ain't Socialism great!

If your little town in Kentucky has a community emergency response group it's because you live in a little town in Kentucky.

No. It is because this area is populated by CONSERVATIVES.
The public can't get PG&E to cut back anything. The state forbids clearing the brush. PG&E would love to clear out the dead brush. The state forbids it.

I recall a few years ago an engineer, an expert in fire behavior had his son and him clear acres of brush. Then he set a controlled backfire. When the wikd4 fire came the whole town was untouched. They both went to prison for that. It must be ten years ago that happened.
The public can't get PG&E to cut back anything. The state forbids clearing the brush. PG&E would love to clear out the dead brush. The state forbids it.

Who voted in the politicians and the bureaucrats who established those rules? Can't crawl up PG&Es butt? Crawl up your elected officials' butts.

I recall a few years ago an engineer, an expert in fire behavior had his son and him clear acres of brush. Then he set a controlled backfire. When the wikd4 fire came the whole town was untouched. They both went to prison for that. It must be ten years ago that happened.

Welcome to COMMIEfornia! The land of Fruits and Nuts!
I suggest you read up on the Paradise Camp Fire. We had 10 minutes to get out. There was no warning siren. No horns. No phone calls. No anything. That fire spread a football field length PER SECOND from what I heard. I believe it too. It was FAST.

No 'Community Service Group'? No organized method of dealing with such a disaster? Even in our little town in Kentucky, we have a community service group or "Emergency Management Organization" that does regular drills to deal with traffic flow, closed or flooded streets, power outages, evacuating the grammar school and high school, checkpoints for kids to meet up with parents, lists of elderly shut-ins who are prioritized for safety evacuations, radio frequencies set aside by our local LEOs for communications between different factions of the group, etc.

And we were lucky. In 10 minutes, we grabbed out housemate (who was blind), her two cats, her dog, my pc tower, both guns, and a case of water. That's it. THAT WAS IT.

It sounds like a lot of balls were dropped prior to the fire.

So, the community did nothing to cut back the overgrowth of trees and underbrush, and when it caught fire, the fire spread quickly. I get that. No warnings? NO ONE had the good sense to lay on a car horn to warn the neighbors? Set off a loud siren or a bell? I will assume you were awakened from sleep. Okay ... that would be shocking.

I would have had a plan in place. In fact, several plans.

A slow evac, when you can call neighbors to come move your spare vehicles, boats, horses, etc. You pack up the vehicles and notify relatives that you will be coming to stay with them for a while.

A medium evac plan where you have time to gather important papers and things. You lock up the home, set the alarm, and check in at a hotel 100 miles away.

and a FAST evac plan for when the zombie apocalypse begins.

If I lived in a high fire risk area, I think I would purchase a good, LARGE fire safe, and keep most of the valuables in it. I would build something in the yard that could handle such a fire, and the things I could not remove in a hurry would be kept inside of it. Paradise IS NOT a low rent district. There is (was) money there.

But then I think ... why wasn't a PLAN developed in advance of the fire, so when you got the GET OUT NOW! signal, you could still salvage more than the clothes on your back? Even with a fast fire, there was no plan as far as I can see. No preparation.

Fuck you.

Thank you for that. It sounds more like you fucked yourself.

That is everything went according to plan just like in the movie.

I assumed you didn’t count people did not go to work.
I assumed you counted those people that are assigned was just standing there waiting for the disaster to happen.

So what happens if fires are raging and you can’t get there? You can’t even get to your house. I just saw families trying to save their own lives.......

You are very stupid.
The public can't get PG&E to cut back anything. The state forbids clearing the brush. PG&E would love to clear out the dead brush. The state forbids it.

Who voted in the politicians and the bureaucrats who established those rules? Can't crawl up PG&Es butt? Crawl up your elected officials' butts.

I recall a few years ago an engineer, an expert in fire behavior had his son and him clear acres of brush. Then he set a controlled backfire. When the wikd4 fire came the whole town was untouched. They both went to prison for that. It must be ten years ago that happened.

Welcome to COMMIEfornia! The land of Fruits and Nuts!
The population of California is minority American. As long as the politicians pay welfare the wackos can be in charge. The foreigners elect our politicisns and they don't care as long as the EBT is full. There is no one worse than the environmentalists. They have a stranglehold on the state. Ten goats can clear an acre in four days. The environmentalists won't even let property owners rent a goat herd. Except for Catalina. They don't have fires. They rent goats.
Now thats dumb....... Farmers comparing to fighting fires are totally different scenarios dude.

Not different at all. you suggested that a generator must be refueled every two hours, and I told you that it is possible to let a diesel generator run for days at a time, unattended if necessary, as farmers do with diesel water pumps when they irrigate their fields.

I assumed you are going to place your alternate power source inside your garage? How hot is that do you think inside your garage? Out side might get burn or blow up?

I already stated that a structure could be built that would both protect and cool the pumps and generators. It could be underground, you know. It would not get hot at all, beyond normal operating temperatures.

Do you know what is so dumb and disgusting about your thread?You are arguing about your stupid idea.

No, YOU are arguing about my idea. I have no problems with my idea.

Yet you are not blasting these people that are talking about shit and homeless that has NOTHING to do with the topic. Why?

What the HELL are you babbling on about?

What the hell im babbling about? See post #233 as an example.

I assumed that you are going to go there and refuel or recharge your system. Because burying your power source like generator with a cooling system is very stupid.

1. The air system that you will use to cool your generator is coming from the outside. It’s hot air coming in. What good is that do?

2. The heat from your generator plus the hot air coming in. Now what?

3. You want to use diesel. I assumed you are going to use 55 gallons. That’s a lot of fuel. If it blows up. Now what?
Well..I watched it anyway. Sigh.
80 football fields PER MINUTE burned. I thank God He was looking out for us that day.
Very informative program. I recommend y'all try to watch it. It's a lesson of what NOT to do..and what to expect.
BTW...Feather River Hospital was 2 miles from our house. We were upper Paradise, on Clark Rd, and we headed to Skyway which was really the only exit still open.

Anyway....I'm done.
All homes built in California have sprinkler systems. In this kind of fire they are useless.

I am not talking about an interior sprinkler system. I am talking about a pump that sucks the water out of the pool at 1500 gallons per minute, DRENCHES the home's exterior, and returns the water to the pool via a channel system for reapplication.

To make the home even MORE fire resistant, a home could have a large tank (or two, or three) of liquid CO2 and a pipe system that runs through the home. When the fire reaches the actual home, a valve can be opened to INFLATE the home with CO2, thereby displacing oxygen. The home will not burn is there is no oxygen to feed the fire. The fire will burn past the home and leave it relatively unscathed.

A standard Navy firefighting pump we used while I was in the Navy only put out 250 gpm. Are you going to use 6 of them?

Are you some kind of Rube Goldberg?

WTF is liquid CO2?

Do you have any idea how much that system would cost, even if it could be built?
Where did you come up with the BS..........movies..............You haven't ever faced the beast........

Good Luck and make sure your life insurance premiums are up to date.

BS? So ... a home filled with CO2 will still burn even though there is no oxygen to fuel the fire?

Oh, and I have "faced the beast" in the San Diego fire of 2004 ??? 286,000 acres, and I was smack in the middle of it in Valley Center. Don't make silly assumptions about the life experiences of others.

So now you are going to make the entire house tight enough to contain CO2? What if someone accidently sets it off and it kills everyone in the home?

Yes, a home filled with CO2 will burn because there is air on the outside.

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