Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.

I agree with you ... almost 100% !

The insurance company should have visited your home and said, "We are NOT going to insure this home against a fire until these trees are cut back, this brush is removed, and the exterior of the home is either painted with fireproof paint or replaced with fireproof materials. You also need a sprinkler system inside."

They agreed to insure a tinder box in an area that would almost certainly go up in flames, so they are on the hook to build you a NEW tinder box.

However, that does NOT excuse YOU from taking additional steps to reduce their exposure to a loss.

Do you know why I obey the speed limits? It is not because I am afraid of speeding tickets. It is not because "God is watching me."

It is because I APPRECIATE my insurance company having my back in the event of an UNAVOIDABLE accident, so I make a real effort to reduce their exposure to claims by consciously trying to drive as safely as possible whenever I am behind the wheel, or on my motorcycle. If something happens that is beyond my control, they will pay the claim, but I do everything I can to prevent them from ever needing to pay a claim. I park where I am less likely to get door dings. I let the road rage ass hats speed ahead of me. I lock my doors. I don't drive drunk. I stop when I am drowsy on long trips. I don't tailgate.

I try to keep their costs down, and in turn, they try to keep my premiums down. That is how a CONSERVATIVE thinks.

Insurance companies are now adopting my philosophy.

"Don't mess with my discount!"

If only you were in charge of the world, right?
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!
I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.

I agree with you ... almost 100% !

The insurance company should have visited your home and said, "We are NOT going to insure this home against a fire until these trees are cut back, this brush is removed, and the exterior of the home is either painted with fireproof paint or replaced with fireproof materials. You also need a sprinkler system inside."

They agreed to insure a tinder box in an area that would almost certainly go up in flames, so they are on the hook to build you a NEW tinder box.

However, that does NOT excuse YOU from taking additional steps to reduce their exposure to a loss.

Do you know why I obey the speed limits? It is not because I am afraid of speeding tickets. It is not because "God is watching me."

It is because I APPRECIATE my insurance company having my back in the event of an UNAVOIDABLE accident, so I make a real effort to reduce their exposure to claims by consciously trying to drive as safely as possible whenever I am behind the wheel, or on my motorcycle. If something happens that is beyond my control, they will pay the claim, but I do everything I can to prevent them from ever needing to pay a claim. I park where I am less likely to get door dings. I let the road rage ass hats speed ahead of me. I lock my doors. I don't drive drunk. I stop when I am drowsy on long trips. I don't tailgate.

I try to keep their costs down, and in turn, they try to keep my premiums down. That is how a CONSERVATIVE thinks.

Insurance companies are now adopting my philosophy.

"Don't mess with my discount!"

If only you were in charge of the world, right?

It's called individual responsibility at your own expense or extra labor to keep your home maintained.
You are in charge of doing things not extra responsibilities by gov. or company insurance.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Beat your chest some more and tell us how you will replace the gods because you are so mighty with pride...And when you get old people will spit on your past because you have no heart...Yet you are full of shyt because if a home were built as you specified it would be cost defeating and even you would not be able to afford it...

Not true at all.
What is the square foot cost then?

It all depends on what you build. A 12 bedroom home with a split level pool and an 18 seat movie theater would cost more than a 2 bedroom cottage.

WHATEVER you build, if it dropped your insurance premiums by 90%, would it be worth the investment?

I love how people look at the initial cost, without considering the big picture. This is why Commiefornia covers their roads in asphalt. It is a lot cheaper than concrete, even though they have to repave the asphalt roads every year, endlessly, until the end of time, when a 12" thick concrete road might last 80 years or more.

Shortsightedness and foolish wasting of money is the order of the day.
My insurance premium is $675 (condo insurance) per year. Dropping that 90% would save me approximately $600 per year. How much more will your fireproof home cost? Because I expect to be in this home about 15 more years. That's about $9,000.

Are you claiming you can do your underground cistern and piping and generator and pumps and gas etc. AND maintain all that shit for less than $9,000 over 15 years? Wrong.

Also, that 80 year old concrete road you saved so much money on? 40 years ago it was torn up because it no longer met the needs of the community.

In OKC they had to tear down and relocate a section of I-40 because it became outdated and could no longer handle the traffic and did not serve the community very well.
I did everything the insurance company required me to do when they agreed to insure my property.

I agree with you ... almost 100% !

The insurance company should have visited your home and said, "We are NOT going to insure this home against a fire until these trees are cut back, this brush is removed, and the exterior of the home is either painted with fireproof paint or replaced with fireproof materials. You also need a sprinkler system inside."

They agreed to insure a tinder box in an area that would almost certainly go up in flames, so they are on the hook to build you a NEW tinder box.

However, that does NOT excuse YOU from taking additional steps to reduce their exposure to a loss.

Do you know why I obey the speed limits? It is not because I am afraid of speeding tickets. It is not because "God is watching me."

It is because I APPRECIATE my insurance company having my back in the event of an UNAVOIDABLE accident, so I make a real effort to reduce their exposure to claims by consciously trying to drive as safely as possible whenever I am behind the wheel, or on my motorcycle. If something happens that is beyond my control, they will pay the claim, but I do everything I can to prevent them from ever needing to pay a claim. I park where I am less likely to get door dings. I let the road rage ass hats speed ahead of me. I lock my doors. I don't drive drunk. I stop when I am drowsy on long trips. I don't tailgate.

I try to keep their costs down, and in turn, they try to keep my premiums down. That is how a CONSERVATIVE thinks.

Insurance companies are now adopting my philosophy.

