Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims

Why don't you go find a firefighter and ask him about your brilliant plan? When he stops laughing, he'll tell you that your wet house would simply become a flash-steam oven that cooked anything alive inside the house for the few minutes it would take for all that water to evaporate and the structure consequently burn. A state-wide wildfire is not the same thing as a little grease fire on your stove. Your swimming pool is not going to do jack-shit to delay a hurricane of inferno, dumbass.

Hey dumbass. I'll build a 8' x 8' box wall like this out of regular pine lumber. I will give it a standard fire retardant roof shingle roof. I will make the waterfall as seen in this video. The ENTIRE EXTERIOR WALL AND ROOF of the demo unit will have a sheet of water running down it the entire time a fire is attacking it, just like in this video. We will place it on a hillside and set the brush around it on fire, and if that wall burns, I will give you ten thousand dollars. If it doesn't burn, you give me the money.

You know DAMNED WELL that the water will handle the BTUs of a brushfire, because no matter how hot the water gets, it is INSTANTLY replaced with cooler water from above. Do you know how a car radiator works?

So stop with your inane bullshit, and admit I am right.

All homes built in California have sprinkler systems. In this kind of fire they are useless.

I am not talking about an interior sprinkler system. I am talking about a pump that sucks the water out of the pool at 1500 gallons per minute, DRENCHES the home's exterior, and returns the water to the pool via a channel system for reapplication.

To make the home even MORE fire resistant, a home could have a large tank (or two, or three) of liquid CO2 and a pipe system that runs through the home. When the fire reaches the actual home, a valve can be opened to INFLATE the home with CO2, thereby displacing oxygen. The home will not burn is there is no oxygen to feed the fire. The fire will burn past the home and leave it relatively unscathed.

Meh....let it go. You remind me of that movie "Bridge over the river Kwai"
Let Darwin handle it. They continue to vote for the policies and politicians they want.

They'll just call you an imbecile anyway.

Almost 3 million of them fled California, NewYork and New jersey for Florida due to horrendous taxes, crime, drugs and the excessive cost of living.....then the dumbasses vote for those EXACT SAME policies and type of politicians in the place they landed. The ultimate definition of abject stupidity. It's why everyday now you read of some jackwad dumbasses in Florida. THEY'RE ALL LIBERAL TRANSPLANTS ! by the way....Florida is becoming a liberal cess pool shit hole full of nasty angry people.....just like NY, NJ and CA

As soon as they manage to overturn the decades long Republican Governorship and State Houses, you can BET YOUR LIFE they will introduce a state Tax and every other shit policy that wrecked the states they fled. Then they'll start implementing California style gun laws.
Florida is teetering on becoming the next Leftist massive failure.

Their stupidity is incredible. No wonder the DNC loves em. so easy to manipulate.
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I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.

Climate events are getting much more intense.

Climate change: Extreme weather is getting worse in these 20 places
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


Honda is not used here! Briggs and Straton is the engine of smart people. As for sympathy I have none for anyone in Crapuky.

Why? Both are made in the US.
You've made a bad call.

Believable until typsy added the EPA statement.
Do you know why the Crestline fire got so huge? Most of the trees were killed by the bark beetle. The dead trees should have been cut down to stop the spread. The EPA refused to allow the "natural habitat" of the insect to be removed by Big Logging who would sell the wood and make a profit. Wood from trees infected by the bark beetle is only good for firewood and then only after heat treatment. That doesn't matter. The beetle must be protected.

That's why in 2003 the mountain and the village of Crestline burned.

Do you know why the Crestline fire got so huge?

Santa Ana winds.

Old Fire - Wikipedia
Forest growth out of control and unkempt.

Ignoring facts yet again.
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it marched past you playing Thriller on a pink Sousaphone.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.
You're an idiot.
You've made a bad call.

Believable until typsy added the EPA statement.
Do you know why the Crestline fire got so huge? Most of the trees were killed by the bark beetle. The dead trees should have been cut down to stop the spread. The EPA refused to allow the "natural habitat" of the insect to be removed by Big Logging who would sell the wood and make a profit. Wood from trees infected by the bark beetle is only good for firewood and then only after heat treatment. That doesn't matter. The beetle must be protected.

That's why in 2003 the mountain and the village of Crestline burned.

Do you know why the Crestline fire got so huge?

Santa Ana winds.

Old Fire - Wikipedia
Forest growth out of control and unkempt.
Wild fires aren't forest areas...they are chapparal.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.