"Don't mess with my discount!"

If only you were in charge of the world, right?

It's called individual responsibility at your own expense or extra labor to keep your home maintained.
You are in charge of doing things not extra responsibilities by gov. or company insurance.

I know, red state nutters want to control every single aspect of every person's life. I know it rankles you that you don't have that power. Bless your heart.

I'm not sure you understand how insurance works. We sign a contract where I agree to pay money and the insurance company agrees to pay for my covered losses. There are rules and regulations we each must follow. That's how it works.

You do not get to insert yourself in the middle of my relationship with my insurance company and insist that I must do extra work that you (apparently) will determine. GFY.
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Oh right, sarcasm. Is that what you're calling Trump's sheer stupidity now, sarcasm?

No, he actually meant for us to go out and sweep the forests.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Oh right, sarcasm. Is that what you're calling Trump's sheer stupidity now, sarcasm?

No, he actually meant for us to go out and sweep the forests.

No the left has never gotten what he's saying.
They have misquoted his meanings and have never been right about what he is saying.
He was saying California stopped underbrush management and needs to start doing it again.
The value is in the land. Postcard views everywhere. The polar opposite of Kensucky

Lol, bull shit.

View attachment 286987 View attachment 286988 View attachment 286989

Okay, maybe if the post card is from Somalia.
Paved roads, something else you don’t see in Kensucky

Not so. As a matter of fact, last time I drove through that state the roads were awesome. 90mph all the way to Tennessee. California on the other hand? You can only go fast on roads the Feds take care of. But if it so good, why is everyone leaving?
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Oh right, sarcasm. Is that what you're calling Trump's sheer stupidity now, sarcasm?

No, he actually meant for us to go out and sweep the forests.

No the left has never gotten what he's saying.
They have misquoted his meanings and have never been right about what he is saying.
He was saying California stopped underbrush management and needs to start doing it again.

This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

They the individuals have to pay for that alternative power supply.

I live in a nutter State who also receive the California winds but not as strong 40 to 50 mile gusts.
We have underground eclectic power cables with power boxes for maintenance.
So we don't have our electric company turning ours off.
This column explains California perfectly...

Nolte: California's Left Utopia Can't Even Keep the Electricity On

As I write this, millions and millions of Californians, who pay outrageously high taxes, are having their electricity cut off for up to a full week because 1) Californian can afford to give illegal aliens free health care and welfare, but not bury power lines, and 2) California can waste untold billions on green energy boondoggles but refuses to upset Mother Earth by implementing proven forest management techniques.

Apparently Mother Earth would rather burn than receive a brush-cut.

Can you imagine not having electricity for five days?

I’m 53-years-old, I’ve lived in rural areas most my life, and the longest I’ve been without power is 14 hours.

Oh, sure, California has all kinds of time and money to welcome, house, feed, educate, and provide for illegal aliens, but look at what is happening to the legal residents of California:

And then there’s the most infuriating part of all this…

Even with these blackouts…

The state is still getting hammered by deadly wildfires.

But great job California, voting in super-majorities of Democrats, so many Democrats they can get away with whatever they wish without any fear of pushback or ever losing electoral power.

You might not have any power for your air conditioner, refrigerator, and baby monitor, but you still gave Democrats unlimited political power.

I've lived in California for decades and I've never had power out for more than a few hours. And lots of us have solar, which makes the blackouts even more minimal.

Californians are clearly made of stronger stuff that red state snowflakes. We can handle a couple of hours without electricity. For fuck's sake, you can't make it a few hours without electricity?

I am a LEGAL resident. Don't work yourself into a heart attack, we are fine. We send more money TO the fed than we receive from the Fed. We are taking care of your sorry stupid red state FAT asses.

And at the same time we are taking care of your lazy selves, we are enjoying beautiful scenery and fine weather. Beaches, mountains, desert, ocean, redwoods, and more!

Except those that need electric for in home medical devises.

I would imagine those folks have this figured out. It's not a new thing in California. It's probably only the stupid red state nutters that would sit there wringing there hands when the power went out. Even though you knew it was gonna happen.

That's a lie. Mandatory blackouts never happened before. Yes, there were brown outs, that happens all over but the state never did anything like this. You are talking out your ass.
It is far worse than it has been in the past, no doubt. But it's not new. Nobody is being surprised by a blackout.
Seems proof of what Trump said about brush fire management California as you made fun of him.
The firefighters said the Regan library is being saved due to their brush fire management.
They bring goats in to eat up all the dead brush every year.

Here's an article from 2001 about using goats in California for brush management. This is not a new thing. Trump wanted us to sweep the forest floor, with rakes and brooms. And vacuum cleaners if you have extra long extension cords.

Using Goats to Prevent Wildfires | Science | Smithsonian

You don't get sarcasms?
He was talking about brush management which Calif can't afford because of their ill conceived social policies.
We're a sanctuary state.
Never mind our homeless and basic government not getting funded properly.
Oh right, sarcasm. Is that what you're calling Trump's sheer stupidity now, sarcasm?

No, he actually meant for us to go out and sweep the forests.

No the left has never gotten what he's saying.
They have misquoted his meanings and have never been right about what he is saying.
He was saying California stopped underbrush management and needs to start doing it again.

If you had a clue you would know that that's exactly what would happen. The forest floor was cleared of brush and deadfall, and then they would burn that area so they could control it. Most of all the other western states do this yearly. There was a time not long ago when fires in California at this time of year were either controlled burns, or so rare that it made national news. These fires are the result of corruption.

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