You're insane.
Environmentalists sound like this little shit stain all the time... lol

The whole world is affected by climate change, extreme weather all over the place. The climate is dying and we are the ones killing it. To deny climate change is to ignore science. And what's the point, really? Why not take care of the planet whether or not there is such a thing as climate change caused by human actions? It's your home. Do you not take care of your house, where you live and depend on it's security and comfort for you? Why should we destroy the planet? Why not take care of it? Why are you so against taking care of the planet?
You really think a sprinkler is going to stop a miles-wide, raging wildfire, genius?

No. You apparently cannot read simple English. I never even suggested using a "sprinkler." I said water nozzles. They don't use "sprinklers" on the ends of fire hoses ... GENIUS.

I also NEVER said that my idea would stop the fire. I know you want to accuse me of making that statement, otherwise your criticism of me is invalid.

I said a system that DRENCHES a house with water while the fire passes by will save THAT HOUSE.

Is that clear enough for you, GENIUS?

Wow. You skipped a lot of science classes, champ.

You are talking out of your ass. When firemen are at a home spraying it with hoses, it is SAVED. The home next to it burns. What is the difference between firemen with hoses, and an automatic system that drenches the entire exterior surface of the structure?

Pull your head out far enough to take a breath of fresh air and THINK. know nothing about California wildfires....even with the firemen there, if there isn't a cleared area around the house, fire hoses stop nothing.
Little Sympathy for California Fire Victims
They’d say “fuck you” if they were here but they’re trying to save their homes and possessions. So I’ll say it for them: fuck you.

Gosh, imagine if they had taken preventative measures BEFORE the fires arrives. I believe saving their possessions would be a LOT easier.
Such as? If you had lived here like you claimed (ha ha), you'd know that Santa Ana winds will allow fires to jump EIGHT lane highways.
I do feel sympathy for the victims of the fires in Calizuela

But I do not feel sympathy....or rather I despise the people like governor Gavin Newsome ....and all the DemonRats ...all of them from Cali.....starting with Pelousy....all down the list

it seems to me that when Calizuela needs more federal money they light another fire.....

it's not the first time either...

and all the money goes to their own pockets... GOD I hope and pray KARMA will get them too are accusing California of purposely setting fires.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.

Climate events are getting much more intense.

Climate change: Extreme weather is getting worse in these 20 places
There is no extreme weather in California. It's the ssme today as it was 60 years ago.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.

Climate events are getting much more intense.

Climate change: Extreme weather is getting worse in these 20 places
There is no extreme weather in California. It's the ssme today as it was 60 years ago.
There is extreme weather all over the world. California is just one example.
Such as? If you had lived here like you claimed (ha ha), you'd know that Santa Ana winds will allow fires to jump EIGHT lane highways.

For 40 years, moron. 1971-2011

I know all about the Santa Ana winds, the El Nino and the La Nina, etc. I have ridden out several earthquakes. I have struggled through endless miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic.

You may THINK you are clever by implying that I have not lived there as I have claimed, but that just makes you another one of those idiotic asshole liberals who believes that a FACT can only BE a fact when a liberal believes it. know nothing about California wildfires....even with the firemen there, if there isn't a cleared area around the house, fire hoses stop nothing.

Which is WHY I said, the firemen CHOOSE which homes they will save. The choice is made by how much work the homeowner has done prior to the fire, to minimize the fuel directly around the home. Homes that have thick growth around them are left to burn, while homes that have cleared away the fuel from the home's exterior are saved.

STFU until you have something intelligent to add to the conversation.
I'm sorry, but if I was ever going to build a ($x??) million dollar home in the hills of California, I THINK I would spend another ten or twenty thousand or so on preventative measures against brush fires.

These fires are an annual event, and not at all surprising. What IS surprising, is how little the homeowners have done to prevent their homes from burning to the ground.

I see these lots along the sculpted streets of SoCal, and all of the homes are burned to the ground. In the back yards of these homes are reflection pools, HUGE swimming pools full of water, that reain after the fires burn out. They build the expensive homes, and the beautiful reflection pools, but they NEVER think ahead, to plumb in a sprinkler system that can DRENCH the home with pool water at the moment the fire wall approaches and burns past the house.

It boggles my mind, to think that any architect would design a home with a 50,000 gallon pool in the yard, and NOT have some way to use that water to fight a fire. We are only talking about a $500.00 Honda gas powered water pump and some steel piping, after all.

Does this make ANY sense?


What doesn't make any sense is to reject that the reason for all these fires is climate. Yes, some brush fires have always been annual events, but in the past few years, fires in California have increased 500 percent...due to climate change. Don't go off on a tangent against residents and deny climate change.
Climate change is a hoax. There is Nothing about the climate today that wasn't there 50 or more years ago.

Climate events are getting much more intense.

Climate change: Extreme weather is getting worse in these 20 places

There is no extreme weather in California. It's the ssme today as it was 60 years ago.


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